Watch these fat mudslimes get BTFO and triggered with real bacon.
Watch these fat mudslimes get BTFO and triggered with real bacon
>religion of peace!
>most muslims are only muslim in name
Should've been real bacon he was feeding them
What a stupid religion. Muh halal! Muh piggly wigglies!
i don't get why they think pork is so disgusting but to be fair i would probably react the same if somebody told me i just ate dog meat. I'm guessing it's mostly cultural upbringing
Fake as fuck.
Stop shilling this guys videos.
here a bacon
They view it as unclean. Historically the rates of trichinosis (contaminated with larvae) from pork was pretty high since it was never cooked properly. Therefore by their cultural law they just outlawed it.
Same reason die judens have kosher.
They should learn to cook. But then again, who am I kidding? People in the Middle East can't learn anything.
Also pigs raised in very hot climates taste awful
because some dude wrote to not eat pork in a book 1500 years and now they are following this rule like a mindless sheep
how do you fuck up cooking pork?
guess i shouldn't be surprised by these inbred sandniggers at this point
>Oh no i was tricked into eating bacon now allah won't like me anymore !!1!11!!! ;( ;(
Why are muslims so fucking stupid?
>there will never be kebab with lardons
>getting this mad over bacon
Do these cucks really believe they're going to burn in hell for eating pork? top kek
Like so many other things its been enshrined in their laws for so long they cant differentiate it between it and the will of Allah.
Sharia Law believe it or not wasn't original Islamlic, just cultural Bronze age laws for keeping the peace, but after so long it was absorbed by Islam and Islam carried it intot he modern age as its own.
The dumb fucks think God doesnt want them to eat pigs for some obscure or sacred reason when in reality some cleric thought it might be a good idea to keep pork away from the dumb fucks who couldnt cook it. As you can see their Darwinism has clearly paid off...
Because they used the whole pig.
Bohooo, i hate some pig meat, i'm sorry muhammad.
>go to rape a girl
haha stupid muslims
Religion is so fucking stupid.
that looks like turkey bacon, it's not curled enough to be pork bacon . I think the mudslimes are just acting
> buu huu i cant eat bacon buu huu ooga booga my speshul book say " no eati backon or not go hevun "
fkn muslims am i rite fellow ameribro?
That makes more sense.
I always thought they didn't like pork simply because pigs and boars look so goddamn ugly. Also pork is associated with western culture which they have an aversion to i guess
>tfw I want to try a bite
The funny thing is that Jesus removed the ban on food, claiming that it's not what goes into your mouth that makes you a sinner (what you eat), but what comes out (what you say).
I enterpret this as people living around that time had learned how to properly treat and conserve what they ate, so that food contamination was no longer a problem.
Then Islam comes along some 600 years later, and they reintroduce these food bans. Guess they weren't advanced enough to properly prepare their food.
Religion is fucking stupid.
Its funny though, you can tell its turkey bacon just from the screenshots.
Real bacon looks nothing like that plasticky stuff.
they probably haven't ever seen bacon up close tho
Yes, but don't let them hear you.
They'll lynch you for Christ/Allah.
t. muhammed
>What do you say to a Turkish man in a necktie?
>One Big Mac please
>And they all joined ISIS
Fuck Muslims. They are so high and mighty yet they are fucking brainwashed cult trash.
It comes all the way from the time of old Jewish kings in the time of the Old Testament. It was punishable by law to breed pigs since they would rat everything in an already scarce enviroment. That eventually grew into shitty religious rules.
This, why the fuck is the thread full of gullible rubbish?
If someone fed me dog meat and it tasted good, I would just be like "oh, ok"
>it's not what goes into your mouth that makes you a sinner (what you eat), but what comes out (what you say)
So Jesus condones oral?
I guess you won't be able to spit out though.
lel they get so mad over some piece of food it's like anuddah shoah to them
They'd never survive on Fear Factor that's for sure.
No wonder they chimpout and go on jihads all the time, they are the biggest spazzes next to nignogs.
Pretty sure that would fall under shamefully spilling your seed.
i once was 12 and gave my muslim freind a ham and cheese hot pocket. i didnt know he couldnt eat it, he asked what was in it i said ham and cheese. he punched me so hard i blacked out for half a second. i said im sorry i didnt know he cant eat it, he punched me again and after that i made sure never to give muslims pork again. it was the first and last time i ever got punched in my life
I love bacon.
Muslims just seem so easy to brainwash.
It's embarrassing how many spoiled brats from Western suburbs become radicalized drone bait and they act like this isn't common.
"They're normal and peace loving!"
>acid attack
"They believe in human rights!"
>all girl's school gets massacred
Islam is a religion of peace!
>bombing in a major metropolitan area
Fuck this. Why do people condemn other cults but kiss Muslim ass?
What's your opinion on muslims now?
Daily reminder that it's ok to make fun of muslims because it's just another stupid religion like scientology and they aren't a race. They're trying to utilize jew tactics to get ahead in society but they're too stupid to be subtle about it (like the nigs and their BLM).
