Why aren't you for a World Unification Sup Forums ?
Why aren't you for a World Unification Sup Forums ?
the world isn't entirely white
Thats what hitler was for, and we sure fucked that u-p
Has the world come apart? I think there would have been a power outage or something if it weren't still unified.
bad news
Not like Hitler, with one race above all other, just one government, no more border etc. Wouldn't it be nice ? can go wherever you want, no more war ...
Why should a squad leader let a little faggot join his company, which is full of good soldiers?
I am for it. Borders are shit
Not feasible. There are too many conflicting interests.
Don't you think that time has evolved, and what was true then isn't anymore ?
I'll believe it when the EU works well instead of being a shitshow.
Can I be the supreme leader?
I am not against it, but the though of Germans and T*rks rulling over me, makes me nauseous.
I have everything to lose, and nothing to gain.
For what purpose?
Really now, what is there to gain other than "muh social justice" and an authoritarian government?
As long as only Europeans of at least 50 generations are allowed to exist, I'm all for it.
no more borders, so can travel wherever i want to go, no more war because no more tension between nation, can concentrate for something more interesting like going into space ...
isn't Earth an oblate potatoid spherocuck?
Fuck you France and your motherfucking union shit
Who says you can't go to space? We've been into space since probably before you were born.
>No borders
Three months before we go extinct
Democracy is shit in third-world nations because of corruption/general shitskin stupidity.
Democracy is shit partially in Europe due to clashing political ideas and there being at least 5+ major parties getting at most 35% of the vote at one time.
Democracy beginning to be shit in America because of the rise of corporatism under our noses and lefties wanting to bring in ideas that make democracy shit in Europe.
It's all shit.
>everybody in the world will magically be friends
>there will be no differences politically
>"b-but i want to be able to walk wherever i want"
Gas yourself, my man.
what do you mean by "50 generations" ? No stanger at all ? because 50 generations is roughly 1250 years, i really doubt one could prove that he never ever had any stranger in his family tree.
>no war
there would be insurgency and uprisings all over the place, you're just naive as fuck
I was just emotionally charged thinking of gypsies.
Considering a generation 20 years, 5 should be reasonable. Hispanics included as honorary whites.
So all the poor Low IQ uneducated ugly violent people can flock to the good parts of the world, and ruin everything there too?
>tax people in first world nations heftily to balance out muh income inequality.
>tensions will be EASED
6/10 maximum overbait
Not to the good parts. They will be sent all to Scandinavia.
don't give them any ideas
Such a place would only be ruled by the Anti-Christ, who has already prefaced his coming by diffusing his spirit into society. Don't get me wrong, I believe that this world unification you desire will be a reality, but not one to be desired. It won't last for long, God created the nations for a reason.
kek, do you think anyone will want to live in Scandinavia when we are not rich?
I am pretty sure Italy is prioritized over Scandinavia in said scenario, Mario.
>Will have some problems at the beginning
Why even try to do anything then ?
>Absolutely maximizing the number of people subject to laws they disagree with.
Perfect recipe for constant wars of rebellion and the formation of terrorist networks. You cannot fabricate a circumstance that's better for widespread political violence than a unified world government. And that's just the start of why shit would get violent.
>implying any world leaders will give up their positions of authority
>implying standardized laws globally would generate butt hurt in every nation
i dont oppose the concept but the devil is in the details
>nor more war
People don't start wars because there are borders and sovereign nations.
There was one government in somalia and syria and no borders.
Poverty would need to be eradicated.
Until then the nation state is essential to the well being of individual societies.
there is war because there is difference between group of people. No more difference plus education = no more war.
Are you a "real" French?
You think like a mongrel
> world unification
> the rational educated and successful nations will be outvoted by the third world retards
> whole world becomes 3rd world
you are an idiot.
why would america jump in a boat with shitholes like france algeria NoKo and zimbabwe when anyone can clearly see these fucknuts are about to sink.
stop drilling holes in your boat and MAYBE some limited co-operation might be possible, but we all know that isnt gonna happen.
>in the beginning
Whenever two groups who hate each other forced to live together. Kurds and turks, hutus and tusis, chinks and uyghurs, even when they legally and theoretically have the same rights, fights will break out and people will to separate.
In the Caucasus, when NK was forced to become part of Azerbaijan, the Armenians and Azeris fought bitterly and many people died.
After everyone left to their own respective countries and ceasefire and more or less solid ceasefire lines were established, the fights quelled and people can live more or less in peace.
People don't want to become different than what they are and they certainly don't want to give up what they have to other people.
The only way global unity can be achieved is through global supremacy and tyranny of one idea, one group of people over everyone else.
How the Soviets Union and Russia established a united Caucasus through Russian/Communist supremacy and force.
There will always be differences, retard
people would still live on other continents
people would still have various wealth, culture, landscapes, problems, degrees of negritude
You seem like an underage frenchie
Culture is something that is developed over long periods of time and wont change soon and conflicting cultures always lead to tension and inevitably conflict.
people weren't made different.
People become different because of the choices we make. People want to become different and over time we will become more and more different.
Sure globalism opened together a lot of separated blocks, but it also gave new opportunities for people to lead new paths and soon through genetic engineering and technology humanity will fall apart.
The future is inhumane, this is true progress. Unity is meaningless for the individual, everyone has their own personal goals and they are more than willing to place their interests over everyone else's.
I'm on the extremes of both sides of the spectrum
If you're gonna do it go full fucking master with it, homogenize everything as much as possible and don't pussyfoot around, make everyone get with the program. Shitty first few years sure but ultimately stable in the long run if done brutally and efficiently enough.
Otherwise quite the opposite, the smallest form of a community should be able to govern themselves without some sort of overarching bureaucracy imposing laws that work in other places on them when they won't work specific to that community. Let the people of one town be as sovereign as the people of another.
Obviously neither of these will happen without either a global apocalypse or literally Hitlerjesussatan so in the mean time I just post memes on Arubian Silk-Weaving imageboards and stay politically apathetic
Everybody is different, even if we are made equal. Kill yourself if your future is to be inhumane, or else lead these new paths yourself.
Why do leftists hate diversity so much?
wow, never seen your proxy before
I'm for an absolute government. Everyone is equal except for group who is leading humanity. Big army to have power to ensure that everything work fine, but only when it's necessary.
Priority for science and stuff like this, to improve humans knowledge, and no religion, maybe with an except for the president, who is almost deified, so dumb people who need to rely on something higher than themselves are happy.
There will always be conflicts.
no, u
You seem to be missing a letter. Are you Irish?
it wouldn't be a bad idea if there were no shitholes left
>not brutally crushing it
>not launching chemical weapons to destroy enemy water supplies
>not crippling the entire population in order to force a surrender
there are answers to these sorts of pests my friend.
I'd be fine with it if Niggers, Muslims, Jews, and the shittier half of Hispanics didn't exist.
Indians would be so bad if they didn't breed themselves so rapidly that they can't even find a loo to poo in.