What went wrong?
What went wrong?
Other urls found in this thread:
More power always corrupts more
It was made.
Not according to this man
It went from a free trade union to a political conglomerate.
Soft fascism
they let shit countries like Lithuania in
Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
The EU should never be more than schengen and a free trade union, nothing else.
There's nothing wrong. Cameron made the EU referendum in order for Brits to calm down their permanent whines about leaving EU. After the rigged referendum, which will show that Brits are cucked one more time, all will be OK.
Career politicians.
This. The EU was supposed to prevent conflict, not create it.
germany, as always...
I think the EU was originally intended as a covert scheme to counter the Soviet Union, but then that fell. So now there's just an EUSSR lingering there in development and it turns out it's composed of communists or former communists.
lithuania vs argentina
place bets here
The eternal kraut happened, that's what
Yeah it's getting pretty clear that more and more politicians are becoming puppets and people are starting to wonder who are the ones pulling the strings.
Not the people and not the governments that's for sure.
The transparency of EU is a joke.
Nothing the EU is great
>Mfw not even one year ago every Sup Forumslack would have said Greece or some other Southern European state
>Mfw we managed to destroy our global image again in such a short timeline
Please kill us
I couldn't ask for more.
1968 generation got their hands on it
100 Franks against me :^)
Germany wants its souvereignity back and USA only allows it, if we do it while making a european state. USA only says this because Jews want this.