So what is Sup Forums stance on TTIP...

So what is Sup Forums stance on TTIP? I've been hearing around that it is going to fuck up our European markets but i would like to hear some in details opinions.

So, what is it Sup Forums?

yeah just keep posting about bullshit


Free market is good for the economy
The EU know what it is doing

It's a pathway to the New World Order by replacing the power of the Nation-State with the power of the transnational corporation. One World Government, Inc.

The EU was a project of the Bilderberg Group, started in 1953, and this is what they've been working toward the whole time. Danny Estulin has it right.

And by the way their next meeting is coming up soon, so let's see what we can find out about it. Do you want a global EU?

It is basically allowing American companies to by-pass EU safety laws. Which means cancer-causing milk and heavily polluting cars are now allowed to be sold in the EU.

Gloval EU would be goos for the world, Bilderberg group doesn't exist

Bilderberg even started up a website the other year.

Now bear in mind that the US sits between TPP and TTIP. So that means you're going to be under our thumb, and the demands of the Pacific will be channeled through us onto you.

americucks are trying to force shit food on out markets and unpure GMO full of hormones and calories so you get fat and buy their magic wieght loss pill
disgusting degenerates

>heavily polluting cars

lel no ones going to buy shitty American cars

i for one would love to buy a mustang or some other muscle car like the Chevrolet Camaro not sure i can get it in my country unless i make a special order for it and need to pay for import fees and shit

You have no proof

It's the fact that they are allowed to sell them while cars made in the EU will likely still have to follow EU law.

I forgot to mention that companies are allowed to sue governments if the government makes any law that would cut into the company's profits.

Trends suggest otherwise. We've been increasingly marring the idea of a "brand" into a great global sharing scheme.

Yeah, I'm thinking I might just pony up for a big old sloppy gas-guzzling muscle car just for the chance to enjoy one before they're outlawed entirely.

What are you, fucking stupid?

man i just want to listen to the engine
jesus the heavenly purr

You can tell it is a good thing because it brings out all the crackpots from the woodwork.

Remember that other paranoia scare we had, about Codex Alimentarius? It was a collection of food standards that lots of quacks were paranoid about. They claimed Big Pharma would take away their precious herbal remedies. Europe has had the Codex for years and quacks can still peddle their shit. TTIP is no different.

I will campaign for and vote for TTIP.

That site is a fabrication, do you have proof that it isn't some fake by a drumpf-supporter

I was standing on the street corner the other day and some guy with a Crown Vic CVPI converted into a taxi laid his foot into it around a corner and I nearly got a boner. Australia's pretty lucky with the Holden stuff.

TTIP is an attempt to flood European markets with cheap US made garbage and mutant food. Why do you think over the past 60 years Americans went from looking like cowboys to lards of shit?

Just what I said. TTIP is mostly opposed by Food Babe-level food purity freaks. They probably think they can cure cancer with cannabis oil or some shit.

Amerifags are fat because they can't help themselves, not because of evil corn, lol.

Well, here's the thing.

Right now you have a choice of whether or not you want our food rules forced on you. Maybe you're right and maybe you're wrong, and there's no way to know what the next set of rules will be. But do you want to have the freedom to decide to yourself or live under a global dictatorship?

Tell that to any country that ended up privatizing some shit and giving full monopoly to a single entity (in this case, lobbies being a single entity) . Guess what happens: profit goes up while quality goes down and the ones in power don't give a fuck because nobody can compete.
>Literally putting megacorporations above the law.
Call me a hippie weedman but ain't that somewhat troublesome for the average joe?