What do Spanish anons think of Britain? Do you hate us because of Gibraltar and our history of enmity?
What do Spanish anons think of Britain? Do you hate us because of Gibraltar and our history of enmity?
Bitch, don't take banter for RL opinions. We love you guys and we truly couldn't care less about Gibraltar or about how we utterly humiliated you in the War of Jenkin's Ear.
I was practically raised on subtitled reruns of Alló Alló, Black Adder and Monty Python's Flying Circus, m8.
I'm more afraid of losing you with all those Muslims. A if Brexit fails... it's over for you.
Spain leach from the EU so this nation is dead as it is, but Britain still has a chance.
>Alló Alló, Black Adder and Monty Python's Flying Circus
Truly the golden age of British Comedy.
Asspain can't handle the Bantz
>What do Spanish anons think of Britain?
I think it is a shithole with ugly landwhale women cuck men fried food and bad teeth.
>Do you hate us because of Gibraltar and our history of enmity?
Partially this but it mostly is the fact that you build your civilzation on apartheid and genocide while the spanish had no problem with mixing with the natives.
What bantz?
Most of us here fly under the radar, we dont want to become another memecountry such as Sweden or India.
But you beady eyed anglo motherfuckers like to bait us with monkey rock, and that sucks.
None here gives a shit about Gibraltar honestly
I like the fact that you have Gibraltar because it ravages leftists assholes since it's a tax haven and the socialist Andalucia deserves to get fucked by it.
And I've never been to Britain, but I know a few British people here and they're alright.
>that pic
Gibraltar español is a meme
I speak only for myself, but I don't like your country at all. It has always seemed to me as degenerate, anti-human and cheating.
As for the people itself, they're alright I guess, there's all sorts of people like everywhere else, though I've noticed one thing: on the internet, the most "amoral" people I've encountered, the ones without any kind of standards in their behavior and pattern of thought, are most of the time British.
But your fishing grounds isnt
Who the hell are you?
>america talking shit about how other people can't handle bantz
>the ones without any kind of standards in their behavior and pattern of thought, are most of the time British.
That is probably the nicest compliment I have ever read on here.
Thank you!
>insulting anyones food
Surely you forgive the whole Gibraltar thing with our offering of young whores in Palma Nova and Magaluf?
Also, I admire you and Italy's ability to do anything necessary to win a football game.
British tourists make you look like dindus, normal Brits are bretty nice. London is hell. Brit /lit/ is God-tier, but Brit food is terrible. And from the Sup Forums posters best /sci/ related posts and living proof that natural selection exists, as you confined your shitposing communities into Canada and Australia.
7/10. Not 8 becuase the Eternal Anglo meme is somewhat true.
i visited london in 2006 and the city was infested with pakis and niggers... i can only lol at how your country sucks multiculti dicks
we hate you but we really dont like to see you totally destroyed, i mean get your shitskins together for fucks sake, less cheap alcohol in magaluf and more care for your people
tbf Spain is like the dumping ground for dindu Brits looking for 'exotic' locales. I hate those types too.
All of the classy British tourists either go to Italy and Germany or outside of Europe.
Generally good people. Better than the French.
> Gibraltar
No one cares about Gibraltar aside a few idiots.
>our history of enmity
The past is the past.
>London = Entire UK
Hey man that's so cool, it's awesome, really, this is an amazing poist. I just told my family about your epic meme, everyone was amazed and they all asked me to congratulate you in their place, knowing they would never have the opportunity to personally congratulate someone as awesome as yourself. In Christmas we are going to tell even the most unrelated parents about your amazing post, and everyone will be happy to hear it. I also told some friends about this epic meme, and they did not believe me when I said I knew the person who made such an epic maymay. They all said they would honor your legacy to last a thousand years. When my neighbors came to know they were all shocked, and said they wanted to meet you in person. They said that, if you have the time, of course, they would be fulfilled to be visited by your grace, just so they can shake hands with your heighness, the meme master. With the knowledge of your post, people all arround the world are holding parties to celebrate your magnificence. Zeppelins and balloons fly with your face printed on them. Several streets and even cities are being renamed with your name. A famous businessman announced he wanted to hire you so you could give motivational speeches to his employees and make people work with as much energy as you create memes. You're not only famous on Sup Forums, the whole internet has come to praise your epicness. Even tumblr, 9gag and reddit stopped insulting Sup Forums after this incident, and now they all bow to us because we made possible for you to share your masterpiece with the rest of the world. Even Facebook and Twitter are now flooding Sup Forums with newfags, and they all want to see you, the one user who made this post. ISIS has disbanded and global CO emissions are being revised because everyone wants to live in a world where people can appreciate your post. Please keep being this awesome, wonderful, marvellous, beautiful and unique person that you are so we can all live in a better world.
