Lefty/pol/ General

Lefty/pol/ General
>Soviet Space man edition
Comrades get in here!

We need a plan to remove our association from the SWJ's and so called "progressives" that have infested our left wing institutions.

We need a return to the rational, economic, philosphical and hard scientific basis which mainstream leftists tend to lack.


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>lefty/pol/ in name field

>thinks only his edgy 14/88 natsoc circlejerk is politically incorrect

We need a return to the rational, economic, philosphical and hard scientific basis which mainstream leftists tend to lack.

>equating what Sup Forums thinks the mainstream left is with what the actual mainstream left is

>Let's do the same thing over and over again and expect different result

You're as bad as the national socialist generals we have here, 2 sides of the same coin really.

this is literally how capitalism was shaped in it's today form.

have a tay pic.

Yes, don't talk about ID pol. Only hang out with other socialists, convince any liberals you know that BLM and Feminists are totally full of shit, should be easy as hell.

>Communist Manifesto
It is a meme book that tells you little of importance in what Marx believed.


but capitalism works

>americans have so much food they are world known fatties
>venezuela has empty food shelves and babies starving to death
>venezuela has the largest oil reserves in the world

>not real communism

The SJWs are controlled opposition. They're the pro-corporations left. They're a divide-and-conquer mechanism for the capitalist elite.

Pretty much. In capitalism food waits on you, in Socialism you wait on food.

Communism is for Europeans, made by Europeans, not for 3rd world colonies at every edge of the world.

Obviously, SJWs are just liberalism at maximum individualism mode.

Why are communists so fond of no true Scotsman fallacy?

Venezuela oil is shit tier

They're not Socialist, workers don't own shit.

The problem was a complicated oil trading problem, not that they were "socialist".

Tell that to most Wal Mart workers who live on Socialist programs like food stamps and welfare. In capitalist countries, the poor starve to death unless the president has a brain and socializes some things.

Because you guys are dumb as fuck. First you said Venezuela was Socialist, now they're communist? Truly truly retarded, the workers never owned shit. Look up the definitions sometime, don't be embarrassed.

>Tell that to most Wal Mart workers who live on Socialist programs like food stamps and welfare.
Those are not Socialist programs. The welfare state was invented by Otto von Bismarck who was a Reactionary Monarchist.

>rational, economic, philosphical and hard scientific basis


why don't we doing athlete parade now? :(

Go back to 8ch.

>Socialist policies are actually Monarchist guys, gotta look at who invented them XD XD.

go back to Sup Forums, faggot. Why aren't you photoshopping more anime pictures with trump hats right now?

Because I lost the template, why aren't you on 8ch making more unfunny OC right now leftypol?

>He actually thinks the welfare state is Socialist
Actual Marxists considered the welfare state an attempt to buy off the working classes and many opposed it because they thought it would stop a revolution.

Mass shootings. This always works.

Kill your self autist leftcuck shill. Go back to 8gag you cringy sperglord

I miss Tay

May Kek grant you the strength

Because I felt like invading your safe space

Doesn't matter, it's still a Socialist policy, the point is that le invisible free market hand doesn't do jack shit for the working class of America. When you continuously steal the means of productions and extract pay from paychecks, you are the fucking thief, oh sorry capitalist.

Hi lads Marx was right

>Doesn't matter, it's still a Socialist policy
No, it is capitalist. Welfare states are not Socialism, they are merely a capitalist correction mechanism.

You see for something to be Socialist according to Marx it actually has to change how the production mechanism works, redistributionism is not Socialism because it does not change this according to Marx.


Cap was right

I looked through leftypol out of curiosity once, it's impressive in a weird way how it's legitimately the Sup Forums of the left.

>Stalin worship
>"all fascists should be put to death"
>free speech is cancer

They're delusional twats. They try their hardest to create a caricture of what "ebul capitalists" look like without making them look Jewish in any way.
They're only lying to themselves and the scum they import to Europe will soon bite them in the ass.

If there wasn't free speech, there wasn't SJW, #refugees welcome and all that shit. And Stalin did literally nothing wrong.

Make space great again

Not really they are kike loving SJWs and a few autists who pretend to be "redpilled"

For example see

But the Soviet union and everything under it was nigger tier.

