Why does so many women of every race crave the most for white dick?
Is it some sort of evolutionary instinct to be impregnated with superior sperm?
White sperm
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I hate niggers, but black women get me going.
They surely got a lot of hot women aswell
It probably is a prepared headline incase she is indicted
fucking gross.
Go home tooth paste you drunk
Every women naturally desires to breed with the highest value male they can find. Despite what leftists may say, whites are almost universally more attractive and intelligent than any other race, so naturally a non-white women will desire to breed with a white man.
Think about it
>women want a nigger to be a hustler, a gangsta, and gentlemen
>can only get one
>small dick stereotype and they are more of a niche than anything else
>either ultra religious, can't speak English, nuts, or just flat out not what women want
>yeah, they might be rich, but pressure within the community is either treat women like shit or make them a Muslim.
Then there's the white man
>White men have their problems, but they are more often than not stable, have a job, have dreams and aspirations, well spoken and for lack of a better term, well off.
>Be an open racist shit head
>Be drunk as a skunk on a party
>Start ranting against Niggers and why they suck, usual Sup Forums
>Most People tell me off as drunk,
>Hutu girl staid and we discussed for 1.5h before we violently fuck
>Probably best hate fuck for both of us ever
>We regularly fucked till I went to university
pic kind of related
how does black pussy feel like
Shut the fuck up cheesefag.
Warm chicken potpie..
Actually cumskins, White women crave asian and black dick. Asian dick in the UK because they want that persian 8inch sclong and Blacks because of the obvious BBC. When they are rekt by white male athiests who browse reddit , these women want to become smart and get revenge on them, they mistake British broadcuck station for Big BLACK COCK.
speaking from xp
>being swedish
>denying that he don't want to impregnate every negress he can find
>falling for and pushing the BBC meme
I think you are the one who wishes for big black cock
Not much different from a white one. Her was a nearly perfect inny, quite tight, but not to much, and need to say, the view of a horny pink pussy, surrounded by a redishbrown skin, going over into a browner brown is aethetically gold, especially the moment before you put your white dick in it
She was also hard into anal, more then white women, she begged me to fuck her ass when I wanted to fuck that sweet pink brown pussy.
who doesnt
Help Sup Forums i don't know wtf happened
wat do
>that flag
I'm not surprised
GTFO Muhammad
horse pussy
you continue
>niggers in austria
Tell her you love her and you'll see her for the same thing tomorrow
Why do nigs always have fucked up zits in their leg skin
Darker mulattos as well
Sup Forumss stance has never wavered on this.
Pretty good. As much as I hate niggers, this one chick I fucked had a nice tight one, busted pretty quick too. There was something very hot about seeing the skin contrast of a big white dick going inside this tiny little hole of a different skin. Nutted in a minute because of it
It is your conqueror blood. Nigger losers want you to believe that you are weak. In reality, the prime of your life just arrives a little later. The dumber a living being, the faster it grows up.
The white man is the pinnacle of evolution. He is the creator, the builder, the conqueror, the warrior, the leader. All others must obey his commands.
If your caucasian conqueror cock lusts for quality black girls, then impregnate them all over the world. They are yours to take, and nigger losers will cry themselves to sleep pretending white women like black weenies.
Then you hate niggers and love divine negresses
> women
Everyone loves the whites we're objectively the most attractive race.
The white race should conduct a reverse cuck campaign on blacks
>Why does so many women of every race crave the most for white dick?
>Said race is going extinct because not fucking enough
The real question is why white women crave brown dick.
>caucasian conqueror cock
>Implying Iam austrian
Where Iam from, their are by far more Niggers and Portuguese then in austria and hungary.
But it has changed dramaticaly over the course of 10 years. Unfortunately most of the black chicks are unfuckable fat somali, nigerian or camerounese bitches, not even a nigger would fuck.
But some nice memories about the german-sudanese chicka from Hamburg, strange ass , but knew what she does.
Half asian male offsprings, if raised in their mother's country, tend to be attractive aswell
CCC should be an official term here now
>that non-nigger hair
lucky kid
god b l e s s
>whiggers are the same as Caucasian Conquerors who take black pussy when they feel like it
Nope. Only women must be punished for letting themselves be desecrated by nigger weenies, and whiggers must be punished because they hate their own race.
Sup Forums supports proud white males and females, and the male is by nature a conqueror. The world belongs to powerful white men and we will spread our superior aryan seed all over the world. All minority women crave white cocks, because whites rule over the world.
>Today on Mythbusters
Frankly, if God didn't want racemixing to be so alluring, he wouldn't have made black women so sexy.
You sound like a fucking retard. I hope you get run over by car.
Lucky to have white DNA in him. And his mother is lucky, because her child will be the most intelligent of all the children around her. And the most ingenious, the most creative, the most cunning.
He will become a leader among the ugly nigger loser males, because their nigger brains are too small to process the vast amount of information that the white brain can process.
When that white kid grows up, he will be the strongest of his tribe. And he will have a harem of black girls wanting his white DNA, while the nigger losers have to masturbate and bring food for their half-white king.
>mfw this still triggers Sup Forums
The hypocrisy is hilarious.
God dammit, this picture again. Sauce?
Thank you for taking the time out of your day to tell me this, brb will go to nearest interstate.
Will delivar
that is if he's not lynched for being the smart guy
The face ain't pretty but something about the muddy feet/rainy forest gets me going.
