Why does Sup Forums hate the only pagan civilization that has survived Islam, Christianity and Communism?
The Last Pagan Civilization
Sup Forums is degenerate with no respect for tradition.
I don't hate Indians.
I don't hate India at all. I think they're funny and really hard working and they have a very good attitude towards life. They may be unhygenic but they're nice people as long as they're from those traditional southern parts and not the northern pakistani cunts.
They are the oldest surviving civilization and I respect them for that, definitely.
Where do I start.... Drinking cows piss maybe? Oh, making older ladies know they should kill themselves after their husband died? Hate of dogs (even fucking Hare Krishna guys, supposed mode of goodness champions hardly hide their dislike to dogs). Treating women as a second category citizens (oh, women are just weak like children and need to be protected bullshit)? Why not throw away the good (admittedly the Hindu holy scriptures are so much more sophisticated than Abrahamic pathetic writings) with ridiculous bad and be a fucking atheist or an agnostic as the rest of us /shrug
Because paganism is heresy, user.
Poo in the loo is just way to good to not make fun of. And India has a lot of catching up if they really want to be taken seriously as a superpower. But they definitly have a lot of good things going on for them.
Because it's literally Poo: the religion
Encouraging animals to roam around the city and shitting it up has always been a terrible idea
>designated shitting streets
Thanks op
Hinduism has so much to offer
>ayurved medicine (no side effects compared to western medicine)
>Vedic astrology
>tantra (magick)
>mantras (sounds that can provide so many benefits)
>timeline jumping
>hermetic principles
and so much more, you can learn every secret of life through the Vedas and hindu knowledge, unlike other religions that want to hide everything and call it satanic.
Hello Kashmiri Muslim.
Long time no see.
That's not me breh
>ayurved medicine (no effects compared to western medicine)
>Why does Sup Forums hate the only pagan civilization that has survived Islam, Christianity and Communism?
what is japan?
what is bhutan?
Countries that aren't pagan.
I don't hate India. Makes for some bretty gud entertainment, tho.
Because "pagan" isn't a good thing.
>le christianity destroyed muh heritage :(((
Eat shit.
Pagan is meme tier nonsense. And even if it wasn't, Indian paganism is worse than Greek or Norse.
Most of Sup Forums doesn't hate India but the Poo meme is too enticing for most anons to resist using it
Ayerveda is good but studies have shown much of the stuff sold as Ayerveda have toxic levels of heavy metals. I don't doubt if you go to a professional who obtains the raw materials themselves then its safe but its a serious problem
what are you trying to imply with that post?
Christians saved the Hindus actually, if not for the British all of India would be Muslim now. I also get the impression not many people in India take Hinduism seriously as much as they sued to.
I'm trying to imply that the new "le christianity is le SJW universalism and destroyed muh heritage :(((" maymay is autistic and delusional and completely ignores the actual history of Christianity. If you were with Christians in Ireland in the 7th century and then met Christians in China in the 7th century you'd think they were two entirely different religions at first.
SJWism is Protestantism and universalism is Islam. Neither ideologies have anything to do with Christianity.
Forgot pic, here's an ancient runestone where Jesus hangs on Yggdrasil.
>timeline jumping
C-can we go back and kill Marx? And the Rothschilds?
I don't hate Indians, I just hate they fucking polluted their country to the point where I don't wanna visit
>Drinking cows piss maybe?
Nobody drinks cowpiss. They sometimes use sprinkle it i think in the yard to ward off evil or some Hindu superstition like that. People in the west eat Bull's penis and testicles.
>Oh, making older ladies know they should kill themselves after their husband died?
Illegal since 19th century.
>Hate of dogs
That's China. I have 3 dogs.
>Treating women as a second category citizens
We have more women's representation in the parliament than your home.
>Why not throw away the good (admittedly the Hindu holy scriptures are so much more sophisticated than Abrahamic pathetic writings)
Pure nonsense. Hindu scriptures just as full of fanaticism. Plus i thought you hated Hinduism. Cowpiss and all.
