Story time

Story time.

> Move to America with my wife and son (he is 2) who are both American citizens.
> Waiting for immigration papers etc.
> They never come and we call the office plenty of times over a period of 3 months
> It results in my current visa being expired
> Can't get new visa or change immigration status
> Because we haven't got the papers yet
> Gets the papers so we can go file it
> Before we get the chance to schedule a meeting at the immigration office
> Homeland security comes knocking our door
> Asks us to come in for a meeting the day after so our situation can get resolved
> We think great, finally our stuff can get solved
> It's a trap
> Flash forward till next day
> Goes into the homeland security offices for our meeting
> They tell us they're going to deport me because I over stayed my visa, but all because we didn't get our immigration papers in time
> They arrest me and just have my wife and son leave
> Sends me to the shittiest jail in Missouri (ranked worst jail in 6 states) for a month.
> Don't allow me to talk with laywer or get to court, basically they avoid every legal thing they can and even avoids our lawyer and counselor
> Deports me before we get the chance to go through court or anything
> Flash forward 4 months
> It's Christmas eve and I'm alone
> Not with my wife or my son
> Miss them more than anything
> Mental stress and depression
> Literally dying from it
> High blood pressure, close to emergency levels
> Been to the doctor for it
> So I hope you all have a great Christmas because mine is the worst I've ever had


I'm from Europe and not a mexicuck

Ask me anything.

Pic unrelated.

Also a side note.

I'm banned for ten years for coming back to the U.S., because I've been deported.

If you cant go to your family get the family to where you are. Keep trying and dont let your loved ones go! Your child has to grow up with a father or he will end up as a failure.

Also, where in Europe are you from?

Denmark and immigration is even stricter here and has failed us twice which is why we wanted to live there, but we got fucked right up.

And where are you from originally?

from which country are you >


>I'm from Europe and not a mexicuck
turkey isn't europe
you have to go back

good riddance, filthy yurocucks.

Haha were full spacenigger.


what kind of euro fag would want to live in the states?

I'm white and not a filthy kebab goat

and your nationality is ? so from which countries do you have a passport ?

One who has an American wife and son and unable to get them visa for his own country because immigration laws are stricter than anything else

I'm Danish, so is my passport and I'm born in Denmark. How retarded are you?

Dude I'm sorry, I've lived here my whole life and honestly I wouldn't put it past those fucking scumbag assholes to do that to you. Your best bet is to have them move to your country because America is fucking garbage. I've been trying to leave for the past 3 years because I literally can't deal with its bull shit fuckery anymore. The government tries to fuck us over any chance they get. I'm just a normal citizen, the worst thing I've ever don't was get in a car accident.

Stay positive man, I know it's hard but look at all your options. Personally I'd invite them to your home country.

Don’t worry user I hope you’ll get it solved just be happy my man, life’s shitty but it’ll solve itself soon. Merry Christmas as shitty as it might be

If you're married to your American wife, wouldn't that make you a citizen?

I call bullshit, simply because there is no fucking way that this only lasted a month to get you in this, and the no lawyer thing.

Let me guess? Phelps county Missouri right?

you are some arab kebab or turk... must be.

Why did you have issues with Danish immigration being strict if you're a native Dane? That's why I asked originally

It says he was waiting on the papers but they never came

Why did you come here honestly though? Even my mom was arrested and sent to prison before realizing that i was born in the US and the papers were filed eventually. This country is literally a husk of itself; filled with many different colors lf shitskins, loyal to death patriots and guilt ridden faggot whites, whom are okay with getting rid of themselves and any other generation after them

Sorry mate, no one deserves to be alone on Christmas especially with out your fucking wife. I'll have a drink for you

nvm read oh well breh, sucks, but thats life, merry xmas

are you white though?


Denmark is FULL with black people muslims and other shitskins... no way this is true..

>hates home country
>been trying to leave for 3 years
>can't expatriate because you're a worthless human.

You can go to Mexico for free dude. But I'm sure your life will sick no matter where you go. Beggars can't be choosers

The no lawyer thing is common. They aren't being charged with crimes, they are being detained and deported.

Guess you should have married a woman from your shithole and stayed where you belong in the first place. Why is it people think we owe them a life here?

Proof here.

