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I don't know shit about this country
Are they based? What's their story?
>Cool flag though
All you need to know, I got you covered son.
Poor shithole.
>85% Atheist
Fucking degenerate Jewish cucks.
You're right about the cool flag though.
Yeah, not worshiping a jewish god and his jewish prophets is succumbing to jewish tricks.
Nice flag
No you can't come here Paco. We're building a wall.
How is the food? Is Talinn comfy?
here, have some estonian music
They are in fact based
old town is super comfy
what is the difference between latvia and estonia?
yes very popular song :DD
more great estonian pop music
We have more Russians
They have very very good oral hygiene
eesti is the cutest and best neighbour in the world
I heard Estonia is pretty Free Market country...
Absolutely based people, the ones I've met at least
First more noticable one is the completely different language, more similar to Finnish, rather than Latvian/Lithuanian
Really? I think we're on par with that figure
u too suomibro
I fucking hate phones. I was sitting all comfy on my deck and my phone had to ruin my post
The national anthem sounds dope af gets my white blood pumping hard
any of you estonions can post some qt you guys are impregnating there?
Well I'm going to kill
myself now
it ought to, its the finnish national anthem
>tfw military service as a ruski
>tfw sjw defence minister
>tfw getting cucked with rapefugees
>tfw getting attention from all over the world
>tfw it really makes you think
Otherwise, life's comfy.
held at gunpoint and dependent of nato ("soft occupation"), vassal of brussels, province of the eu and a laughing stock of the world - gave away their independence for false promises of safety and thus isn't treated as such on the world stage and is effectively an arm of US foreign politics
the population is demoralised and a long tradition of socialism and servitude excludes any chance of people "rising up", the land's have sold out from under the people to foreigners with cuck local representitives as their "face", party politics is driven by NGO (Soros) money from the west and Nordic lgbt groups; the airwaves are full of constant anti-russian propaganda to fuel a pre-existing anti-russian sentiment to the point of complete dehumanisation of our neighbour and local russians
Can I come work in Estonia? Will they provide me with language courses?
>American learning Russian
>when Russia occupies you and annihilates NATO, I can move there
If America falls, Estonia is my Plan B
>annihilates NATO
Croatia is in the EU so sure. If you have any IT skills you'll make mad bucks and english is fine.
Here we go again
We're building a wall:
Ивaн, yхoди плиз
Dunno m8 coz the right-wing politics is rising. Slowly but surely. But the fucking media.... holy shit so glad when am not subscribed to any newspaper and own a TV... holy dick shit
What can I do without IT skills and Estonian language.
Is there any manual or simple labour ??
what you dont like in croatia?
estonia is not that much different.
Plenty of work but you might only take home at most €700 a month. We can go weeks without proper sunlight in the winter as well. Not sure why you're thinking of coming here.
Getting cucked with rapefugees? We are not cucked if we allow rape like Sweden and Germany and generally, both ests and rus in their teens and early 20's are quite negative towards the new arrivals.
Heard some estonians kicked the shit out of some blackie in a nightclub in Tartu.
not a bad idea.
i don't see this ever happening, but since I'm going to learn two languages might as well learn widespread ones like spanish and ruskan.
If you seriously plan to move to Estonia i would suggest learn fluent Estonian and atleast the basics of Russian due to the ~25% Russian speaking population.
It is a very nice country that hopefully will never do the mistake our government on the other side of the baltic sea have done.
I only saw 11 brown/black people at the supermarket tonight. I think we're fine.
damn that mongol meme isn't just a meme huh
Postimees is buttblasted right now because of Ruuben Kaalep (ekre lad) talk at AMREM what happened like a week ago.
700€ sounds good, I just want to make honest money without too much bureaucratic bullshit and come home. It would be only temporarly .
I don't care about weather or anything as long as I am paid.
Croatia is bureaucratic Shithole in which is impossible to earn living.
