
>MA in history
>theater fag
>never been published
>has contributed nothing to philosophy
>doesn't even quote philosophers very much
>spends most of his time talking pseudo-political science and giving shitty relationship advice that got his wife reprimanded

Is this guy the biggest hack of our generation or what?


Other urls found in this thread:


You forgot that he believes in free will

nice argument

Name a greater philosopher of our time.

hi where are the arguments?

Pretty much.
He became a Trump shill when he realized that their were thousands of them ready to hand over their money in exchange for verbal pats on the head.

Where does the one dollar meme come from?

He makes some good content, and its free

dont see the problem OP

he's a salesman, his products are his ideas.
they don't have to be good, they just need retards to fallow them.

i think in the near future they'll gonna be allot of people trying to cash of the neet loser and riding the alt-right trend.

its gonna be the new gamer gurl.

send 2 dollars !.


The only thing I have against him is "The Truth About X" series, as if he's the alpha and omega on facts. I mostly just have him talking in the background on slow days.

he has some neato interviews though

I hate it when he tries to inject his own views on to his guests though. fuck man let them say there own piece.

you seem pretty butthurt, but yet, I cannot understand your lack of real arguments.

Literally any of them, anyone with a PhD in philosophy, anyone who's ever been published.

His show is free. Just don't watch it if you don't like it.. or just don't give him any sheckels. I don't see the issue here

Can't have a morality driven anarchy as your political system if there is no free will.
He basically forces himself to believe in it so he doesn't have to abandon all the books he wrote on anarchy.
When callers try to ask him about it on his live show he just dismisses them.

Why are faggots like OP so obsessed with this guy?

Name them

What does Sup Forums think of based Bill Whittle?

Is he redpilled?

Sam Hyde

he made a video saying someone donating one dollar to him was basically insulting him


Everyone can call himself a philosopher. It's a meaningless word.

i don't understand why this guy gets so much hate. He very cleverly uses philosophy to make sense of real world issues for teenagers and normies. What's wrong with that?

Cornel West, Neil DeGrasse Tyson, Richard Dawkins, Bill Nye

Absolutely. He also thinks pot is addictive and more dangerous than alcohol or cigarets and once called one of his callers a bad parent and brain damaged for for having smoked weed before.

Thomas Nagel, David Chalmers, John Searle, William Lane Craig, Noam Chomsky, Alexander Dugin, literally anyone who is qualified to teach a philosophy class, since Molyneux is not.

Edward Feser, Bill Vallicella, Saul Kripke.


Based redpilled Bill Whittle

>modern philosicucks live in Marxist colleges and exist as tools of leftist indoctrination
>any break from this narrative is bad

Molymeme is heretical to the liberal establishment and that's what's triggering philosicucks the most. They're no longer actual philosophers. They're trained shills.

Kind of like "Artist," it lost meaning in the late 1890s/early 1900s.

This is Sup Forums if you don't say "GAS THE KIKES RACE WAR NOW" you're retarded, a kike or a shill.

I see what you did there.

main stream

>He very cleverly uses philosophy

If you consider rationalism ad nauseum while introducing a lot of things a priori to be philosophy then sure.

Really? I always just assumed he made a video asking people to donate, and saying that just "one dollar" would be helpful to his channel.

What an ungrateful and entitled piece of shit.

Stefan Molyneux admits to being jewish

Stefan Molyneux runs a cult where he convinces vulnerable people who had a decent childhood that they were abused by their parents

Here's what happens when you give Stefan Molyneux money but not as much money as he wants

Stefan Molyneux Claims 'No War from 1815-1914 in Western Europe'

Stefan Molyneux and defoo, defined (ignore the libertarian claptrap)

Stefan debates Stefan on whether or not concepts exist and contradicts himself left and right

Stefan Molyneux: "Fuck physics, make iPhones."

Stefan Molyneux: "Nothing I say is original"

Stefan Molyneux tells followers to cut off all family that disagrees with his ideology

Stefan Molyneux believes the world needs his show for its survival

Stefan Molyneux forgives his mother by not killing her
Stefan Molyneux caims he doesn't think about his mother any more

Stefan Molyneux initiates force, proving all of his moral arguments invalid

Joe Rogan, Stefan Molyneux Lied To You About DeFOO!

Stefan Molyneux: A lot of people in my head are desperate for me to fail

Adventures in Stefan Molyneux's parenting:

Please direct me to something more complex while still being focused on contemporary issues and their implications.
> Please do
You go with what is available.
Maybe some Sup Forums users need to start working on their own channel?

God among men.

>fucking Noam Chomsky

> rationalism ad nauseum

So basically, you're saying he should be more fee-fees oriented, because it's more a more suitable environment for leftism?

Seems like there's tons of shills ITT trying to take down Molyneux. Maybe because CTR, Shillgate-participants, and Reddit realize how dangerous he is to the Bernie/Hillary paradigm.

Glad Sam finally went full white nationalist in time for his TV show to come out.

Of course he is.

Meanwhile you're a basement dwelling NEET posting with the rest of the bitter virgins on Sup Forums.

Come on man even Zizek BTFO'd Chumsky over his Khmer Rouge apologism

ad hominem

Benedict the 16th

Please respond with a rational argument that you are willing to support.

Actually I'm shitposting on my lunch break. Projecting much?

Best anime.

He """quoted""" some bs about tolerance being the virtue of a dying society the other day..

I feel he needs footnotes and citations when he speaks..


He never had an argument to reply to.

What, he's bunk because he's a lefty and you don't agree with his politics? He's a highly influential linguistics professor that has written a ton of books and contributed a lot in academia, that makes him a better philosopher than a fucking youtube celeb.

