
Will post nudes for GTA5 steam key.


Is that you cutie?

ever heard what Sup Forums is about? Enjoy your permaban.

>he wants GTA5

This is Sup Forums. You want Sup Forums.

are you hitler m8

Sent :)

By this point there's no difference.

We don't want your nudes, we want to see gassed Jews.

that can be arranged user

You ain't even worth GTA4

capitalism in action

>tfw a fattass amerikkkan says you're not worth GTA4

You do understand what this board is about right?

Post a timestamped photo of yourself and I'll consider it.

Write Sup Forums and the date in American.

educate me user


Pro Tip: you can't bump your own threads, newfag

its not me it's my ex. send code over gmail, and i'll post more.

yes you can faggot

>being this fucking new
Helpful Hint: Sup Forums software prohibits OPs from bumping their own threads. You can try to bump it a thousand times but you'll quickly slide off the front page if nobody comments.
Lurk moar, browse the archives, newfag.

>being this fucking thick
bumping it for more interest faggot.

>Being this right
God bless America

fuck off newfag

Nice flag

Fuck off you ugly whore

lmao that's not me fag

are you under 18 ill pay :^)

sent ;)