Such a boring night here, raining outside
Polandball thread
Such a boring night here, raining outside
Polandball thread
Kontributt you judgmental cunt
>mfw based Ruskies got back at Turkey for their tratorious act by arming the Kurds with Iglas
lets make this thread great again
Is it necessary?
Can't we just chill and giggle?
I won't allow the foreign hordes of reddit an inch.
I have opened reddit once, realized I don't know how to orientate myself, never opened it again
You are the cancer.
I literally explained it in my post: Ruskies arm Kurds in Turkey, Kurds in turn shoot down Turk helis.
>not the biggest faggot of them all
Someone got this one backwards.
>No flare defence system
nice copter xd
don't try and lie to me you conniving cunt, all your images have reddit filenames.
go back to tumblr you faggot
They are downloaded from an imgur gallery
How sad do you have to be to know what filenamea from fucking reddit look like?
Rethink your life
imgur just hosts reddit trash.
Eternal Pole.
Isn't thought imgur = reddit?
Always the victim
I don't care
I was looking for a Polandball gallery, I found one there
Don't know
Don't care
Funny pictures
piece of shit
That mouths are just terrible.
I don't get it
This one is pretty good despite the retard style
Just like your whole continent
It's but a shitposter
Dude who the fuck gives a shit? It's not like these comics actually depict anything reddit-teir, or atleast the ones posted in these threads.
They've got good banter and decent humor. I fucking hate reddit like the next guy, but Poland-ball comics are not something you should be target. Go after the fucking shills instead.
And it's genuinely cringy that someone took the time to make crap like this
Lucky, it's 103 degrees here in California
I hue'd
Everybody who killed themselves in the pic is a mong except lithuania
I thought we are friends hungary :/
taking a chan-made meme and running into the ground with restrictions and endless unfunny derivatives is extremely reddit-tier
This amount of dedication to autism is award worthy
Yeah nah m8 it's 68 in the not shitty part (coastal part)
>all these people shitting on polandball
where did we go so wrong
I really love this.
Newfags who saw it on reddit and think they came up with it