Pretty sure that one is an actual quote, but I agree.

What is his opinion on the Migrant crisis?

Why the fuck does he always have that stupid expression on his face?

Nah, it's just pretty funny when an edgy teen with no life accomplishments thinks he's better than someone who has quite a few.

start a thread about him and see.

>rationalism is the only school of thought

How about some empiricism? For example if I say we need the state for muh roads, he will say that is not an argument because taxation is theft. In other words he rejects all empirical arguments in favor of a conclusion he came to rationally.

Same goes for if I say, the state is valid because their authority comes from God. He would say that's not an argument, because he believes that believing in God is irrational. He rejects the empirical evidence of virtually every civilization believing that in the history of man.

And all of that is fine I suppose, just don't call yourself a philosopher. A real philosopher lives for the arguments that Stefan dismisses as non-arguments and just declares himself to be right.

>video game reviews
>movie reviews
>political scandals
>tv shows
His show is not philosophy, it's social commentary through formal argumentation.

>I don't like it
>Therefore he's dismissive of arguments

nice straw man

There is no more substance to your comment than "I don't like it therefore he's wrong"

apeman i am an ape man,...


> state for muh roads
That is an argument. Show me one time he's said that wasn't an argument.
> state is valid because their authority comes from God
That's not an argument. So what if it comes from god? You have to argue why god wants a state and why we should follow his wishes

No that's basically what you're doing. I gave a very valid critique of his abuse of rationalism, I think you just do not understand what that means.

>a DEGREE in CRITICAL THINKING is required for your arguments to be valid

Just like how you need a degree in sculpting to make a sculpture right

Severe brain damage and he's a tranny which is kind of a double entendre

He's a bit of a dickhead. He's about the same age as me, and I've got degrees, PhD, two children who I've mainly brought up on my own as my wife died in a car crash in 2014. The parenting advice he gives is a bit off. Kids need solid boundaries. My children are not my friends. My friends are my friends. And there is a totally different set of rules. (but similar). He is against hitting children, and I'm with him on that. It's a sign of failure as a parent. Reasoning and leading, providing a safe an loving environment are the most important.

I would never call myself a 'philosopher' as he does. As humans, we're all thinkers. He makes some good points, to be fair; but he lacks humility and self doubt. He comes across as arrogant and dismissive. He references his rants well, but when people call in to his show he comes across as very smug. We all need our opinions to be examined and challenged as that's how we learn, but I don't think he can deal with it because he doesn't seem to like being told he's wrong about some topics.

Overall, he seems like a good bloke.

Not an argument

If your sculptures never make it to a museum or even out in public display were you ever really a sculptor?

>I gave a very valid critique of his abuse of rationalism

> "he will say that is not an argument because taxation is theft"

>In other words he rejects all empirical arguments
In what sense is claiming you need the state for muh roads a group of "empirical arguments"

>the state is valid because their authority comes from God. He would say that's not an argument
That really is not an argument

>because he believes that believing in God is irrational
And he has arguments for it

>He rejects the empirical evidence of virtually every civilization believing that in the history of man
I don't even know what that means

>just don't call yourself a philosopher
And if you don't even know the definition of rationalism or empiricism or what an argument is, that is also fine but just don't post stupid shit like this

Because he's a nigger.

>That really is not an argument

Rationalist fallacy. You've been watching him for too long.

Personally I don't follow pseudointellectuals aka professional youtubers or podcasters or whatever.

That being said i don't tink selfpublishing is necessarily a knock against him as the humanities are controlled by Jews and they won't publish anything they don't like.

>implying anarchism isn't for good goys

There's no conspiracy he's just not good enough.



A lot of people need to be 'dismissed' user. People have a tendency to rationalize their failures. This requires quick and fast 'cutting through'. I have to respect the man for how he dismantles modern young women and their life choices (usually disastrous), as well as these seemingly retarded men, who can't think about any consequences besides getting laid.

Stefan has the biggest power level of all youtubers. Unlike Infowars, Sarcuck of Zyklon, Crowder, McInnes,... he is actually able to make people think themselves and exposes many of the reasons of todays problems.

All other channels are nothing but entertainment, literally lead by comedians (Crowder, McInnes,...) but have no intellectual value.
He is fully aware of the JQ and even forced one of his j callers to think about the "coincidences".

hold on... the user did imply that he is dismissive without giving a reason.
That is a valid point is it not
> Not an argument
the non-argument.
Have you not noticed that steph does that sometimes?
Analogy cant replace dealing with the facts.
I think he can be hit-or-miss


He's just a youtuber with edgy opinions.

>american intelectuals
a sculptor is someone who makes sculptures
literally the fucking definition

You know nothing about philosophy, you fucking RETARD.

End yourself.


Doesn't really make think desu senpai.

If you can only afford to donate one dollar you probably shouldnt be donating money

What do you guys think of based Bill Whittle?

He's red pilled, isn't he?


he said philosopher, not cuck.

Most definitely. Firewall is an excellent series.

Fud detected.

William Lane Craig, Alvin Plantinga, or any other philosopher

Who said I was better? The fact we're both posting on here at all makes us worse than him. Doesn't make it any less funny, tho

He's a philosopher in the sense that he lives according to what he preaches. Reminiscent of the ancient Greek philosophers in that sense.

He has had a more positive impact on society than John Rawls did, for instance. Whether Molyneux is a 'philosopher' in the academic sense is irrelevant.

People don't have do donate as much as they're able to afford, that's some Catholic thinking right there.

not an argument

There it is. It was only a matter of time. Almost word for word.