They just doubled Trumps original offer to donate to charity, lets see what excuse he uses this time


>winners debating losers

That's not how it works, mane.

T-bh I think Trump really wants to debate, but his advisors said no

You have to listen to them or else what are you paying them for?

>We have distribution to 250MM Americans on social media through this channel.
>social media
call me when a real media company offered to pay up

Fuck that, make the tv networks themselves donate straight out of the proceeds they'd get from airing the debate, as Trump originally proposed. Why the hell should Trump give the networks all that free money when they constantly slander and lie about him?

There is no reason or political advantage to debating the guy who lost, crooked Dem process or not. Why would he even bother?

Debating Bernie would be stupid for Trump to do. High risk, low reward. Maybe 6 months ago it would have made sense. Now that he is the nominee but Bernie isn't, it makes no sense.

Apparently "winners" just challenge "losers" to a debate and then back out like a bitch, even though the terms were met x 3


It was not a serious challenge, as you know

> just challenge "losers"

LOLNO.Sanders challenged Trump and Trump appeared to accept but changed his mind.Perhaps after talking it through with his team.

>politics is just a game of who wins and loses
>serious policy discussion doesnt have to be had if you're 'losing' haha!

Trump backed out because he knew he'd be made a fool of and Bernie would either win the election or win it for Hillary.

>This is how afraid Doland supporters are of an actual opponent

>cant make his own decisions

this is the man you want 'leading' our country?

He did it just to fuck with berniecucks. Give them a little shred of hope then take it way.


What a coward

He paid good money for Shaniqua's headgear. I heard he's bankrupt now

You bern victims still crying about that debate shit?

You still ignoring indictment rumours?


Meggin scawes me

>Trump talks constantly about how the democratic primaries were rigged
>"I-I'm not d-debating a loser!"

Holy shit Trump is such a fucking pissant


>berniebots still crying over their dead canidate

Only the finest taco bowls in the finest gold plated tranny washrooms for my beautiful H1B no walls zionist tranny babies

Not an argument

yes, a good leader knows when to rely on others for advices


The butthurt about the debate thing doesn't even upset me. He seriously hit them where it hurts. A true bull.

Im an indian giver. This makes me ballsy

Just a reminder, Trump looks terrible reneging on this.

POOR DONALD is going to reject the offer of course. We're dealing with a YUUGE coward here.Sad!

>Trump backed out because he knew he'd be made a fool of

>Donald you are a bigot.How dare you be so racist.


Other than that Sanders has nothing but pipe dreams.He can't call out Trump on not having solid plans.

>and Bernie would either win the election

Not possible.

>or win it for Hillary.

Also not possible.Don't you understand the concept of a Telflon Don and being Unstumpable.

>cant make his own decisions

>this is the man you want 'leading' our country?

Yes, Trump can make his own decisions.Until recently he only ever listened to himself, retard.And it a big criticism against him.Now he has to show that he can play nice with others.

Hahaha what a loser cant even debate for 20 mil of charity to vets? what a looooser hahahhaa.

oh well, its not like the money he gave to vets actually made it to them.

Trump is the winner
Sanders is the loser

Winners don't debate losers

hahah have you seen the rallies you tool? suck a dick


Another comparison

This would be like Hillary Clinton debating Ted Cruz at this point in the campaign

What kind of b8 this is?I dont understand it.Are you parodying other shills or what?

>yfw it was all apart of the plan, he knew a company would step up and offer more
>yfw philanthropy points scored
>yfw master of the deal punks everyone again

Trump enjoys bad press and why would he debate the loser? So that the actual winner of the Democratic Party knows what their debate is going to look like? Fuck that. The Don doesn't have to debate until it's him and shillary
>pic related
It's one I took of te God Emperor at his rally

>Knowing anything
Pick one.

But no, you're wrong. Sanders wouldn't lay into Trump about racism or sexism because he talks exclusively about policy during debates. This is why Doland backed out of the debate; because Trump doesn't know policy. His policy is mostly muddled bullshit, but the only solid proposals he has, he SHARES with Sanders.

Trump's a coward, deal with it


Makes you think, damn.

Are you actually a nigger?

