Daily reminder that the jews deny the palestinian genocide of 1948! the proof is there!
Never forget the 700000!
Daily reminder that the jews deny the palestinian genocide of 1948! the proof is there!
Never forget the 700000!
palestinian men with heads cut off and cut off testicles in their mouth
abhorrent treatment by the jews
50 years on jewish barbarism continues. arab child killed by zionist gunfire
Nothing wrong with killing muslims, though, they're nothing but subhuman sandnigger scum. Gods bless Israel.
bosnian serb the jews plotted against you during the 90s
they want muslims in europe so they will be out their hair
based north rhodesia
dont let the jews get away w this
pic related; faris odeh shot dead by a tank at 14 years of age because he was against the presence of tanks IN HIS OWN FUCKING BIRTHPLACE
the jews had no right to be here its invasion.
Thats their problem. Im in the west I dont give a shit.
those in particular of the jewish persuasion try and persuade us to take in refugees because of the "holocaust"
they ignore the fact that they themselves created refugees in 1948
look up who owns your newspapers sven
its the wolodarski family, polish jews.
so. why dont you worry about your own country and stop being such a fucking drain on the rest. Whats your excuse? Potatoes are freely available and youve been a self standing country for nearly a century. No wars just bone idolness.
Whats the point of reading newspapers mick. Same shit in all of them. BS from some liberal tard and jew. I dont give a fuck about the world and its problems. let them fucking die.
Lol, my brother we should not fight with each other
on the contrary we should focus on who is in control in our countries and whether they are looking out for our good or our downfall
goodluck in sweden, i dont want to see the death of such a nice country by vicious multi cult kikes
Free palestine brothers
>French Algeria
Those are white Frenchmen.
Who cares?
Nevah forget the potatah famine!
>> Ha, Belgiumers
......Check their shoes !
Free Palestine.
Youre not my brother. Youre a shit tier religious freak whos only export os shit mud piss water with a jizz topping and a hating for the english because you called them cunts and they said fine we wont feed your shitty people. Im not your brother faggot. Im white, British and anti liberal everything. Stick it up your third world ass.
Who cares, that's not even worth denying
germany a slave to the jews
ok my brother whatever you say
based mexibro
t.Insidious Hiberno
Enjoy being a cuck for the jews
palestinian are shit
french argelia 1957 revolution
>implying similar atrocities didnt happen in israel
bump dont let the semites get away with it
I do not care , I prefer a Jewish state to a Muslim , Jews do not blow themselves up in the middle of europe
Absolutely nothing wrong with these. All muslims deserve to die in pain.
Jews come to country, make life hell for the people, bomb their nation into the ground, create a generation of orphaned children
this is uncivilized in this day and age
its still bad, the jews killed our lord and continue to cause trouble to this day
what did palestinians ever do to you?
´´people´´ muslims are not people, they are pure crap
you are from colombia, you have probably never met one
were the Romans who did
Jesus was a jew, so... you must hate him?
I have met Jews at my university
>what did palestinians ever do to you?
They're muslims, they supported fucking Bosniaks when they were beheading our civilians in the 90s. Fuck them all.
Don't forget muslimas are only worth 1/2 a goat-lover. I don't believe that 700k figure.
the jews killed him because they knew he was better, he was not an average citizen at the time
They use that argument that our lord was jewish when it suits them, and then they mock him in whatever shows they make in america. its only when it suits them that they do anything at all
>"stupid mudshits should all die!"
>jews kill mudshits
Maybe they where not mudslimes. How do you know?
Pre-israel these states where pretty secular.
you did not meet them prior to that because you do not live in the major banking centers of colombia
typical jew tactic playing one against the other
I do not care if they make fun or not, that would happen to me if I make fun of Muhammad or Allah in a Muslim country?
Currently you like it or not, israel scientific and technologically support the advancement of humanity, all other Middle Eastern countries are still in the tenth century
>all bankers are Jews who will want to steal the money ... blah blah blah
Did you know the Jew hung 20 British soldiers with piano wire. Still they wont alologise.
There's plenty of proofs, you fucking Guido, google them, I don't need to explain myself to you.
you defend Muslims but then have to listen to a allahu akbar on the subway or at an airport in your country and you will not like
you are part of the diaspora, who shuts down criticism of your people in your respective place. dont worry everyone is onto you
its just the objective truth. lehman brothers goldman sachs bernie madoff et al
im sure a bosnian serb would know more on the subject than me bruh
>that your people imported
really? when?
Muslims do not have oil? You think they do not have banks or economic control?
whether or not Jews control the banks do not care, I prefer that to the Muslims control my country with explosions.
lol its obvious that the jews do, they rape you more than any muslim would.
look up communism in eastern europe.
does pol unironically hate irish people? i've never been shilled by irishfags, I never even hear them complaining about the potato famine its just some stupid shit I had to read in 5th grade social studies
>You are a Jew because you're not on my side.
I read that
dude, meme that Jews created communism already expired.
>700000 gorillion
A lot more than the real numbers of holohoax.
I wish we had killed 700,000 of them
Don't worry, Abdul, soon
7urria li falasteen etfoo 3alaik ya sahyouni :^)
Nik omak ;^)
TRUMP 2016
>imblying same shit didnt happen in palestina
overrepresentation of ethnic jews in communist high command
but you did
Soon we will, fucking potato nigger cuck
but you already did
kus abouk. Vote Haman 2016. Make Persia Great Again!
If we did it, well fucking done
Too bad the bongs didn't annex your terrorist little shithole
>sees flag.
Oh I understand now
Yes, the Jews created communism to cope with capitalism.
Very logical.
>kus abouk
>Be Palishit
>Act like a sandnigger
>Get your shit wrecked
but you already did, little jewish nazis!
doesnt matter what flag, could be any flag
the truth is the truth, you cant run from it you cant hide from it.
Some dads breastfeed. Deal with it. #FckH8
allah souriya bashar w bas ^-^
Sup Forums is where the white man comes to talk about the jew and what the jew is doing in the world
its the truth what ive posted here so its not tumblr tier
filthy inbred kike
5years and still unmossadable
wrong it's the current year+1 bigot
your people are genetically inferior
but 10/10 would make soap out of jew fat
>who is milton friedman?
>where the white man comes
>where the white man
>white man
Why do you care about dead muzzies
das rite
divide and conquer
cant say i didnt see that coming