>outside on my way to the store
>have to walk past square where there used to be much people but recently not so much due to refugees
>as usual refugee gang sitting around, what I guess are Arabs/Afghanis
>3 of them got a Swedish girl each in their lap
>shout something at me and I look down into the ground so they won't hurt me
>can hear the girls laughing as I walk away
Outside on my way to the store
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Become the guy form American History X and get a swastika on your chest and carry a gun.
yeah swastika on chest, that will teach em.
Don't worry Sven. After they've been raped and murdered by their refugee boyfriends, you'll have the last laugh.
Oh, the migrants won't face justice though. So, there's that.
I think Eastern-Europe will welcome nordic/german refugees.Sorrow overtakes you Sweden...
Sweden motherfucking yes
Do you welcome us?
go back and take a picture so we can make some ebin maymays
this did not happen you fucking loser. kill yourself.
How good looking were the girls?
You know what to do
>not training your body and fighting skills along with your brain
you're doing it wrong user
I had to move to the US. I couldn't afford the tolls they were always setting up on my street.
They were probably yelling at you to come over and guess which girl would get stabbed in the face during foreplay, don't be such a Racist Pewdiepie.
do polish have brains?
Do your women actually like those shit skins? Or were they prostitutes?
Swedish women and girls love arabs and blacks. That's why most of them are for immigration.
Yes most Swedish girls like refugee guys. They also set up ways via the school so they can meet each other
>Nasrullah Ahmadi has been assigned Josefiné Johansson and Lydia Landin as Swedish friends, they are now changing numbers and facebook
De Nederlanders hebben geen brein, sinds ze deze dingen laten
Oh fuck, I think that's the same guy sitting in the old man's lap. Same one claiming to be 15/16 years old.
Ye that guy is responsible for bringing together these boys with Swedish girls. He calls it meeting Swedish friends but it's just girls.
He is like the grand cuck.
Fuck off with this cheap bait
I hate images like this. Don't hide your faces, this isn't fucking ANTIFA faggotry.
>Don't hide your faces
It will be not up to me,but we already have a german minority.Btw you can move freely in the schengen zone so yes.
You can come for free education at the school of life, learn how to be Eastern European and remove major kebab, then go back and teach your brothers.