Cause you communicate like one HAHAHA SUCK MY DICK BLACK BOY

That picture never gets old.

Yeah, if Ted Cruz was in a virtual tie with Trump and Trump was under investigation by the FBI
Nice analogy, retard

>People still think it's about what Donald, Bernie, or even their fans want.
The rules are that if he debates Bernie before he is nominated (aka ever) he cannot debate and destroy Hillary. This whole arrangement is Hillary's dream and this is Bernie leading his fans who want change back to the establishment for easy use. Clinton shills are trying to assist this in anyway they can.

trying too hard


Kill yourself remove your retarded genes from the gene pool Trump will win $hillary will lose and Bernie has already lost. eat a dick

trump supporters are sad af hahah. yes lie to yourselves.

The DNC shit all over Bernie as soon as he agreed to debate. It disqualifies him from debating again in the primaries, though it's not like that's going to happen again anyway.

Trump doesn't say stupid things because they are stupid. Trump says smart things that sound stupid. He just gave Bernie some momentum going into California, which will help him contest the democratic convention.

Depending on how that goes, Trump could actually end up having no competition until August. That is two months of overkill points and whoever walks out of the democratic convention wont have the time to catch up in any meaningful way.

>h-he only debates winners


Faggot orange nigger knows better.

He's waiting for it to double again, then for the charges to go through against Hillary.

He comes off with a $40mil donation that he doesn't have to put a dime of his own money in, wrecks Bernie, and gets shitloads of brownie points with women.

>virtual tie

>still not the terms Donald required

I hate both of these morons, but money was only one aspect of his conditions, you commie retards




It's not his advisors, I'm fairly certain the RNC pulled Jewry.

If Trump debates Bernie it's an 'unsanctioned debate,' and were the debate to happen, RNC rules state that they could decide that the Don couldn't partake in future Sanctioned debates, (like debates vs. Shillary, which will be his coup de grace against her.)

Basically, Trump wanted the debate, the RNC then told him that if he did it, they wouldn't let him debate Shillary, and so Trump backed out to avoid both that and reigniting the civil war with the Republican establishment.

There's still more Jewry afoot though, because Bernie attending the debate would disqualify him from attending the Democratic Convention, which has been the centerpiece of his rhetoric for the last few weeks. Fucking Jews.

>people actually defending Trump over this

I support Trump, but you can't at least be disappointed that he basically backed out of a debate he said he'd be willing to do.

Whether or not he should debate a loser is an irrelevant red herring. The point is that he said he would be willing to do something and now has reneged his previous statement. It's his word, not the debate itself, which is what we're talking about here.

Eat a dick Trump will win you will lose cry me a river while I enjoy the view

>like debates vs. Shillary,

Isn't the rule only for RNC primary debates?

>virtual tie
Bernieboy's dead in the water mate, dem's wouldnt even run him if Hillary died tomorrow.

I think your parents need to ground you boy your to young to be on this website.

>>Knowing anything
>Pick one

I pick both.I am a bulgarian yeah, but i was also on the #trumptrain from the beginning mocking you burnouts and your retarded dreams.

>But no, you're wrong. Sanders wouldn't lay into Trump about racism or sexism

Nope try again.Sanders just this week said he would go hard against Trump's bigoted ideas.

>This is why Doland backed out of the debate; because Trump doesn't know policy. His policy is mostly muddled bullshit, but the only solid proposals he has, he SHARES with Sanders.

As i already said.Sanders knows just as muc about policy as Trump.Actually A LOT LESS.Trump has been talking about trade deals since the 80s.He is being intentionally vague for the time being but once he is up against Hillary he is gonna reveal his final form, catch her off guard and crush her.

do you know what a primary is?


thank you for the .25 retard

Also have fun getting boned by trump cant wait to come and shitpost some more when that happens hahahahhaa




>crawling in my skin
>these wonds they do not heal

This picture looks like a compilation of stuff that triggers the specific individual that created it; that stuff is just so random that it could never fully describe one person.

It's like someone lurked here for one day and attempted to turn this entire board into one guy.

>The GOP would ban their candidate from debating the DNC candidate
>The DNC would not allow their candidate to debate the GOP candidate in the general
This rule only exists as long as the candidates respect it. The moment it's broken, it ceases to matter. Their is no way either of the two ACTUAL contenders for the general election would be disallowed from debating their opponent. The GOP/DNC would fold on that rule instantly.