Because asylum is okay, but legit immigration isn't. Literally we have news articles about people deported when being here legal all the time

I'm really not worthless, I contribute to society plenty. Probably more than you

And Mexico is no better of an option.

Sorry bro, you own fault for wanting to move to a 2nd world country

It's not whether anyone owe us a life there. It's the fact we had all our papers in order, but they just didn't send them in time to us, so we're punished for a mistake the government did and if you did use your retarded brain you'd know my wife and son is American so it's not that anyone owes us a life there, but it's pretty damn humanly right for a family to be together.

Again I wouldn't put it past the scumbags to do that to you, on their behalf I'm very sorry.

Yes. I'm not mad at America or anything and you shouldn't be sorry on their behalf.

Most people I've met there were genuinely the nicest people I've met.

>Don't allow me to talk with laywer or get to court, basically they avoid every legal thing they can and even avoids our lawyer and counselor
Your constitutional rights have been violated and you should seek the advice of an attorney.

Do you even have brains? His wife and kid wouldn’t be able to get there because of same reasons.

Name those rights. And then I will tell you why you're a dumbass.

Indeed, but can't do anything when they deported me before we had the chance.

All we can do is appeal the ban with a waiver, but takes at least a year

We don't care.

In all criminal proceedings you have the right to an attorney, this includes immigration crimes like overstaying a visa.

Maybe not and couldn't give a rat's ass about who cares. I just needed to rant.

The fact that your wife and son are American is my whole fucking point. If you kept to your own you wouldn't be crying here.

No one put a gun to your head and make you knock up a chick from another country. The U.S. government did make this mess. You and your wife did. Then you hung all your hopes on a government bureaucracy. You're not owed a place here just because you shit out a kid.

He wasn't charged with a crime. He was detained for deportation.

And I never claimed that.

We went through the whole process we had to.

If you weren't an ignorant fuck and could read you'd know it was all because we didn't get our papers in time, which in no way can be our fault.

Are you retarded? Fucking autistic fuck, go back to jerking off to mlp and your shitty cuck porn.

Yours is actually a more rare case. A lot of people fall through the cracks and never get noticed. By trying to be so to the letter and by the books you likely just put yourself in the cross hairs. There are millions of people here that never get deported,but they don't bother filing for visas and renewing them. They just exist and nobody notices.

You're still entitled to the advice of a lawyer. I'm surprised that you need this explained to you, unless of course you went to public school, in which case you're exactly as stupid as I predicted.

that's what you get for being a fucking retard, not knowing what the rules are, and assuming things are just going be OK.

No, you are a parent, you have to be responsible, But because you were an idiot and did not clarify your situation and wait for proper documentation, you probably ruined your family because you probably will never be allowed here again.

It's too bad you had to be put with the niggers but this is all your own fault, you god damn moron.

Fuck off we're full.
Take your fucking halfbreed downie child back to denmark with you.
We don't want anymore immigrants. I don't care how white you think you are.
We're fucking tired of immigrant shit.

Dick head. I fucking read your bullshit, it just doesn't matter. You decided to have a kid with an American before securing your right to live here permanently. Just because you want to stay here doesn't mean you get to stay here. Maybe your even telling the truth about yuour paperwork. It's not like that kinda thing is new here. Jesus read up on the process some before you try it.

Congrats on fucking your kid out of a dad though because you can't be bothered to do shit in the right order.

you really think other racist white people will sympathize with you?

he has no rights because he is not a citizen, and because he violated the law he is a felon foreign alien, and will be treated as such.

Obviously you are not since he wasn't allowed to see a lawyer or contest his deportation.

OP's mistake is he went to immigration to try to do the right thing, so they nab him in order to give inflate their numbers so Trump can brag to his idiot base.

Go to Poland or Hungary. That's the only proper place left in Europe for good men.


>I'm from Europe and not a mexicuck
Como si esta diferencia sería trascendente.

>he has no rights because he is not a citizen
The Supreme Court has ruled on multiple occasions going all the way back to the 1800s that Constitutional protections are extended to noncitizens, such as resident aliens or even people living abroad who are in proceedings with the U.S. government. Moronic statements like yours make me glad I send my kids to private school, so they won't end up stupid like you public school cattle.

Yeah. It's sad that doing it the right way is more punishing than if we had just skipped the whole process

OP, America is a fascist hell hole. I'm sure you don't need telling about how their immigration policy is just the tip of the iceberg.

