Meet he new faces of the Libertarian Party. WOW, SUCH LIBERTY
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That's it I'm a #TrumpMissile now
You Mad?
Mr New York stealth jew is gonna blown the fuck out, and there's nothing you can do about it.
Yes, I love the fact that Hillary lite is gonna win
>Open borders
>More drug heads
>Less military
>Less individual rights
How the fuck did Johnson win the nomination...
Is he basically just controlled opposition?
This is fucking ridiculous, why even have a libertarian party if you can get a leader who isn't libertarian
Just vote independent senpaitachi, assuming there are any independent candidates worth supporting that is
>such liberty
Nice doge meme, reddit
Hahaha! What a joke! At least Trump won't lose any votes to em
Good the more Liberal the Libertarians are the better for Trump. Johnson is against responsible immigration as well. He has more in common with Hillary than Trump.
what a fucking meme. i hate these faggots as much as liberlels
Well at least we don't have to worry about the libertardians stealing votes this time
>Libertarian Party
>relevant in a national election
Pick one
That's it, I'm a #Trumpeter now.
This is good for Trump.
Trump is more libertarian than the libertarian party, lol.
Good to know libertarians just committed suicide. Now back to Trump business.
This isn't any ol' fucking election, you daft burger. Your country is "feeling the Johnson" in at least double digits according to a couple of polls.
>kikes on Wall Street can do whatever they want
>all forms of social degeneracy are allowed
>open borders
Can't believe I ever fell for the libertarian meme
The libertardians are doing this because they think the nevertrump cucks will come to them anyway, so they want the bernouts too
It's almost like all the memes are true and libertarianism is just autistic leftism
>open borders
>wants more unskilled workers
>we don't need roads because we'll have jetpacks
>wants to "lead by example" by abolishing all trade taxes and tariffs to defeat Chinese currency manipulation
>we should apologize immediately for nuking Japan
>no drivers licenses
>if I identity as something then I am that something
>children should be able to buy drugs
>military should be cut to have no offensive capability
>only speaks in memes
cops have a very hard time doing their job with all these guns around.
First major decision johnson makes is to pick this guy
But he's not about doing authoritan things like making tough decisions so like whatever man. He wants to legalize weed man
>yfw Johnson is a spoiler for Hillary
/r/Libertarian is having a circle jerk over there.
Apparently, Johnson appeals to a lot of extreme leftist who were rooting for Bernie.
Another red flag.
>Libertarian Party
>Supported by socialists
Libertarians are cancer.
Their anti-statism is thinly veiled anti-nationalism.
They either have no idea what Libertarian means or what socialism means
In case you didn't know most liberals don't even care about economic issues. They hear "DUDE WEED AND GAY MARRIAGE" an just vote that way.
They only really care about promoting social degeneracy
I just got downvoted for just reporting that Johnson's VP pick is a gun grabber.
These people are NOT libertarians.
>Is he basically just controlled opposition?
Pic related
no true libertarian fallacy
most libertarians are leftists now
accept it and move on
weld is not a libertarian. he's a romney type republican lol
i lived in MA when he was there
not bad at the time, and in a very blue state
Im officially voting trump. Used to love gary
Anyone saw the debate. It was cringy and fake as fuck. People bood a candidate that opposed selling heroin to 5 years old children,abd things like jet packs were discuss to answer the roads question. One of the questions was literally"Why is Ayn Rand so great" ? On top of that the debate ended like this:
Wtf happened to the likes of Rothbard
"Libertarian" is a codeword for "Jew".
>why even have a libertarian party if you can get a leader who isn't libertarian
Because they need to be RINOs in order to even foster a modicum of appeal. Johnson ran as GOP before, didn't get anywhere.
Libertarianism is not a meme. It has just beem hijacked by liberals. People like Hoppe or Rothbard despise/disposed this kind of retards
>most libertarians are leftists now
How is his even possible by the very definition of these ideologies
>libertarians are pro-degeneracy and anti-white
What else is new?
>what I don't like is codename for jew
One argued that the US should hire pirates to fught ISIS. It was a clown show.
>hur dur, definitions don't matter.
Found the SJW.
>How is his even possible
Basic empiricism. Look at the libertarian movement today. All they care about is leftist social policies, just like the Democrat Party.
The whole debate if soneone is interested. At least 2 of the people in stage are retarded. 1 guy is Marco Rubio cuck version(which was hard) and McAfee that was high,and the first thing that he talks about is weed.
>that video
what the fuck
Either you support gay married couples defending their marijuana plants with assault weapons, or you're not a fucking libertarian.
They literally handed the election to Obama on 2012
So what do we call ourselves now that liberal and libertarian have been co-opted.
How does the left keep hijacking language?
>less than 1% of the vote
Even if they did all vote for Romney, Obama still would have won.