Sorry for my French flag. My internet is fucked up.
>move to england
>can't handle the bantz
If Spain was to bomb Magaluf to ashes during summertime I wouldn't hold it against them.
Heck, I'd even donate some money and help reconstruction myself.
>Partially this but it mostly is the fact that you build your civilzation on apartheid and genocide while the spanish had no problem with mixing with the natives.
Is that why all your colonies are so successful?
This lel.
No one hates the Spanish here?
You're our best retirement and party country.
why is spain so broke? it has culture, history, nice beaches, weather beaches, women, football!
doesnt make sense desu
Invested all its money in a housing market, which then collapsed.
Also tied to the ECB, cannot control its own currency because it doesn't have its own currency.
Much like Ireland, the pair of you have a lot in common in regards to being failures of humanity.
Yes, of course: USA, Straya, New Zealand, Portugal, Canada and basically all of our ex-colonies.
How many indians from north america are left? Yes, none. The few that are left live in fucking reserves.
Then look central and south america and tell me if they look like spaniards/europeans. Just a few, the mixed criollos.
Anyways, the history says that Spain slaughtered entire civilizations so lets believe it. Just search about Leyes de Indias.
People believe that bullshit when they already have the solution in front of his eyes. Britain slaughtered all north america and no one says shit about it. Hurr durr spain so bad
London is pretty much a different country. Don't worry, we all hate it too.
>Britain slaughtered all north america and no one says shit about it.
Britain actually didn't, Britain formed an alliance with many of the Native Americans and even protected their lands when George Washington wanted to expand.
So this myth can be killed right here and right now.
Our empire was nice, we didn't pour molten gold down Inca people's throats.
>Britain slaughtered all north america
Not really true. True, a fuckton of them died when the Brits first arrived due to disease, but the British never adopted an exterminatory policy. The Brits even worked with the Indians to drive the burgers out once they declared independence.
Compare that to the work done by Cortes and Columbus, both funded by the Spanish crown.
Alhambra decree...
>"The butchery began with Columbus. He slaughtered the native people of Hispaniola (now Haiti and the Dominican Republic) by unimaginably brutal means. His soldiers tore babies from their mothers and dashed their heads against rocks. They fed their dogs on living children. On one occasion they hung 13 Indians in honour of Christ and the 12 disciples, on a gibbet just low enough for their toes to touch the ground, then disembowelled them and burnt them alive. Columbus ordered all the native people to deliver a certain amount of gold every three months; anyone who failed had his hands cut off. By 1535 the native population of Hispaniola had fallen from 8m to zero: partly as a result of disease, partly as a result of murder, overwork and starvation.
The conquistadores spread this civilising mission across central and south America. When they failed to reveal where their mythical treasures were hidden, the indigenous people were flogged, hanged, drowned, dismembered, ripped apart by dogs, buried alive or burnt. The soldiers cut off women’s breasts, sent people back to their villages with their severed hands and noses hung round their necks and hunted Indians with their dogs for sport. But most were killed by enslavement and disease. The Spanish discovered that it was cheaper to work Indians to death and replace them than to keep them alive: the life expectancy in their mines and plantations was three to four months. Within a century of their arrival, around 95% of the population of South and Central America had been destroyed."
Amen, I wouldn't even care about the financial implications if London voted to became a city state like Singapore.
To be clear, the Alhambra decree is not related to the text below.
Most of it has been confused with Pontiacs rebellion.
But not many died in that.
England had already established a trading relationship and friendship with the Natives before the Mayflower sailed for the new world.
>Cuck men
Your men are even worse, you fucking white male
You're spot on, on how ugly we are though.
>racemixing is good
This is when you went cuck tier, like the rest of Americans
>Non British person writing
>You're spot on, on how ugly we are though.
Our women are hideous I agree, but our men are sexy fuckers.
Well, the disease happened too with the spanish in south america. And Spain worked too and made alliances with natives. Just search about it man, dont make the black legend think for you.
