Keep away from our jobs: You suck at IT and no one wants to willingly work with you. Your shitty half-baked code takes longer to fix than to make. We also don't want to die from medical malpractice due to your shitty doctors.
Keep away from our schools: All you fuckers do is cheat using answers provided by your indian friends. You would never get hired based on merit. Cheating does not count as merit. You would also never get hired if the boss wasn't indian (I.E nepotism), or if the company wasn't trying to save money (I.E stealing jobs).
Keep away from our women and porn sites: Holy fucking shit you are the creepiest fuckers ever aren't you? Sup Forums can take it from here.
Make like a shit and slide out of our countries. This includes the pakis and sikhs.
Nathan Morgan
Note to reddit and idiot journalists: this isn't satire.
David Fisher
Always the same empty, mindless look, like a zombie.
Robert Rivera
They have them there too in the NL?
Anthony Bailey
Leave Indianons alone
Levi Powell
Forgot to turn on your proxy there pajeet.
How does it feel to be sucking the life out of a once great empire?
But then again, I only met a few Indians at my College and they were usually bro Tier.
They have Drive and are really friendly and thankful if you help them.
Juan Gray
Yeah They're everywhere
Isaiah Carter
The only drive they have is google drive where they pass around test answers.
You know nothing of what it's like to have your community turned into little new Delhi like where I live.
Nathan Barnes
I agree. I wish i was dead.
Jaxson Ross
Indian males are just disgusting animals. The females are okay since some are fuckable and generally know their place. The men are rude, inept, dumb and smell like shit. They would never get hired if it was not for them working for 1/4 the pay.
Nicholas Ortiz
The vast majority of Indians want to get in ICT, Eng, Fin/Econ but can't pass IELTS exams and get stuck in shithole India forever passing the rest of their lives hating Pakis and the rest of the world.
Carson Thomas
I had a nice chat with a Pakistani (???) man working behind the counter at a gas station a few weeks ago, the guy in front of me in line was demanding like 40 packs of Newports or some shit, and the counter dude was like "You can just buy a carton, sir," and the black guy was like "Maaaaaaayne, fuck dat," and stormed off.
And then I discussed the problem with niggers with counter dude for like 2 minutes.
Jeremiah Powell
Aaron King
Stay strong Indian Bro, and poo in loo... for you and your people are the true aryans and will dominate the earth and its shitskins in 200 years, once the false aryans become extinct-- cucked out of existence by their own grils
Stay strong india bro and remember to poo in loo
Brandon Turner
they come to our country too. what do you say lads. how about we all team up and remove curry?
Austin King
Parker King
Noah Howard
Don't be like that Pajeet.
You have to understand, most of the FOB Indians that come over here to the states are some of the creepiest and awkward motherfuckers I have ever seen. Lately they've been hanging around the gym a lot,and all they do is stand in the corner and stare. Mostly at the girls.
Now it's fine if you want to look at girls in the gym,especially because it's summer but at least be discrete about it. This type of behavior among a ton of others does not help the image that people have of Indians.
The ones born and raised here are usually okay behavior wise. But 95% of them are spineless skinny fat nerds. On the rare occasion you meet a normal one they are usually cool as fuck.
Parker Rivera
Butthurt user?
Go back to your McD addiction
Jaxson Phillips
Too soon
Evan Clark
A fucking Indian just sat down next to me on the bus.
God these 'people' stink.
Christopher White
You are all gross I am Indian and offended you are all ugly and creepy!
Jayden Wood
Generally there are many shit tier java developers from india but dont forget that they have also some god-tier programmers and ai scientists, look at google deepmind
Jordan Rogers
U won't be so edgy if u knew how to handle competition though. But since u don't, stay edgy little omegalord fagoot, beware not to cut urself on that tho
Grayson Baker
Depends. Are u referring to North or South Indians? The South is much more cultured and traditional compared to the North. Quick fact user, the guy who is the CEO of Google, Sundar Pichai, he is a Southerner.
James Powell
Kek. Never saw someone more incompetent.
Hurr durr hard working men stole job from me when i was busy whining about long work hours.
Cameron Ross
>The females are okay since some are fuckable
Literally not true on any level. Sunny Leone does not represent Indian women. They overwhelmingly look like disfigured mummified Egyptian pharaohs.
Jonathan Garcia
Gotta disagree senpai
Benjamin Carter
remove Poo from premises
Benjamin Wright
>be me >work at tech company headquarters in Boston area >company outsources grindy coding and some data verification to India >Indians constantly do it wrong >IT people at HQ constantly have to fix what Indian coders do wrong >CSRs at HQ constantly have to fix what Indian verifiers do wrong >eventually, the company just closes their Indian outsourcing company because it cost more money to fix their mistakes than to just hire Americans >mfw
Dominic Jackson
Aren't south Indians pretty much Abos? One successful guy doesn't represent millions of subhumans.
>cultured and traditional
Your not fooling anyone with that Australian flag Pajeet. There is absolutely nothing "cultured" about that shithole country.