Holy hell, are libertarians really this cucked?
>call yourself a libertarian
>wants to ban guns
yeah fuck off niggers
With you brother!
They sound like Dems on Steroids.
So that's actually the case; people are brainwashed into believing (sometimes conjured up) social issues are the biggest problems society faces today.
this desu m8
Why are libertarians so unattractive?
Yeah. Libertarianism will never work because the only people who can embrace the philosophy are white people. Until they confront the race issue there is no hope for this movement.
>emotionally intelligent
Rothbard and Hopoe alredy issue it,saying that open borders is enforcement of a policy by the state,and in a purely libertarian society,only the invited people could migrate to the comunity.
Schism on social issues within the libertarian movement. It was inevitable.
I would happily vote for Trump over any of the clowns in the Libertarian Party. But I checked out Reddit and the idiots over there seem happy about their party and the decision to elect Johnson, while bashing actual libertarians for lacking pragmatism.
Reddit is a Johnson circle jerk right now. These liberal-tarians are throwing a party.
They just love that they're getting someone who isn't Trump.
libertarian is being hijacked by the left because the left has gotten such a bad rep
Why do you people browse reddit at all? You complain all the time about them,yet you spend tome there
it's just a polite way of saying "not autistic"
Generic Republican polls better than actual Democrats. Generic Democrat polls better than actual Republicans. Come election day, people don't vote for placeholders like they do in the polls. The Libertarians will once again fail to break the one percent mark.
You know we're all on the internet where the numbers are easy to look up, right?
I thought the /r/libertarians were a bastion for sanity.
I was wrong.
John is just upset there weren't any black women there for him to fuck.
This is good though. Dem vote will most likely be split.
Minarchists are a fucking joke.
all bernie bros need to vote for either Trump, Stein, or Johnson
>/r/libertarians were a bastion for sanity.
It is filled with berntards that claim that they are true libertarians and that Bernie is a true libertarian. Just dont browse that shit. I stopped browsing it when they banned me for posting a quote from fucking Hoppe. And havent touch reddit ever since,as is just a circlejerk.
>Minarchists are a fucking joke.
Why? It works well on Switzerland,Hong Kong or Lichestein. Statism hasnt worked well in your country
Minarchy works great, when it's not ran by extreme left progressives, who pretend to be minarchists.
Yeah, I think you are right.
>SJWs and Neocons supporting Lolbertarians
If that's not a sign your party has become pure cancer then I don't know what is
You mean trying to subvert and indoctrinate another group?
>Bill Kristol feeling the Johnson
Seriously, what the FUCK is wrong with the Libertarian Party?
Literal autism.
How can someone who has been reduced to countersignalling against Trump on an app for teenage girls be so smug
>I am a lifelong hunter and gun owner. In 1993, however, as Governor of Massachusetts, I went along with some modest restrictions on certain types of firearms. I was deeply concerned about gun violence, and frankly, the people I represented were demanding action. Sometimes, governing involves tough choices, and I had to make more than a few.
>Today, almost 25 years later, I would make some different choices. Restricting Americans’ gun rights doesn’t make us safer, and threatens our constitutional freedoms. I was pleased by and support the Supreme Court’s decision in the District of Columbia vs. Heller -- a decision that embraced the notion that our Second Amendment rights are individual rights, not to be abridged by the government.
Yes, William Weld is coming to take your guns under a military dictatorship. Be afraid.
I was a lifelong Libertarian, but after Trump told me that der merxicans arr takin muh jerbs I became a #trumpmissile.
Now I realize that only big government, big welfare, and 200% tariffs can solve America's problems.
We need to open up the borders and institute strict gun control. I'm with Johnson. #KristolRenegadesRideAgain
If you watched their debate last night, he's their most sane candidate. It made me realize last night why third parties are considered a joke, because they treat themselves as one.
>third parties are considered a joke because they allow people with differing viewpoints to get up on stage
wew lad
He just is.
>Runs for government
>"I love guns"!
>Up for reelection again
>"Sorry senpai, I won't do it again" "It was a tough choice" "I swear I'm a #libertymissile now"
American voters are the dumbest fucking idiots on the planet.
And then they got subverted by marxists. Good job retards.
Here's a recent interview over the same subject. After the interviewer brings up the gun control he signed, Weld says that he and Gary will find common ground on it (around 4:40).
Third partiers are considered a joke because they'd rather virtue signal than win. It has nothing to do with their "different viewpoints"
>Wants to restrict guns
>Calls himself a libertarian
What the fuck happened to limited government?
>be libertarian
>was still registered as republican on election day
>voted trump
>thank fuck I dodge the bullet
Fucking hell. I don't want to associate with these people anymore. Republicans, liberals, libertarians their all the fucking same now.
Where the fuck do I go now.