YOU KNOW NOTHING LEAF. You contradicted yourself in under 5 sentences.
What's your favorite Kurosawa film?
what the FUCK are you on about?
I hate the ones that post on Sup Forums because they're rich assholes with absolutely no self awareness. Other than that they're pretty funny. Also who gives a shit about paganism
>timeline jumping
I want to kill Peron
>I, as the Sup Forums ambassador, think I speak for the majority as I assert my opinion
The Mughal Empire was already defeated and greatly reduced in area and influence by the time Europeans applied colonial companies to start annexing territory. The Hindus had thrown off Muslim rule several times in the centuries Arabs had tried to conquer it.
Poo in loo
>you can learn every secret of life through the Vedas and hindu knowledge
it's a shame you can't learn how to use toilets
I never hated them. Generally nice people, intact ethnic religion, strong allies against Islam. Hygiene can be fixed.
Sup Forums is not one person though
>Drinking cow piss
It is as much of a meme to me as it is to you. Ive never seen or heard of anybody doing that. Maybe some slum dwelling hyper religious turbo retard who's an actual street shitter would do that. But definitely after thinking about it twice.
>making older ladies..
Jeez, its another "i'll pull things out of my ass and i have no idea what im talking about" post. What you're talking about is the practice of 'Sati'. It was a barbaric and ancient indian tradition in which widows were burnt on their husbands cremation.
Only a few castes performed it. But, it was abolished by the British back in the 19th century. There have been exactly Zero cases of this shit ever happening anywhere. You bringing this point up is equivalent to a moron claiming witch hunts and burning women alive on stakes is still a popular practice in Europe.
>Hate of dogs
Stray domestic animals like cows and dogs on the street are a huge fucking elephant in the room. Nobody hates dogs. In fact, we might not have streets full of shit but they are definitely full of dogs. Even good neighbourhoods have at least 2-3 stray mongrels that the whole colony gets to be familiar with. And some households even build shelters for them and provide them with food. Animal abuse is frowned upon everywhere.
>Treating women as second category citizens
Libtards and women here emulate people in the west, especially the US, and liberal degeneracy is spreading here too. Women are given rights and support as much as anywhere else. Uneducated women, the kind you wouldn't want to associate with anyway get beaten and raped often though (or thats what i think after reading all those bestgore articles). I wish women didnt have rights and couldnt vote, though. If you want to save the west, you should be wishing the same too.
>be atheist or agnostic
Im agnostic (not the fedora tipping kind) but i would like to be religious preferably christian.
Sorry for the wall of text
>tl;dr: you're a dolt
Fucking faggot
Congrats, you just described every Sup Forumslack.
You guys are starting to piss me off im Indian and proud of it.
>jungle monkey thinking he can tell others what to do
nobody hates indians
they should just poo in the loo
No poo in the loo ever called me a fucking white male.
I don't h8 Indians m80, just LARPing "pagan" faggots.
Why do INdians shake their heads when they talk and think they can barter for a cheaper price in a retail store?
Japanese culture is more Christian than Pagan
>people actually got baited by this
because we see whites do it and forget they have white priviledge
>I don't hate India at all. I think they're funny and really hard working and they have a very good attitude towards life. They may be unhygenic but they're nice people as long as they're from those traditional southern parts and not the northern pakistani cunts.
>They are the oldest surviving civilization and I respect them for that, definitely.
My man. Finally some respect.
Thats because you arent white :^)
Get out troll
We aren't fags
>implying being white is good
And what do Sloevnians know I see them all over the place going "LOL Italians are non-white Zingaros! We Slovenians are the true ARyan!" when in reality it's Indians ( you can look this up)
I didn't call you a fag, I called "pagan" LARPers fags.
>Japanese culture is more Christian than Pagan
If you ever see a Slovene going around saying "we wuz ayarans n shieet" you can call them a faggot and know that all Slavs are ashamed of them.
