Today, the 29th of May 2016, is the 563rd anniversary of the fall of Constantinople.
Press F to pay respects, and if you wish, leave some dank memes as an offering to the memory of one of the mightiest and beautiful cities ever constructed by man.
Think of this thread like a visitors book but for a funeral. Remove Kebab.
>The victorious end of the siege was considered an enormous military success because the defenses of city were carefully developed by leading German siege experts and were dubbed 'undefeatable'
>The Bulgarian achievements up to this point were fairly summarized by a British war correspondent: "A nation with a population of less than five million and a military budget of less than two million pounds per annum placed in the field within fourteen days of mobilization an army of 400,000 men, and in the course of four weeks moved that army over 160 miles in hostile territory, captured one fortress and invested another, fought and won two great battles against the available armed strength of a nation of twenty million inhabitants, and stopped only at the gates of the hostile capital.
Meanwhile, byzanboo autists are jerking off at the failure of a shitty "empire" that lost countless of times against all their neighbors simultaneously, and then managed to get fucking capitulated by some shitskins even if their city was deemed impossible to be captured
Aaron Watson
Its Simeon, the guy who did this
As you can see, there's not much of a Byzantium there, as they were one of the most incapable empires to ever exist - being conquered by some shitty steppe tribe, and then again by a muslim steppe tribe
Colton Hernandez
Jordan Sanchez
Why are you being such a cuck today, Finland?
Sebastian Thomas
Don't forget, if it wasn't for the Latin Empire, Byzantium would have been in a better position to deal with the turks.