So, i'm thinking of doing a small business locally and would love your input on the idea

so, i'm thinking of doing a small business locally and would love your input on the idea

I want to take all the ideas that were "offensive" and "triggering" this year, put them in shirts and sell them around here. The first idea is one that says "a feminazi will be offended by this shirt", other ideas include "this shirt can only be worn by boys cause it's blue", "2 genders and a bunch of mental illness", "it's ok to be male" and a locally famous one that created a lot of actual controversy: "boys have a penis, girls have a vagina"

You guys think the conservative folk would put their money where their mouth is? or is it too edgy?

pic related, it's on kilo of food for less than 2 usdllrs

Too edgy.

Also hard line conservatives don't wear t-shirts with slogans on it.
May work at the annual alt right meeting, but i wouldn't expect to make a lot of cash there.

i was thinking of younger conservatives and alt righters and overall trolls who think they might make somebody angry for wearing them in public

I don't think people will want to buy shirts that make people hurt abuse at them on a daily basis

we're in mexico, here they won't be physically hurt, maybe people will talk about them from afar and maybe even confront them once, but nothing more than that

Well you can always sell them over ebay etc and have them printed on demand, but i don't see a lot of money being made by this.

It's not edgy, it's dumb. It's not clever or interesting, and it's totally devoid of originality.

Go clean urinals and empty trash bins in a job where you belong.

And still - it's like bruce willis holding the "i hate niggers" sign in the ghetto. Openly presenting an edgy opinion in public is not a popular concept.

printing on demand is right, i got this guy i met back in elementary who prints stuff professionally and last time he made me an offer to print white text on any shirt using leftovers from large print jobs, so costs would be low as well

so... you offended by the shirts that aren't even printed yet?

Must be high quality food

it has almost every commercially edible animal in it, it has pork (ham), cow (these thin breaded layers of meat), turkey (cheapest sausages around) and probably chicken mixed in as filler in with the rest of the meat, also beans, some sort of omellet, 3 kinds of cheese, tomato, onions, avocado and lettuce

you'd call "it's ok to be male" or "boys have a penis, girls have a vagina" an edgy opinion?

I'm a conservative. Feminism is a garbage movement. Transgender surgery is medical malpractice.

Not only is your attempt to capitalize on controversy poorly conceived, even worse it's downright fucking dull.

You should print this on a t-shirt and sell it.

is it tho? my city sold like 10,000 shirts with dumb ("dirty") messages 10 years ago from a dumb brand, sold another 10,000 with "security" or "staff" written on them, another bunch of shirts with hashtags on them in the past 5 years and right now liberals are becoming a pain in the ass for the general public, that's why i thought it might be a good time to create a trend that way


i blame doki doki



something like that, but in a bus, made so much controversy that made the news just for 2 or 3 hours being parked downtown, so maybe a few shirts will do something like that

Dumping some shopps for you faggots to stick up and make t-shirts of

nice, since they're going to be in transfer paper the icon might work wonders

No problem

Whoops, typo

this one is quite cool, i'll try to get the swastica but the one with the feminist symbol on it



Underrated post. Summer holidays up in here.