Yeah, pretty funny. Bacon is tasty after all. Yummy.
Religion can be nice if the rest of the world wouldn' t be stupid and ignorant as fuck.
Sounds like he cucked you for life
stop posting your shitty videos here, achmed
Another reason could also be that pigs eat much of the same food as humans do, like grain. Thus making them a natural contestant in countries with quite harsh agricultural conditions, also their uncleanliness considering how pigs lack sweat glands.
>it ain't me start playing
but what if you're not the one spilling it?
Did you even watch the whole vid? He says it was turkey bacon at the end. It was a fucking prank
I just saw this on backpage, I thought it would be relevant here.
You have to heat pork to the point of it being dried out leathery shit to kill parasitic cysts.
First-worlders not getting sick from pork has almost zero to do with "proper cooking" and almost completely due to regulations and modern farming techniques almost completely eradicating trichinosis from the food supply.
A bunch of nomadic camel-fucking nomads before the age of modern science knew that pork got people sick, so they outlawed it completely. That is the entire basis for kosher and halal.
Dat qt on the right.
Muslims are just like us :^)
Haha oh shit.... That's like 10 minutes from me, there are so many whores around here goddamn top kek
I wonder if she wants to try the canadascastingcouch
toronto backpage com /FemaleEscorts/available-in-toronto-this-weekend-guess-who/ 39442115
If you watch the video he reveals closer to the end it was turkey bacon all along.
>Oscar Mayer's Turkey bacon
>100% halal
She went from horrible small flappy tits to horrible big fake tits
Alexis Texas was also in Toronto a couple of months back.
That's Finnish president you twat
He did whole 'dem refugees sae alusym pls' speech already
Toronto is filled with so much degeneracy that it is astounding
It's not real bacon.
>Same reason die judens have kosher.
Christians aren't allowed to eat pork too, since OT is a part of your bible. But again Christians don't look at thier books and listen to BS philosophy from priests.
>youtube """"""""social experiments"""""""
you gotta kiddin be me
dangerous :D
I've been on Sup Forums for at least 25 years and I can honestly say I've never had to do this before, but...
(citation needed)
>Christians aren't allowed to eat pork too, since OT is a part of your bible.
Ceremonial law doesn't apply to Christians, retard. It was part of the old covenant which was nullified when Christ came around.
At least she now looks good in shirts
Gotta be fake
Religion of Peace indeed!
Why does it have to be fake?
Have you never used backpage?
(Beside muh priest told me)
Also, i can vouch for this. I've had turkey bacon, and it's straight because it's, unlike pork bacon, not made from the same fat. It's more meaty, has a little less of the real bacon taste, but it's actually quite good
I don't see why. Her porn has gone to shit because she's hard to work with. She'll obviously be expensive as fuck though
Most girls who do porn also are webcam whores / escorts too
Their porn videos just increase the hourly rate they can demand, due to their 'fame'
It could be real, or it could (and more likely) be just a smart pimp who plans to rob anyone who gets baited by the ad kek
Whenever a muslim raged me when I was working at starbucks in the UK I did this little thing. We had those buttie with different things in it and one of them had bacon. We also heated them up on customers order.
>be me
>work night shifts
>from time to time some muslim assholes come and act like they own the place (this happened both with young and old shitskins)
>can't do shit because it's the fucking UK and customer here could even shit on the table
>but then he's asking for something to be heated in the oven
>place the item in the oven along with this bacon buttie you hide near it all the time
>just when the heating proccess is completed grab quickly customers order and rub off with it the fat from the bacon
>serve it with a big smile on your face
Bruh there's a billion website on Google that explain this shit
lol I would have beat him to within an inch of his life.
>implying its bad to eat pork if you don't know about it
wew can you into cheating the system?
The same Jesus died for my sins BS again... nice.
Why are middle easterns such fatties?
>The same Jesus died for my sins BS again... nice.
That's not what it said. Just because you don't agree with it doesn't mean it's "wrong" from a Christian stand point you mudnigger.
That's the entire video.
>Bosnia knewing the muslim trickery
why I'm not suprised? You're a disgrace to all slavic countries
how many muddies have actually unknowingly had some piggy.
>giving a fuck about what other EE countries think about you
wew. colored in green are countries that average Bosnian gives a fuck about
i had only worked there for like 2 months so maybe like a 15?
well here you've got a map with countries that give a fuck about Bosnia
>mfw this pole-polisher waiter boy is still attempting to communicate with you even though you have stated, quite curtly in fact, that you consider any """opinion""" he could possibly have utterly irrelevant
>eating anything from a pig is forbidden
>eating the crops pig fertilizer was used on is ok
>if I say that I don't care what he is saying his point will make no sense haha another epic win
well that face of yours is pretty accurate for this way of thinking
is he fucking a white male?
day of rope coming,mehmet
really man...... its simply pathetic.....
I don't see the point of wasting wooden coffins on filthy roaches