Are they controlled opposition? How much do we know about them?
There is solid evidence that at least one of them (Mike Enouch) is a jew.
Other urls found in this thread:
They have some podcasts, the main one is called the daily shoah.
They're cool, so shut the fuck up you turk nigger.
>listening to Fash The Nation now
That's right goy. Everyone is controlled oppositon.
TRS is controlled opposition
Blackpigeonspeaks is controlled opposition
Richard Spencer is controller opposition
Sup Forums is controlled opposition
Jared Taylor is controlled opposition
Daily Shoah is the number 2 podcast
Fash the Nation is the main one
How do you explain this then?
Just asking questions. It is important to identify controlled opposition.
>Richard Spencer
You mean the guy who calls for erosion of European borders for some "paneuropean union" and who says that homosexuality is an important part of white identity?
It's 2 hours of concentrated autism. It's like listening to someone read out a Sup Forums thread. Merchant Minute and Chateau Autiste are pretty good though.
>concentrated autism
Seems to be a major theme in their podcast.
I heard, they spent at least an hour in their last two podcasts talking about trains.
>You mean the guy who calls for erosion of European borders for some "paneuropean union"
he just means an eu type deal based on white nationalism instead of progressive faggotry.
Daily Shoah is 10/10 comfy and was an important part of my redpilling process.
Fash the nation is good too.
He is shilling hard against Brexit and in generally thinks that individual national identities are a social construct.
It looks like you might be taking whatever this tweet is out of context.
And he's not talking about a NWO style borderles european society. He's just saying that europeans should stick together. Not that we have to turn into one big blob.
Fatherland is better. Mike needs to be gassed.
Why is Seventh Son promoting homosexuality on his youtube channel?
Here they are clearly seen spreading defeatism
Is this a sign of them being controlled opposition?
What's the fatherland like? Do they just talk about dadcore shit like mowing the lawn and watching niggerball?
Or do they talk about how to bag a woman suitable for starting a family with?
the point of THE BLACK PILL is to poke fun at people with defeatist attitudes. The easiest way to strike down this sort of stuff is to memeify it, similar to how all the atheism debates got crushed due to the fedora meme.
in other words, it's satirical you dumb nigger
Mike Enoch is definitely not a kike. Met him last year and he was pretty fucking . Spencer tier goylooks. Also, as a member of TRS, with some insight into the workings of the inner circle, I can say most of the people are 100% legit.
I also picture Enoch looking like a fat hairy italian.
>inner circle
Oh, sure, so you are actually a member of their cult and you say they are legit.
I guess i was paranoid then to question it.
>sure goy, we are spreading defeatism ironically. it's a prank
Kike Enoch is literally Seth Rogen and nobody will every convince me otherwise.
Also, pop yourself into The Oven and hit me up on the forum.
Well considering the response to the black pill was the dad pill, yeah it is a calling out of deafitism.
Who are you, goy?
It's owned by Viacom, who also own MSNBC. It just takes standard progressive policy, and makes it satirical so young kids feel like they are becoming "intellectually enlightened", when in reality they are just getting rehashed stories/narratives that MSNBC pushes.
>hurr everyone is controlled opposition
I'm a big guy [spoiler]for you[/spoiler].
>who says that homosexuality is an important part of white identity?
Well the Greeks did it didn't they
On this podcast they are heard making fun of 9/11 conspiracy research, ridiculing theories connecting Israel to it. Are they on Netanyahu's payroll?
10 posts by this id.
This is an anti-deathpanel canard. Everybody knows that 9/11 was perpetrated by George Soros astral projecting into Saudis impersonating Iraqis.
Yes, I am presenting a case here
>4 posts by this ID
what now?
Try harder, shlomo.
Can't stand to listen to Mike wheeze for three hours even though he's interesting plus Hateful Heretic left. Radio Free Skyrim is the only pod worth listening to, everything else a shit
I find Natt from RFS extremely annoying and attention whorey tbqh.
A pan-European union based on white nationalism sounds good to me.
Each country still retains its identity in the same way new York and Texas retain their identity as states... not a big deal to me ...
This is the most JIDF thread I've seen on Sup Forums
I like him but I get it. You've gotta admit that this is fucking funny though
i really dig Mike Enoch and Ghoul.
congratz you and all 12 other people watching will be disappointed when they do the next format change and its 2 women running the show
Nice one Hirschel
They are fucking great m8.
>Mike Enouch is a jew
Lmao well memed my friend.
They're okay
Dude, what the fuck are you even doing?
they have 10-20k listeners m8.
name a successful white society that doesn't tolerate homosexuality
thank you
Exposing the truth, my friend.
Every white country before 1960 for example.
kek name a successful white society
Good. Although I prefer Fash the Nation
Aight. Cant even begin to explain how retarded you are.
Go to bed Hans. No reason to troll Sup Forums at such late ours.
All of Europe under Christendom from the Renaissance to the French Revolution
Is that you Natt? If yes, I want to tell you that you suck.
No its me. Jens the dane, telling you to go to bed.
Seventh Son is the Opie of their Opie and Anthony for WN clone.
Not a compliment.
Don't tell me what to do Dane.
But hes the glue that makes it enjoyable. Otherwise you have Ghoul being a memelord and Mike wheezing thru effort posts. Sven is high energy bants
He steers the ship, goy :^)
He was like that at the beginning, memeing and interrupting nice conversations with stupid drops, but he definitely got better now.
Hey Sven. Whos on the show this week?
Bretty good, actually. Check out episode 21 if you want a good introduction to the show. Jim used to be a fedora wearing hipster, which makes for great bants (bantz he can't take).