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Class is about to begin soon Edition

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Alright Sup Forums, I know nothing about the next season and need to catch up on the hype. Can I count on you to tell me everything you know?

Yeah sure here we go.

Series 10
pig shit

>Class trailer only starts showing on TV from Monday, only five days before the premiere
>It goes full STRONK INDEPENDENT SPIN-OFF THAT DON'T NEED NO WHO with no connection to the parent show, no Capaldi clips, not even a "From the makers of Doctor Who"

Not to mention the show itself doesn't seem to have anything to offer. I'll still give it a chance but not gonna lie I'm much more hyped for the return of Thunderbirds Are Go on Saturday.

Series 10 will have Bll, a new female geeky companion, and Nardole, a companion from the future.

The Christmas special will have the Doctor and a superhero, who he may or may not have inspired, fighting an alien menace. Will be here at Christmas of this year.

Class is a spinoff of Doctor Who. Four kids, and an alien teacher, will have to survive a horde of creatures coming from the tears in reality. The Doctor cameos in the first ep, and he inadvertently causes the plot, but he's not involved with the rest of the eps.

It's coming out this Saturday on BBC3, and online in the pirate's waters. Here's the trailer:

will season 10 have any cybermen/dalek trash talking?

Anyone got a transparent PNG of the Class logo?

Handy /who/ hype summary, some of which is probably fake:


Ep1 - A Star in her Eye by The Moff. Bill's intro, set in a university. Nardole's also there as the Doctor's "valet" who's "sometimes sinister".

Ep2 - by Frank Cotrell Boyce, filmed in Spain, set in a futuristic city, involves robots with emojis for faces

Ep3 - by Sarah Dollard, Edwardian setting in winter

Ep4 - The Haunted Hub by Mike Bartlett, one of two "mind blowing" new writers. Has Bill staying in the Blink house and the guy from Poirot as some sort of landlord/groundskeeper.

Ep 5-9 Unknown, though Gatiss is writing at least one, and there's a Classic Who writer coming back (smart money's on Rona Munro, since Aaronovitch, Gallagher and Andrew Smith have confirmed it's not them).

Ep10-12 by The Moff, probably a three part finale with all sorts of Moffucking

Misc - everything's very "fresh" apparently, feels like a brand new show, etc.

no but i have a jiff image of a cat getting stuffed into a paper tube

oh and PNG is pronounced PING

Series 10 will have 2 shit episodes, 3 reasonably entertaining ones, 3 good ones, 3 very good ones, and an excellent one. And an Xmas special.