You are still a nigger tho :^)
>that denial stage right before you give up playing make believe
Are you retarded?
That's only because it had Persia (Iran) as buffer against major invasions. Iran made monotheism, which the Jews stole then the Arabs made their own Judaism and invaded Iran. Present day, Iran is Muslim and basically Arab, oppressing the 50,000 who still follow their ancient religion. It's sort of like how Poles have less Asian dna than Russians because they had Russia as a buffer.
You're that shitposter from these past few days who's a chink-nigger-arab-slav, defends globalism, thinks italians are the master race and perpetuates the butthurt canadian meme, aren't you? Go back to school, faggot.
senpai, Persia was conquered less than 100 years after Mohammed. India resisted Muslim conquests for over a thousand years.
Not oldest civilization at all and not really that hard working either.. You guys are fucking anti-American cucks if you actually LIKE Indians.
>Iran made monotheism, which the Jews stole
Hindus are based. They believe that you can go to Heaven regardless of your religion if you were a good person.
Modern Catholics believe the same thing. The pope said Atheists can go to heaven if they are good people.
Hinduism is way better than Abrahamic religion desu
Zoroastrian monotheism predated Abrahamic monotheism by hundreds of years. Early Jews were polytheistic like the neighbors they had in the middle east. Zoroastrian spread in Mesopotamia influenced Jewish religious thought and customs
Probably because of the filthy subhumans that practice it.
because you don't know Indians, if they are Punjabi then they are filthy smelly rat infested gypsy tier cunts, and if they are upper / middle class then they are the most condensing fucking annoying bunch of faggots who spout the lamest jokes and repeat the same bullshit rhetoric and on top of that they stink too, scrap that they all stink like the worst possible smell your brain could conjure up, and their accents, fuck me when I hear a Indian accent I just want to blow my brains out, stay away at all costs they are literally human parasites, you will regret every second you spend talking to them
this guy sums up pretty well
It is the oldest civilization you goober, and the Indians who left for America/Canada are really hard working.
>They believe that you can go to Heaven regardless of your religion if you were a good person.
Wait a second, that is exactly what they said in the Islam classes I passed in high school.
They say that:
>God is the most compassionate and the most merciful that's why he will forgive all of the sins of people that involves between him and the people, the only sins that will not be forgiven are the ones that people commit towards each other (haq-al nas: People's rights).
Then they bullshit around why you should follow the teachings of Islam regardless that you will go to heaven without the need of that, it's a long story and I don't want to post about it but this seriously is what they preach and that's why the 'moderates' don't do the religious shit but believe in the basic morality stuff.
And since the modern sense of morality is a western one, it has pretty much become the social norm in the households.
>the only pagan civilization that has survived Islam, Christianity and Communism?
There's one more
Also I don't hate India
This we don't allow our children to major in meme shit like arts and psychology
Kill Justo José de Urquiza, Faggot.
>Also I don't hate India
I hate what India has become. It is a good example of what happens when you let uneducated scum multiply at ridiculous levels. Like cockroaches, once they start there's no stopping them. Add an incompetent and corrupt government, and you have modern day India.
India should have stayed under British rule. You would have had a chance to become a decent country instead of the shithole you are today.
>Shinto isn't pagan
pagan is a shitty term.
they are hindu
Monotheism is a Middle Eastern tradition. There's so many varieties even today
I don't hate the Hindus,I hate what India has become .
>Islam, Christianity, Communism
>India should have stayed under British rule. You would have had a chance to become a decent country instead of the shithole you are today.
That describes every nation we gave independence to post World War 2 amazingly, I think Singapore is the only exception
I just joke about the but i kinda have nothing against them. I know whats the feeling of living in a shit hole
>Because paganism is heresy, user.
Christianity was molded to absorb the Pagans. This is why many of the Christian holidays are actually celebrated on what was once a Pagan holiday.
Had Butter Chicken and Garlic Naan for lunch today, top tier food, top tier culture, beautiful women. All around great people.
I want our pagan religion back