If Trump debates bernie, shillary knows exactly what he's going to use against her. Why would Trump want to help her?

But Bernie is a loser, so whats your point?
Why would Trump play his debate with democrats so early. I don't think you understand the strategy of politics. Trying to childishly goad someone doesn't work in the adult world you simpleton.

fucking losers.

probably doesn't have a dick.

>20 million?
>lol cuck you're too late plus theres this um rule or something that says i cant debate dem candidates or im gonna get sued or shit like that yeah its totally legit
>yeah whatever cuck lol you cant debate me haha wanna debate cuck haha you cant have it haha cuck cuck dream on cuck. cuck cuck
>what? im not a chicken. cuck is like a reddit meme or something i like using it cuck cuck whoops i just laid an egg cuck cuck PUH- KEK

I havn't seen Sup Forums triggered this hard in awhile. They have been trying to spin this Bernie debate for a week as anything other than what it really is:

Trump looking like the fool he is. He bitched out.

I fully support Trump but he should have debated Sanders or not offered it at all.

He could shoot a baby on stage and I still wouldn't regret my vote, anything is better than Hillary and Bernie. Another Garfield would even be better.


Actually I heard it was because the 20 Million dollar offer was from a wrestling group that wanted to make it a Pay Per View event and it'd be a total fucking clown show. But yah You theory is equally valid.

oh wow, he is a pussy......

Ever since he said he would and didn't keep his word...he doesn't feel all that man emperor to me anymore.....fuck it im voting third party.

It's Jewfully ambiguous

He said he would on a major network. None of the networks stepped up. It's like if I said I would box you, and you call me a pussy for not wrestling you.

>not using the actual historical image that took place as it happened
>When bernie loses it will have been because of this single moment.


You realize both of them would be banned from taking part in any further debates if they participate in an unsanctioned debate?

No, obviously you don't. Because you're an oblivious underage newfag.

if this goes to 100 million then trump should do it unless the RNC says you lose the nomination for doing it.

Do they not teach English in your 3rd world country?

>be a bernie cuck voter
>Phone banked for sanders for months
>tfw he keeps getting cucked
>he never talks about the emails
>he just gets cucked and cucked and cucked
>Maybe if i give him more money it will help
>he lost california
>tfw cry myself to sleep
>tfw I withdrawn too much from my ebt and I have to eat microwaved potatoes for the 5th time this week

A tie? ahahahaha wow you Bernouts are in for a rude awakening. Hillary is now your democrat ruler, Bernie is out, your with her now, lol

cuck cuck cuck cluck cluck cluck BCKAWWWW

cluck cluck cluck cuck cuck cuck


You don't remember the shills around MARCO SURGING?

That still doesn't explain why Bernie accepted though, it would essentially torpedo his campaign

Normal people don't understand why you guys are crying so much about this; a debate with Sanders just seems silly.

It's like if Cruz was trying to get a debate with Hillary after he was crushed in Indiana. It just comes off as desperate.

>Aww look at the crying baby


>Debate takes place and questions are designed to make Trump fight Bernie
>Trump loses berniefags who would've voted for him otherwise

Yeah no. This is a terrible idea and will only benefit Hildabeast.

>Hillary indicted
>bernie cucked before convention
>tfw all this phone banking for nothing

>Sup Forums literally memed trump into a chicken by cuck posting
>tfw meme magic is fucking real

im laughing my ass off rn thank you for the .25.

hahahahahhahahaha trump pussying out just another confirmation to what we all know but you retards cant stop sucking his cock to see that hes a pussy ass bitch that goes back on his word. cant wait till hes sued for his stupid ass fake business school



he should have debated Hillary tho, presidential primaries should be intermingled with other candidates

Bernie is desperate for attention Trump is on the news 24/7 getting called a bigot racist whatever buzzword the regressive mainstream media wants to use Bernie hasn't been relevant in months. He'd suck a hobo's dick for a fraction of the media attention trump has gotten.

hahah more like loses his own supporters when they see a real man on stage hahahahhahahaha