It's good to know Pakistan will accept me back when the great race war begins
every fucking time
Proud of Germany
was this just as the crisis began, do a new Poll I bet the percentage is lower for all of them
Not even an issue. today we are dealing with money grabbing leech niggers.
>tfw only country with common sense
China would probably only accept "refugees" only to make them work the fields.
Honestly curious where did this poll came from.
Only some woman at my (public) university say refugees are a good thing, all my friends and family say this whole refugee thing is stupid for Mexico.
Nice source Vlad. Post a legitimate infographic or fuck off
They probably think they would be getting a free servant.
long live Russia
>welcoming sandniggers in household
Notice the disparity between in my country and in my city. Oh yea, dump those smelly parasites in my lands, just not near me. Fucking morons.
Kek, I found Russians to be very warm and inviting when I was studying there (in their homes at least)
Where is Israel? I would have thought they would be in there, being so multicultural.
You are not a rapefugee though.
You should show your masters more hatred against Russia.
They do that with Norks that escape across the border. A lot of the rural places keep them as slaves.
It's easy for us to say yes, it's not like they are going to stay and get a job.
Behind Russia in every poll/survey... Poland BTFO. How can we even recover?
Russia would be more based if they weren't doing so shitty financially
It is your pseudo-Germans who bring you down.
God Russia is so fucking based.
Long live Putin.
Oy vey, look how intolerant Russia is! This is very problematic.
Nevermind that we already accepted 1m+ of Ukrainian refugees. Only blacks and browns count.
I bet they only asked chilangos from Mexico city. Fucking leftist shithole.
Ukrainians don't count apparently, Poland has the same issue since they accepted a million as well.
Did "no such thing as Ukraine" meme gone too far? :-D
They produce the refugees?
This has to be made up. The world as a whole isn't this collectively cucked. And most surveys I've seen here claim the vast majority of Americans (both republicans and democucks) are against taking in Syrian refugees.
>Straya above France.
>"Fuck off we're full... "
>"Unless you have big refugee cock."
That is true. I was in Ufa though, half the population is brown and Muslim
Idiot. There are a shit ton of palestinians in Israel proper and Arabs. How many Israeli Jews in those countries. Believe your liberal cuck rhetoric.
Nuke us please
Most of that is because of the collapse in oil prices.
They are doing better than the EU. Russia the past 20 years is growing faster than most of the worlds top economies. EU is the only continent in decline.
Because you are not a subhuman. When you say "refugees" it's mostly in context of muslims immigrants or brown people in general.
Russia accepted more than a million of East Ukraine "refugees" without any issues.
No one wants to come here because we have no jobs. And because there are barely any refugees, people are not opposed to them.
>amnesty international
It says refugees. Lets see a survey where it specifically states muslim refugees. That would be fun. It would have to be a secret poll or the libs will out you and put you in danger.
This is retarded. Both of our countries accepted more refugees than fuckin whole EU. But our refugees are inferior because they are white (well, a bit retarded but still somehow white - a mixture of Polish and Russians).
if we would accept 1milion browns they would be proud of us though.
This is a stupid question. There are so many different types of people in the world.
Would I accept Europeans? Sure. Japanese or South Korean or Chinese? Sure.
But muslims? No. Their morals are fucked, and they cannot assimilate.
Whites don't count as refugees. it is why you never hear about charities helping Moldova when it is poorer than most African states and they only want to send money to Africa instead. The West only cares about brown people.
i wonder how it would have looked if they said MUSLIM refugees.
I have no problem with Ukrainian refugees coming here
They don't want jobs, all they want is gibsmedats, which they get in rich countries.
Doesn't Spain still have crippling unemployment?
If there are people legitimately fleeing warfare I am far more open to them than economic migrants.
Economic migrants make up roughly 80% of the migrants entering Europe nowadays. Even Syrian passports can't be trusted because they're being bought and sold every single day along the migration routes.
But even with refugees fleeing war I don't think we should be helping them get here, they should be fighting for their fucking country. Us taking in every man of fighting age is not only ruining our society, it's hamstringing Syria
I don't see myself and sweden
This number could be significantly less if they say it would be arab refugees
I would agree to this poll, for example if Serbs wanted to come they're welcome. However shitskins would be a no
>tfw when you live in an uncucked society
feels good having our christian values
how's your atheist enlighted countries doing?
>welcoming cowards and traitors
wew lads
>war and persecution
these numbers would be lower if the question was "should poor people be able to leave and go wherever they want just to get free shit from the government"
which is the actual problem
Although Chinese appear to be most welcoming, the question did not ask what would be the type of person fleeing from war. Chinese are known to be extreemly racist against blacks, while welcoming to europeans.
Based Portugal!
This data is all faked. In Ireland they over stepped their boundaries by telling us how we secretly all want to house them in our own homes and then everyone in work had a good laugh about it the next day.
Propaganda is real.
Everyone, yes!
>29 % of britbongs would take a refugee to their own house
>"Make them work in my house."
China: never say no to cheap labor
In our country the Islamic rapefugees are a bigger threat than Russians.
Because you know, if Russians would make a chimpout, there would be appropriate military response to that (with Burger tanks and helicopters of course), NATO Article 5 and etc.
However, if Islamic rapefugees will chimpout, all lefties would find a way to blame native people for the lack of "welcoming and tolerant environment".
>However, if Islamic rapefugees will chimpout
You gotta flirt with our minister of defence a bit. Prolly he could fix that for you. Some time ago he said he will use an army if any of the shitskins hordes would want to come here or simply march through Poland. On top of that he sent one frigate and like 60 border guards to Greece to stop the invasion kek.
Lol, that frigate and border guards you sent are for pulling out 'fugees near the Libyan coast.
We were coerced to send a rescue helicopter and some policemen too (for guarding 'fugee camps).
Our Social-democratic Prime Minister literally went agitating 'fugees to come to Lithuania. But only 7 people came here, four of them is a family from Iraq and they are already "extremely disappointed" with getting minimum Eastern European wage.
>majority of Poles want rapefugees
What makes you think China wants Europeans in their country? They already have a fucked up gender ratio.
fucking FINALLY someone posted this thank you thank you thank you dude be happy (unless you are nigger) and live a long life
im looking for this pic for fucking eternity
thank you dude
have a good day
I can only tell from subjective experience that it's miles better than it was in the 90s, so at least there isn't a decline like here in Germany, where it's the other way around.
the question is about the people fleeing from war. A lot of hohols were taken here recently and no one had a problem with it despite our very hostile history.
However if you've looked here
you gonna see that everything is fine with our way of thinking :^)
>Wealthiest state by far
>1/6 of the national PIB
>Pays for 50% of the Federal taxes
>1/14 of the country population
yes dude, swallow our big homosexual dicks, swallow our leftism because we are leftiest and yet we top you in everything
pinche puto
>Wealthiest state by far
>1/6 of the national PIB
>Pays for 50% of the Federal taxes
>1/14 of the country population
yes dude, swallow our big homosexual dicks, swallow our leftism because we are leftiest and yet we top you in everything
pinche puto
sorry pal was intended for the other dude, I somewhat agree but still you shouldnt swallow anything pols says
Canada at 88%
>tfw no one gives a shit about us
In Russia, refugees flee you
Nobody does about us either, yet maybe they decided to ignore our results, since there was concern from the government that even primary schooners from the countryside think that the rapefugees should be sent back on a preferably leaky boat.
>we have no jobs
it's more accurate to say "we let no jobs to happen"
>3 million illegals
>still want rapefugees
Why is my country so cucked Sup Forums?