They were basically the same empires, only difference was that in south and central america there were whole civilizations killing each others in endless wars. North was easy tbqh.
Both empires commited genocides when they were attacked, or do you think that Britain didnt defence themselves, they just colonized with flowers and kisses?
I couldn't give less fucks about Gibraltar even if I tried, user. I'm concerned about those muslims you adquired recently tho. Let me tell you as someone who had those once, they're not as nice as they sound.
We like you more than Germans
senpai we aren't denying that the British committed war crimes, cause they fucking did and everyone here knows that.
What we're arguing against is the accusation that Britain purposefully exterminated natives in North America, which they didn't do.
We're even worse
I'm just waiting for someone to name one government authorised "genocide" of the British empire, that isn't a famine or a crazy Irish army general going mad with power (Boer wars, Amritsar Massacre).
Famines are not genocides so they don't count.
Tasmanian genocide? Wasn't authorised nor was it a policy of the government, punishments were issued to those responsible, apologies have been made.
I don't deny war, war is dirty, don't start or provoke a war and then bitch when we cull your numbers down, like the Ethiopians have and the Zulus have.
Spanish girls love my big, white, anglo-saxon cock
how does that make you feel?
ive never had a pleasant experience with a spaniard irl
them and the french seem to have a general dislike for us because we dont want to speak your stupid bullshit languages
Nah, we're sex on legs. You might be some basement dwelling virgin omega level ugly.
I'm not though sweetheart, I'm of homosex and therefore automatically beautiful.
So suck on that one.
Do you even consider that the spanish and the british were totally different cultures back then? If we were brutal was because we had to fought like 400 years to reconquest our country, town by town, city by city, mountain by mountain against a force that was bigger than us in every aspect.
If we see with our XXI century minds what Spanish, Portuguese, British and French did back then, all of them are bad.
we did nothing wrong, it was our god given right
So what? your food is on level with curry.
You killed all the indians off while the spaniards took them as wife's you are at a lower level plus you are inbred.
I am a puerto rican not a white male muhammad.
fewer sandniggers here. fact.
>You killed all the indians
But we didn't though you retarded Haitian cunt.
>stupid bullshit languages
Might be your attitude m8, have you considered that?
Go back to school and learn geography you dumbass puerto rico ain't fucking haiti plus you only just killed a good portion of them and left the rest to die of your diseases.
stay mad, cucky
I'm literally the opposite to a basement dweller, omega, whatever the fuck.
The reason why foreign women love us British men, is because we're loud and on the extroverted side, unlike some boring swedecuck.
Women love attention, and when they're with someone who creates attention, they get attention, and they love it.
If you want even more pussy, then get your arse do we to Southern California. Women there love chav types exclusively.
Even my 5'5ft m8, jacket, had hus hands down some part time models knickers.
I echo the same sentiments, we were all awful but it was 500 years ago so who gives a shit.
Same. The city I'm in is fucking FULL of Spanish immigrants and they're rude, arrogant, cocky and clandestinely shit-talk England and the people they're around in their rat language. It's beyond them that a lot of people here speak numerous languages, they try to be all jokey and matey when you call them out on their shit but I don't give them the leeway. Fuck Spain.
Go back to your anime pillow angloboy.
You are so wrong. Leftists give -100/10 shits about Gibraltar, the only one's angry about it are exalted nationalists.
when I go interpals my inbox FLOODS with nudes from latinas, think about that next time you're crying in the shower over your short brown cock
Cmon man, no one of us gives a shit about Gibraltar. Maybe only near cities.
I couldn't give less of a shit about Gibraltar, most leftists here don't care at all and see that as smoke-screens from the right-wing (PP).
I love Britain. Since I know english I've had access to many of the pop culture of the last 50 years there and it's really interesting to me.
You are pretty pathetic when you come here on vacation tho.
Only homosexuals would have a fantasy like that since you seriously just had to think me starring at my penis in the shower. Come on man you are not even trying to hide it.
Also nudes mean nothing unless you can prove you have them.
>War crimes
I'll freely admit I don't know a thing about history, but this term really bugs me. Everything should go in a war. If you have the power to completely genocide an enemy, you fucking should if you want to, it's a fucking war. Yeah sure the civilians didn't have any say in starting the war or whatever, and maybe you just attacked unprovoked to take their shit, but that's your call and if you want to use your power to eradicate an entire people, do it. Just like I wish we would do with muslims already.
