>president trump starts pulling troops out eastern europe and begins working on establishing better relations with russia
>the european union, feeling like it's lost the us as an ally starts cracking down on national democracy and forms a european army in a bid to create a european superpower to combat "russian aggression"
>ukraine and turkey are added to the eu to increase military strength
>riots and demonstrations erupt in eastern europe as the eu ousts leaders from power and brands any opposition as terrorists getting in the way of "progress"
>us and russia decide to intervene and "liberate european nations"
>russia and belarus invade ukraine, finland, the baltics and advance westward
>us lands in portugal, sicily and advance towards brussels
pretty excited for the future desu
President trump starts pulling troops out eastern europe and begins working on establishing better relations with russia
>russia invades finland
what is it, opposite day?
>Implying Trump and Putin are not just capitalist oligarchs and not fighters of freedom.
That is retarded on so many levels.
Also losing europe to any other great power is currently the one thing that would lead to the US getting BTFO
He's going to rebuild the Berlin wall, and the Germans are gonna pay for it
If Russia's economy keeps going the way it's going right now, there won't even be stable Russia by 2021
I have no idea why any retard wants to be in the EU you know you have no authority to print money once you are in the EU?
If you knew how many westgermans would pay to rebuild that wall....
Not wanting to be in EU = wanting to be part of poor Russia?
Romania with Russia?Haha lol russians are the most hated here, even more than hungarians.
No. You can be independent.
>Gypsy makes blog post about things gypsies hate
I take your canadian sister on my cock :)
>eastern europe submitting itself to russia again
God, I hope that shit doesn't happen.
It's gonna be the same shit all over again. Western powers promise to save and help Eastern Europeans but are just trying to get them as a buffer to shore up defensive military positions while EE get slaughtered.
its called an invasion fggt
>USA not conquering western Europe
it's really pretty here, we're just under shitty management.
Conquer Brussels and you kinda conquer the entire EU.
>tfw not being part of the EU
no such thing
>he thinks Putin will EVER befriend Trump
The delusion hurts
it's not friendship, it's cooperation
Putin loves the Don. They would form the world's biggest bromance, desu.
East Germans are better than West Germans.
USA no! What are you of doings?
polish government revolt but were removed by force
Nothing this exciting will ever happen. The jews will just keep slowly globalizing us until there are no nation states.
there will always be at least one
im on a mission
It's the destiny of Europe
I feel like America and Russia HAVE to intervene to save Europe from becoming a caliphate and sucking nigger cock.
"These are the death throws of Rome" -Attila the Hun
Greek president supports Russia atm. Just sayin'
US and Russa would get there shit kicked in by a United European Military
Anglos Ayrans Unite!
>Make this happen
yeah but eu removed all governments from power
Hmm , its a tough call, but we have a huge amount of christians here, either way.
>nothing this exciting will ever happen
do you have any knowledge of human history? something exciting ALWAYS happens