>but it wasn't real communism guys I swear, let us try again...Whats the worst thing that could happen?

>free speech
There's free speech in Europe? I thought they lock people up for speaking against the mudslimes

> Politically incorrect


Communism ran out of money during the middle of space race.

redpill me about this man, and why do tankies hate him so much?

>politically incorrect


So then how did they put a man in space before we did?



Off the ingenuity of the White Russians and few Germans they robbed.

So what you're saying is that Socialism allows for ingenuity and space exploration?

>Nixon shock happened literally in the middle of space race
>Communism ran out of money

>This German faggot

Hory shet,the kikes cucked you good.

>Hurr durr this white silhouette hitting a symbol will show em GOOD NIGHT WHITE PRIDE
>show your face and we'll beat you down WE CANT HAVE ANY HATE HERE I'LL GO HARD BODY AGAINST U BRO
>mom can u drive me to the rally
>wtf u washed my balaclava with the whites?!?!? I hate you you fucking facist bitch

There's nothing more pathetic than antifa.

Natsoc and Leftypol are two sides of the same coin. One side blames the niggers and jews for their failures, the other blames the rich.

In any case, leftist extremism is not politically incorrect, it is taught in most US and Canada universities.

The Soviet Union was able to devote 25% of GDP to military and space exploration while America which was a democracy couldn't devote as much because voters don't want high taxes. Still the American economy was much more productive so it eventually crushed the judeobolshevik regime

die commie

dumping Big Marty

Pic related.







>Natsoc and Leftypol are two sides of the same coin. One side blames the niggers and jews for their failures, the other blames the rich.

Well,aint that the most retarded shit I have heard all week.

>NatSoc has opinions so does leftypol they are basically the same thing.




So what you're saying is that Americans valued profit and lower taxes for themselves instead of pooling money into space exploration and technology? Hmmm, doesn't sound like a system of science and progress to me.



hello comrades

Be traditionalist, then. Old communists viewed homosexuality and all that as bourgeois decadence.

This has to be the shittiest plot I've seen in years. That fucking gradient. Whoever constructed this should kill himself on the spot.

They still do here.


Go back to your containment site

>the same autistic german animeposter from that other thread

Kill yourself

Are communists in Russia hated anywhere near as much as they are in ex soviet countries?

you forgot the part where the USA makes so much food we throw more than half of it away and how we over fish and over farm animals and destroy the land.

Communists here are a meme. They are also not like the Commies who ruled after Stalin because they threw out a lot of the post-Stalin changes in their ideology. I don't think they are really hated, they just exist.

Oh good its the Greek communist antifa faggot.

Smashed any Fascists yet fellow AntiFAs?


but nice propaganda posters
Especially the pride posters since they so represent strong gay people!!!
The USSR would treat us like gods ! XD

>not my communism the thread

she was alive

this one recently comrade

forgot pic

>a return to the rational, economic, philosphical and hard scientific basis

How do you return to something that was never there?

>We need a return to the rational, economic, philosphical and hard scientific basis which mainstream leftists tend to lack.

It will never happen.

Leftism will always be populated by the ranks of degenerate SJW privilege-checker types, and retarded 3rd-world niggers who are only in it to spite whites.

pic related, the fruits of communism

I finally get a chance to post this

>We need a return to the rational, economic, philosphical and hard scientific basis which mainstream leftists tend to lack.

>muh true communism ad infinum

The workers are always "on the verge" of owning production, but it never pans out, so what's the point?

>that was never there?
French Revolution

>Polish Legions

I'm sorry, you've got to go back.

Redpill me on Marty. Why is he so big?

The Polish were our best allies during the Revolutionnary wars and the Napoleonic wars. There was even a Polish Marshal of the Empire, Józef Poniatowski (pic related). Great soldiers, great general.

>We need a return to the rational, economic, philosphical and hard scientific basis which mainstream leftists tend to lack.

HAHAHAHA you think you can have any direction on your "movement" now
> Your white/male/American/European?
> Even less
Get ready for a dark age of tribalism, criminal ethnic nepotism and superstition. You have been played like useful idiots.