Which are in turn mostly caused due to a long history of very destructive civil wars. If I'm not mistaken, Spain is the country with the most civil wars in its history.
You could say our passion doesn't mix well with politics.
Spain is alright
Terrible bait and trolling attempt. You do not have anything against Spain or Spaniards.
Keep that cuck out of this conversation.
I'm half Spanish (my Mum comes from Bilbao), I've noticed that Northern Spanish are more friendly with us than Middle and Southern Spanish. Catalans are fucking pricks though, fuck em
Yes, they do.
That happened because the spanish royal family allied themselves with napolean in exchange of promises of power and then got us all fucked once the french backstabbed the hell out of them.
Gibraltar is a reminder of their stupidity. They should build a monument there showing the french pillaging their churches (yes they are thieves) and the british fucking spanish housewives.
>Want to hear something funny? Thats what caused brazil to exist. Im not even joking.
Fine by me. We had our history and therefore banter on Sup Forums is pretty on point as well -even if I really rage a little sometimes, but I like it when you make my blood boil anyways-. Aroused passions is the only way to feel.
Truly I like you the most out of our european friendos. Your wit and comedy is so in line with most of the spaniard chipset (at least here in the NW) of glorifying failure in the quest for dignity that I can't believe our long enmity. I guess there can be only one of each kind in the classroom and we were easier to handle but we know you and don't bite on your uppity outer appearance.
Plus all you islanders are the only ones that can keep up with our fiesta or at least die trying. It's genuinely sad when I go visit London, Bristol and so on these days. I remember going there when I was a kid in late 80s/90s and everything was so comfy, I think I felt home.
Regards from Santiago de Compostela and shootout to my Irish mates as well. At least they aren't fukin protestants bongs.
So many Sup Forumsacks in Santiago de Compostela
Santiago rightful Portuguese clay
>beady eyed anglo men
At least my country isn't a tumour.
I lived near portsmouth for a year.
I went to a school named churchers college, that shit was hogwarts tier.
Made a lot of english friends, played rugby in the town team aswell as in the school one. Couldnt get enough of wrecking the other team. I guess thats why we always slaughtered you in land battles you weak achmeds. I have a pretty good opinion overall but your youth is fucked.
+ i lost my virginity to a blond english qt
As they said "shit was cash".
Pd. Gibraltar español.
how about you get the fuck out off my country, ricky? everybody knows PR's are the faggiest latinos by a long shot. go suck some dick on your shitty little island like you know you want to.
Yes, I really don't know why :^).
Fuck off, take your brain-washed-back-stabbed-oldest-ally friend with you and come get it m8.
Its my country too you inbred hick you gave me my people us citizenship in 1917 but complain that we come here. Also we are more abusive then homosexual we are more likely to lay our hands on disrespectful chicks then just take it like a white.
Neither is mine. Our borders were defined before yours.
>get rekted chestnuts
Thats because Madrid spreads cancer to the rest of the regions.
I didnt knew of all this hate between our country and yours.
Ive always seen you as iberian brothers
And we are, that guy is just talking shit.
Literally all Spanish Kingoms have borders older than yours. You're just an offshot of León. Also the original Spanish Kingdom covered all the Peninsula until 711. In 729 we started the Reconquista in Asturias and everything down bellow is legitimately Spanish clay. While we were forging catholic unity you run after the heretic anglo to preserve your little medieval kingdom, betraying Hispanity in its more crucial time.
I like Portugal. They're bros, but they've never been good to us. Also I agree with him it's mainly fault of Madrid. Madrid should be nuked.
Fun fact - my great uncle was governor of Gibraltar in the 1960s (Gerald Lathbury). The British government ordered him to hold a referendum on whether to go with Spain or stay with the UK, and to make sure the pro-Spanish side got at least 30%. This was because the Americans were putting pressure on Britain to give Gibraltar back, so Spain could join Nato after Franco was dead. My great uncle agreed to hold the referendum but refused to rig the result, and the pro-British side won with over 99% of the vote. They made sure he never worked again.
fucking Yanks on their "anti-imperialism" crusade. We have just as much to thank them for cucking us into oblivion as we do our own retarded politicians
Sorry but it sounds like bullshite
I'll hook you right in the gobber you cheeky cunt.