"Hillary Clinton to be Indicted on Federal Racketeering Charges" DELETED
"Hillary Clinton to be Indicted on Federal Racketeering Charges" DELETED
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Oh god, is it about to happen?
A prepared news article that was posted by accident. Hillary and Trump will have their own victory article.
I'm now #RidingTheJohnson
I hope it does happen so bernie gets the nomination and easy victory over stump.
this is too easy
youre too easy
>This post is hosted on the Huffington Post’s Contributor platform. Contributors control their own work and post freely to our site. If you need to flag this entry as abusive, send us an email.
As much as I dislike Clinton and Sanders, if it's not going to be Trump then I'd prefer Sanders. He'd be easier for Congress to bully around.
They just do these write ups ahead of time just in case so they can drop the information faster than competitors.
Her shills have really come out in full force today boys, we Sup Forumstards must have really made a name for ourselves.
Opinion piece by an outsider. Nothing new.
Not a single source in the whole work of fiction.
Makes you think, huh?
There is another thread on this. So I will post the image here too.
Again, don't you assholes ever say that Sup Forums doesn't fucking deliver.
I quite like the American political system. Even if the president is a commie fuck, Congress can just tell him to fuck off.
Nice work son.
You people are clueless.
This article was originally posted here:
Pic related details what kind of website uspolitics24.com is.
Huffpost just saw this (certainly fake) article and copied it because they're retarded.
Do some fucking research of your own before blindly falling for this kind of shit, god damn.
I don't know what it's like to be unattractive but I bet it's pretty terrible.
I hope there weren't american soldiers in there...with that said, that was pretty fucking cool
>can't even prove the aggregate bot site posted it before the HuffPo
>Does not address any claims about the foundation in the article.
We came, we shilled, he died!
fake, gay, and not happening
think about it
>Clinton is being indicted
>The press knows but aren't saying anything
>Media is scrubbed of any info about it
>Berniefag is assblasted because Bernie will never be president
>Writes a rambling, shitty, fake article claiming Clinton is being indicted
>Editors remove it to keep it from damaging their credibility
use your brain
kurds shooting turks
Desperate times when you have to justify your own naivity with "everyone else is just a shill".
Actually, it's not desperate times. Trump is winning. You're just a retard.
You don't address my claims then attack me for using the word shill, is there any other way to describe your behavior than shilling?
Besides being a euro poster caring this much about the US election reeks of the many clearly paid posters for Cruz or Hillary that were abound in the board for months.