Say it with me: President Johnson
Say it with me: President Johnson
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He looks like a god damn crazy person
There's more than two parties? Since when? :^)
Holy shit. Nigga got old.
>John Kasich II: Libertarian Boogaloo
If it's true, Trump is POTUS!
bumping for freedom
This. He's only 63 and he looks like he's 90. Trump is 70 and looks like he's in his early 50s.
Can't believe I voted for this dude last time without watching him speak
Christ, he's a cuck
>closed borders are racist
I regret ever voting for this guy.
Fuck Yes. Meme Magic is real, gonna split the Republican vote. Hail KEK!
Gary "Lindsay Graham Calls Me a Sissy" Johnson
If Ru Paul and Johnson '12 couldnt make a dent, this year won't be any different.
>Gary Johnson
He grabs more votes from Hillary according to polls.
Isn't he literally an open-borders cuck?
Im not voting for any of those open border homos. And if you think conservatives will vote for him your fucked in the head. The browning of our country is number one issue right now.
Trump is the only one willing to even try and stop the flow. Another decade or so of this and your congress will look a whole lot different. Thrid worlders want have a problem banning guns and free speech. Kiss your country good bye.
"Yes, we should have open borders- Gary Johnson
> open borders
> gun control
> unlimited spending by corps. in politics
I better go register
>...and into the trash he goes...
why? our two party system is part of the constitution.
it's time to feel the johnson
>Libertarians choose Gary Johnson as presidential nominee
Because there was another person running for the libertarian nomination?
There is no benefit to voting for Johnson over Trump. He literally can't win, and even if he did he would have no congressional support, where at least the GOP will back Trump for the most part.
Perot got nearly 19% of the vote in 1992, these candidates might have an actual effect this year, given how much people hate shillary and trump
There was also a drug addict (McAffee) and an autist (Peterson) running.
He doesn't want to restrict what firearms people can get their hands on.
He just once stated he was open to discussing if mentally ill people should own firearms.
>He looks like a god damn crazy person
Looks like one? He is a globalist who is in favor of open borders.
You don't get any more batshit crazy than that.
Makes you think huh. I'm a #JohnsonsJonson now
By November, the race will be between Trump and Johnson, who will drift further left. I'm betting Hillary won't even be getting 20% of the vote by then.
>for those interested
Who decides who is mentally ill? Freedom ain't free, it's either absolute or non-exisent
Anybody that tells me that they're considering the Libertarian Party this election, I will point them to their most recent "debate".
So this is the Libertarian Party. Really makes you think...
Which is why he hasn't said he's FOR doing it, he just wanted to reach out on a middle ground.
Gary Johnson is a moderate libertarian.
>being a moderate
>not cowardice
Moderate is codeword socialist appeaser
>don't take a stance so you can plead plausible deniability when called out by either side
So principled.
A moderate president is fine, it's the congress making the laws anyway.
People just elect based on the president running.
10 % in the polls, not bad
But he has a stance which is that the constitution is clear that the government can't infringe on the rights.
It's just that you can't rule a democracy through principles alone.
i only just got that joke
I wouldn't put to much faith in his poll numbers right now. A lot of #nevertrumps are still butt hurt. They'll come around.
too bad he needs consistent 15% to get into presidential debate, and he's not being included enough...
i am with you in your reeeeeeeee
damn....... i guess i #FeelTheJohnson now
Here's the YouTube Doubler editions from last night:
he's no more for open borders than the average republican politician. besides, it's the gibmedats that attract parasitic immigrants, not the lack of a wall
I doesn't fucking matter if welfare is there or not. Without it, they'll still come over here and lower our wages because Mexico fucking sucks.
>media kikes acting like this is the first year the libertarians have run for president
>wanting borders
>wanting guarded prison walls surrounding your country
w e w
Watch the VP drama on CSPAN
Its because he is
>being a libertarian
literally progressives who don't see greed as a problem
I'm late. What is happening? Everyone is pissed.
Our country also has a third choice.
But they never have, and never will win
Delusional people acting like libertarians have a chance this time.
More Mexicans are leaving the US than coming in.
People love Johnson until they hear him stutter into incomprehensible gibberish I can't take people with speech impediments seriously
so you're saying it's bad for the economy. well, do you think building a huge wall and guarding it 24/7 is going to be cheap?
Citation needed
Koch-funded spoiler to hand the election to Hillary by splitting Trump vote
for the last fucking time, he takes as many votes from hillary as he does from trump
Nope. That trend reversed during Obama's second term. There are now waves of illegals and narcos entering the country.
Saw her int he video, shes cute, too bad shes 15 and I feel bad for liking her.
Say it with me: President Istvan
Reminder: Rich people use immigration scare mongering to keep poor whites angry and pointing the finger at the wrong person. Try not to fall for it.
>another brainwashed liberal from cuckland
wew lad
>a choice
Open borders alone is enough to throw those faggots in the trash, and that ain't but the tip.
when did Sup Forums abandon libertarianism for fascism?
>trump is likely to beat shillary
When libertarianism became popular on here and these contrarian fucks had to up their game. They're mostly kids who are barely affected by the world so they perpetuate the funniest meme they can.
Star Child from California
The memes write themselves.
This is a circus!!!!
The Temporary Chair lost control of the room and couldn't get the VP to give a speech.
Libertarians are a bunch children, I swear.
>1995-2009: net 2.1 million Mexican immigrants
>Hispanics increased from 10% to 16% of the population in that time
Something's not adding up.
Reminder: immigration gluts the labor force and destroys the value of workers. The single worst thing that you can do to the working class is import a city-full of muslims or beaners every year, who can do the same job as him.
>not being a dipshit
Ayy lmao pick 1
exactly how young are you that you think Trump looks like he is in his early 50s? Early 50s is people like mary louise parker, marissa tomei, robert downey jr. Trump looks like my 75 yr old grandmother.
summer came early this year
That is easily explained by changing demographics in other parts of the population.
the hero we need
In all honesty it's the working class own fault for being in that position
Give me the votes Gary, you horrible statist.
>Say it with me: President Johnson
How come this guy is always the Libertarian candidate? Do they literally not have anyone else to run for them?
Just seems a bit undemocratic that a "Libertarian party" is effectively a one man party.
I mean, might as well just rename themselves "The Gary Johnson Party" lol.
>Anti-Gun nut
>Calls himself Libertarian
Dropping if he doesn't choose another running mate
>Say it with me: President PENIS
Gary is an anti-gun cuck, fuck off.
That doesn't make any sense.
>10% of 270 million in 1995 = 27 million
>16% of 320 million in 2014 = 51 million
Hispanic fertility rate in the US and a net immigration of 2.1 million people is nowhere enough to account for a nearly 200% increase in their population in two decades.
BREAKING: Bill Weld secures the LP VP nomination.
weld is pro-gun, he stated so in a recent facebook post
Somebody check who his donors are.
I'm guessing a bunch of globalists.
I would love to have some walls
He literally said on CNN that he doesn't regret his gun control supporting past and would still support "moderate" restrictions on guns.
no one else gonna post this
>libertarian convention
Millions of Americans saw the circus that is the Libertarian Party.
The Libertarian Party is finished.