Ariana Grande Coal Burning General Thread

God fucking dammit! She's blatantly burning coal right in front millions of kids. When will this degeneracy end?

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not surprised considering there is a video saying she hates america

She can't be a coalburner because she's already a spic.


must suck to live a life of impotent rage over shit that doesn't matter like music videos

how much of a fucking loser are you, OP?

she isn't even white

She's Italian I think. Does that qualify on /pol? Regardless, young girls are going to see it and start doing it.

>young girls are going to see it and start doing it.
shes like 22 or something if young girls are consuming music about sex and degeneracy then thats the parents fault.

btw nobody on Sup Forums is white

>that """""""""music""""""""""

It just keeps sounding worse with each new one I hear. How can you fags stand that?

She's Puerto Rican

except for argentina :^) (^:

Tays music is puritan

What I'm saying is that she shouldn't be getting away with jumping smoke like fucking Frogger. Back in the 60s this was a career ender. We need to go back to those days

Spics and Niggers need to hang from trees

Moonman, Moonman, can't you see?

Shut up Tyrone you're not getting any

t. Insecure

MFW reply to myself on accident

nice job retard

refer to the Tyrone post

Being molested by Dan "rough rider" Shneider has really taken its toll.

Dan "Teen Bedder" Schnider

>career ender
>for fucking a nig
>in hollywood

think for a second user

Used to be


Taylor Swift truly is the savior of the white race

this eating disorder having bitch should be thrown to ISIS

>Teen Bedder Schneider
It doesn't even rhyme

I would have said Teen Shredder Shneider t.b.h even though it doesn't rhyme the alliterative effect is good

I want to see a video of Ariana Grande taking the BBC. She's hot as fuck

Dan "Hide Her" Scnheider?

>getting this mad about manufactured celebrity culture

Dude it's not worth it. You already know hollyweird is degenerate as fuck, there's not really anything to be gained by making these threads.

In reality she only fucks pic related

>I want to see a video of Ariana Grande taking the BBC
Please kill yourself


Imagine if Ariana Grande, Victoria Justice and whoever else he raped came here to help spread awareness and our only response was dank memes. Every nickname they read triggers flashbacks to their horrible memories with Dan "Rough rider" Schneider