Convince your wife to leave to Europtopia

Yeah I'm sure the couple thousand eurocucks, are gonna really drive those numbers up compared to the half a million Mexicans detained at the boarder or shipped back.

>their immigration policy is just the tip of the iceberg.
The US has the most lax immigration policies on the entire fucking planet mate.

Did you try to talk to your embassy ?

Ask danish foreign affairs, they may be able to advise you.
If your right to contact an lawyer or your ambassy were not enforced, you definitely should contact your foreign affairs service.

The immigration authorities as of late have adopted a habit of grossly violating the rights of anybody they deal with. They're actually getting sued for it in several states. OP should look into being a party to those lawsuits.

you spelt "poverty" wrong

Dude you're gagging on bait. Do you even know where you are?

have fun alone in europostan.

>shouldn't have hit each other with dildos (Seriously)

There are several bans on deportation. Ten years is the worst, reserved for felons and people who got caught saying mean things about God-Emperor Donald the First. What did you do?

implying they tell you what race they people the deport are, or whether they commit crimes, or anything.

You're such a naive idiot. Fitting the stereotype like a pencil dick in a fag's ass

That will solve everything I'm sure.


Our lawyer wants to file a lawsuit once I'm back.

We have emails and recorded phone calls to prove their violation

Part of Turkey is in Europe, the other part is in Asia. No geography classes where you live?

it's the least he can do

or he can sit still like a little bitch and take it

It would certainly be more productive than OP sitting with his thumb up his ass for a decade.

You kinda deserved this for not fully researching the law and how to avoid this mess in the first place

lolwut, no its not. Its one of the most stringent in the world you numpty

part of a roach is up in the air
Doesn't make it a fucking bird.

Go back to the shithole you belong to.

Stayed home, following the laws I was supposed to and took care of our son as I wasn't allowed to work and we tried to follow immigration laws as much as possible

>>be strong American wymen
>>married and got pregnant by a good looking european nazi so kids look good
>>tired of his shit, always trying to prove his superiority by being a gentleman, thinks men are better than women, is not a liberal and doesn't like refugees
>>i want to sleep around
>>need to find a way to get rid of him in a way that doesn't make me look bad
>>file papers to get him a green card because we are married, so he can stay here past his visa
>>file it into the trash
>>he gets concerned that there was no letter from Homeland Security
>>he thinks there's been a mistake
>>ICE comes by and disposes of my problem for free
>>now I can claim benefits and fuck a nigger
>>everyone thinks I am such a poor woman, get free food, rent, child support from the government
>>living the life

This is what actually happened

Parte de mí espera que esta historia sea real, maldita gente de mierda que creé que éstos problemas no les afectan por que son blancos. Me cago en sus muertos, y en todos los que votaron por el imbécil naranja.

your analogy satan is actually pretty shit. all of you poltards such idiots and gnatbrains, it's quite funny.

If that was the case then why'd she not just let me rot up after instead spending thousands of dollars afterwards.

This shows how clueless and stupid you really are.

This is the part of your story that doesn't ring true. As a matter of international law, ensuring that families stay together is a humanitarian mandate. The only acceptable exception is if the foreigner in question were persona non grata for some legally sufficient reason.

No. He'll piss away money on a lawyer and get nothing in return. But at least his wife can tell him about all the cock she's getting on the side.

what are you like, an anchor daddy?

You think because you were born in Europe it protects you from the law? No you are trash like everyone else

We did research it all and everything was due to the government not sending us our immigration papers in time. Not because we didn't follow the procedure like we were supposed to

i dont understand, they're married. shouldnt they get citizenship?

>2nd world country
You're talking about the old satellite states of the former Soviet Union. Really, son, stop with the nonsense.

Why doesn't she try and emigrate to europe instead? You know America is the worst "developed" nation, right?


>he has no rights because he is not a citizen
Only MuriKKKans can be this fucking ignorant.

Liberal/leftist fanfic

Yeah. No mexican would be stupid enough to get caught like that

Boom viva la raza, bitch

No. There is no such thing as automatic citizenship because you get married. It worked like that in the past, but no within the past 10+ years

Considering where OP is and where he would like to be it would seem he does have no rights in the case.