Why is trump so scared of debating sanders?

Why is trump so scared of debating sanders?

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He isnt

>debating a looser

So why did he deny the invitation to debate Sanders? If he isn't scared there shouldn't be anything to worry about right?

So, apparently there is some evidence that it's actually illegal for him to debate Sanders, and if he did debate him, it might disallow him to debate Clinton.


I haven't done followup research, so I don't know how accurate that is, but if you bother doing so I'd like to know whether or not it holds water.


For the gorillionth time, Trump will debate the Democratic Nominee. There are very clear rules to this.

Publicly killing a man would disqualify him from the race.

If he deabted with Bernie, that might give Bernie a leg up. If he has to face off against BErnie in the general election, Trump with utterly and undeniable get BTFO

you can mitigate risk without being scared of it user.

Trump gained enough just from using the original offer to make Hillary shrillary.

There's only an upside for Sanders. No reason for Trump to do it.

How does it feel to be this retarded?
Is it like a mental illness where you don't realize that you're retarded?

Zionists despise social democracy

bitch pussies are like that user

I did some followup on this yesterday. It seems that this definitely is a rule at leas within the DNC but that is as far as I got with it.

not an argument

Why is Sanders so scared of debating me?

reddit plz go

>trump deliberately trolls sanders and entire DNC

It's part of Trump's strategy.
He's making it seem like he's afraid to debate Sanders in a calculated effort to weaken Hillary.

Because he is going to feel the beeeeeeeeeeeern

>Why did Trump not go straight for the queen in 4-D chess?

He's not scared. He's saying the democratic election is rigged, so there's no point.

>candidate election in 2 months
>results are pretty much crystal clear at this point
>y-yeah guys hes totally doing it to w-weaken hillary, h-he's not a pussy at all!

Why is Hillary so scared to debate Jeb Bush?

>debating a loser

Why is Hillary so scared to debate Bernie?

What benefit is there for Trump? Sanders can't beat Hillary and it won't hurt Hillary's standing.

Apparently Hillary won't debate Bernie either.

How could debating the 2nd possibly benefit him?
If he wins he pisses off Bern victims, if he loses he justifies them.

He's not scared. It's illegal under the current rules and if he did, he wouldn't be able to debate $hillary, which is much more important for him.

Please attempt to use more of your critical thinking faculties in the future.

Muh 156th Dimensional Chess and IQQQ! Bunch of autists. Two Corinthians. I pick me. Good brains. It's Sanders' fault. You Zionist negroes

Trump should debate me! I've won as many democrat nominations as Bernie!

>actually getting politically educated on Sup Forums
thats a first for me
cheers lads

why is bernie so desperate to debate trump?

sooo basically Trump lost on this whole thing, right?

Debate a loser, why?

Because the Donald is afraid that he'll have to go over and punch the degenerate Jew in his face for saying stupid shit. And besides, why debate a loser that isn't even going to get the nomination? Hillary curb stomped him... His 15 minutes are long gone.

>people acting like Sanders will somehow school Trump or say anything of substance
>implying he won't just grandstand and scream LET ME BE CLEAR ITS DA BILLIONAIAHS the entire time

Berniebots forget that he's literally as platitudal and repetitive as Trump. He routinely fails to provide specifics and fails to understand economics 101 shit. It's clear he's never dealt with money in his life because he's a penniless hippy and a public sector leech. Not sure where this meme that he's le economic genius comes from.

Have you ever tried to argue with a retard?

Why wont Hillary debate Cruz?

This is what you liberal faggots sound like.



>Be Republican nominee
>Be asked to debate the Democratic loser
>The Young Roaches offer to host the debate
>Never heard of them, but apparently they hate me
>Everything I appear in gets massive exposure
>Literally nothing to gain, except for my enemies
>Fuck you.

What's the purpose of debating a loser? He's not going to win the Democratic nomination. It would be best for Trump to focus his energies on debating Shillary than a commie.