>implying they won't bully the fuck out of him because he won't be anywhere near as athletic
>implying they won't bully him for being fatherless
>implying the whole village doesn't think the mom is a whore
Because the other races are too smart to marry a 30yo ruined girl.
I really don't mind BM/WF relationships as long as the man is a non-ghetto well educated and civilized person, and the woman is not a dumb fucking coalburner
Nice dog you got there, what breed?
She is a worthless whore who willingly downgraded her genetics. She is lost and nobody cares for her anymore. She is forever bound to the loser nigger and her loser nigger children, who will bring crime and shame over her family.
The good white male however realizes that his duty is in making the world a better place. The more women he can bleach, the better. At the end however, he will return to a white female and raise a family with her, to produce 100% white offspring, while having created 50% white offspring on the side. While those children will be mixed, 50% white is better than 0% white, and males can impregnate thousands of women in their lives.
And black girls LOVE to be impregnated by hard white cocks.
You've taken the interracial redpill I can see
> post nigger false-flags for turbovirgin (you)s
> omg Sup Forums is of hypocrite
Top fucking kek, do you run that whitedick69, or something like that, Tumblr page?
We are fucking plenty, just using protection so we don't have to father a kid and ruin our lives. White women that mix are never any good anyway, most white women (and women in general) prefer white men. White women mixing is a great way to eject the scum out of our gene pool and into yours.
they don't look any worse than the irish or english
Everything is fine but that groid nose...
They will realize the value of the half-white, who is a bonus to their survival and well-being as a whole. Niggers are stupid, but they are also instinct driven. If they believe somebody can make their lives better, then they will follow him.
The half-white will reign over the ugly black niggers and impregnate all the black girls to produce more valuable offspring.
It is hypocritical Austriacuck, you faggots are talking about how much you want to fuck black girls yet get TRIGGERED when black/brown guys fuck white girls
Women are attracted to good providers.
You say this while the shit skins are tainting your women.
Other races are ugly.
>he's this delusional
You do realize not everyone of a particular race is bad or good, right?
I've met plenty of fine interracial couples and mixed people.
It's really not a big deal or something you should care about.
>Women are attracted to good providers.
Top kek. Women are attracted to strong alphas--they settle for good providers once they become too old/fat/etc for the alpha.
Alpha fucks beta bux.
niggers realize the value of nothing beyond hedonism of the following hour or so
I once downloaded a couple pictures from a tumblr like this, no idea if he's the one. But I was thinking about starting my own propaganda account to teach black girls the joys of being impregnated by powerful white men.
I'm sick of all this lying kike propaganda that white women like black dicks ... it's serious bullshit and poisonous to the gullible little girls who only watch TV for education.
Black girls however REALLY crave white cocks, because they feel that the white man is the most precious human on this planet. And it is their duty to give their children the best possible seed they can acquire. So the choice is clear: powerful white men, white police men who shoot nigger losers for sport.
Would love to slap the shit out of that ass before hate fuck her to unconsciousness
Nobody wants anything to do with your sheboons, whom are you kidding.
You think some kids getting boners over nigger outliers are any kind of indicator?
>muh race based intelligence
It's about culture and class you dumb fag.
That halfie is going to grow up to be the same intelligence of the other kids who aren't mixed.
Still waiting for that webstream user.
Also nice dubs
>implying I'm black
Why are you so paranoid of others?
Why do you care so much about people's personal life choices?
Strange tbqh
No idea.
It's all part of God's plan. He will show mercy.
Every single black woman loves white guys.
It's fucking insane. Go on fetlife and you'll see that the Black women / White Men groups are mostly women who want that CCC
So you'll basically become the kike?
why do you even need white sperm? just get your arijec bio power from czech republic and make your nigger baby white
You must admit, in most cases it is best to get a white dude, no matter what race.
But especially for black femals, regarding the expectation of survival, being jailed, divorcing/buying cigaretts, being unemployed... of black males.
Not saying every Nigger is bad, but unfortunately most are.
> shitting himself over "hypocrites" all over the thread
> backpedals to me after I shit all over him as well
Nigaaaaapleeeeeze bahahahaha
>implying race mixing has anything to do with multiculturalism
>implying that picture is anywhere near accurate
Don't mind the Stormfags
They suffer from cognitive dissonance
>You must admit, in most cases it is best to get a white dude, no matter what race.
No I don't, theres no evidence any of that is what you said.
I've lived around white losers all my life
>implying someone implies you are black on an anonymous mongolian rice wine lover board
Ladies and gentle anons, we wuz kingzzz and shiiieeit gaves us the honor
Reverse cucking niggers is against the kike's plan
>race plays no role in intelligence!!!
Yeah, but the good one.
*no evidence any of what you said is true
How was I backpedaling?
A Nigger living around white losers.
Damn, I really pity you from the deep of my soul, my soulless animal friend.
At least your femals have uretar, and can give birth, mechanicaly spoken, with a 50/50 chance of the ofspring having a soul.
Googled the dog, turns out it's a dindoodle. For some reason you can't own them anymore.
I like mexican girls if I can't get a white one by 32 i'll get a taco girl.
Top kek, master shitposting
Holy shit, this nigger (or maybe a nigger loving liberal?) is so buttblasted
>he thinks I'm gonna read all of that