I see lots talking about middle east.
Any one want enlightiment?____?
I'll be honest e.<
الاسئلة مجانية لفترة محدودة
Ask an egyptian anything @____@
Did blacks build the pyramids?
What are gun laws like there?
How did Egyptians harness the power of cats?
My parents want to see the pyramids before they get too old. Could you please start acting like civilized people, so they can go?
Also, did they have crazy mind powers and did the whites steal it?
Are the pyramids alien starships?
First Of All You Should Define Black
A Person Whose Skin Color Is Black
A Person Of African Origin.
If you mean by skin color then probz no. They were the same as present day Egyptians just like on hieroglyphs.
But I guess It is only natural that a people stripped of their culture through slavery would want to reconstruct their culture in the most positive way possible. In choosing Egypt as the land of their forefathers, Black Americans are empowering themselves.
Super strict. Almost impossible if you're not a police officer/ army/ or an imp person. Thugs and terrorists still have them tho.
How do you feel about Palestine/Israel?
If a third intifada were to come, Who would Egypt support?
At what is the sphinx starring?
Cats were the 1st aliens on this planet
Ummm.. No. Do you realize how bad Egypt's economy is right now? People will do that to earn a few extra pounds for their family. Egypt is going to be a great civilized country one day. After there is a president and stable and FAIR system of government and rid isis...Egypt will rule this world. Great people, just gotta understand what kind of situation they are in right now.
Why you haven't been executed goat rape brother.
Why is Cairo filled with garbage?
Why do you taharrush?
Is life better now then under Mubarak?
Oh yeah, aliens who had presumably built starships capable of traveling large distances between the stars came to ancient Egypt to build a few stone pyramids to bury mummified humans in...
No. Humans then where no different than humans now. Just as smart, just as capable. Egyptians where building smaller burial pyramids for centuries before the pyramids where built. Are we to assume those too where made by aliens? Give me a brake.
Why do you blow up the copts every Christmas and Easter?
Are you offended when westerners say that the Arab Republic of Egypt isn't arabic, and egyptians aren't arabs?
There are two types of Israelis:-
1) The Israelis that hate Arabs and Islam and support all the gruesome acts committed by their government, and ecourage killing the Palestanians- I despise those!
2) Ones who are Israelis just because they were born there, but they're not zionists, they try to defend the rights of the Palestanians and they hate their government: I really like those.
But if you mean the racial discrimination against them just because they're Israelis, no actually Egyptians don't have such intolerant traits.
We would try to support the one who is right
EAST but not the NILE, its Amun Ra , the sun god, as the ancient name of the Sphinx is Ra hor akhty or the horizon of Horus united with RA. its supposed to greet the rising sun at the horizon every morning
do you consider yourself arab or arabized egyptian?
>A Person Whose Skin Color Is Black
>A Person Of African Origin.
thats some high level autism right there
You a kang n shiet?
When are you going to annex Sudan? Are you more pro-Russian under Sissi now, what is Putin planning to do in Egypt, build some nuclear powerplants?