Life is good in Croatia when you come home with foreginer money.
>11 shitskins
Just a note, Russian isn't obligatory, it really depends where you're heading, if it's Narva then Russian is a must (althought idk why would you ever want to go there)
We have Daugavpils for comparison
It's really not entirely their fault, you have to remember that they were once part of USSR. The only Christians there are pretty much the Russian minority, the number of Orthodox since 2000 has gone up, while the number of Lutheran Estonians has gone down. The revival of the Russian Church has been going pretty strong under Putin. The Protestants and Catholics have become weak and feeble and so their members no longer see them as a stabilizing force, and honestly I don't blame them. Catholics are a bunch of kiddy fiddlers and Protestants are letting fucking Lesbians become bishops.
Sundays are usually the worst for them. I get this horrible feeling when I see them buying pillows and bed sheets.
They have the highest HIV rates in Europe.
Estonian apathy towards religion goes back longer than the USSR. We were converted violently in the 13th century and most Estonians continued to view christianity as a foreign religion.
Give me site where I can look up for jobs in Estonia...
does anyone else also knows are there jobs in existence where you can work from bottom to "top"
Then you should move to the UK. Almost no paperwork to speak of there compared to here.
Narva is majority Russianspeaking right?
But according to my friend he met Russians in Talinn aswell.
Are they spread or do they cluster as Arabs do in Sweden?
>taxes 33%
why are there so many niggers flooding the streets of Tallinn, when they said, that they took only 100 refugees into a village named Vao and 7 more, with one family.
Good looking girls? the more years go by, the more horrible they look, even if they look good, they have a poor persons mentality disorder, basically they will try to make their life more interesting based on dramas and mostly they are sluts and have daddy issues
Russians are cowards, if you take the ones living here, most of them are cowards, go be in a gym for 3-4 years, take up boxing or something, go knock some russian out within a circle, they will scatter like roaches.
yeah, nah a bullshit statistic that gives a false impression - though majority don't subscribe to any religion, they're still agnostic and highly superstitious
Atheism as it currently stands (the movement, not the ideology) is owned by the Jews and is used to further disrupt white and Western traditions and foundations.
they are nazis and their flag looks fascist, we must liberate them before it's too late!
They're all over the place but there are some spots where they aren't around in such numbers.
their flag looks like an extreme close up of dolans hat
can anyone explain where the teeth brushing thing came from?? I cant find that shit anywhere
I dunno m8 our cuckticians are selling us to the EU federation. We're told to be polite, tolerant, solidarity with the migrants and also laugh at EKRE because they exist and we say so. Even this bald fucker Mihkel Raud or whatever his name is from Singer Vinger is telling us that the biggest threat is uneducation(basically not supporting mass immigration and open borders)
The youth is quite redpilled but they still dont control the media or the fucking parliament
You ok with slavs stealing ya jaabs?
Vao village is where you apply for asylum the ones we receive for a quota are called "migrants" so they will be re settled in any area either in Tallinn or Tartu.
It's really weird when you say this but my eesti girl has this daddy issue.... I think I slapped my girls ass more than her parents ever did -_-
I wouldn't say so lad. Obviously you haven't even fought one if you make such claims kek.
I don't do business with Estonians... be my guest.
a lolcow kept posting bullshit threads she had no plan on participating in to draw attention to herself
nu-pol gave her the attention she craved and still recognises it as a thing
Christianity isn't part of our culture, it was brought and forced, we were pagans for a very long time.
Estonian neopaganism to be exact.
Aight, How are the Russian minority if you compared them to Estonians when it comes to income, Social status etc..
Because according to Russian media they are highly neglected.
I wonder if this is true or not as i haven't been able to deep dive into the subject.
An Estonian shitposter was famous for adding it to each and everyone of his posts.
Why not? Tell me dark side of Estonia?
What are you doing?
Eh well, you see many cities in Socialistic Republics under USSR rule pretty much emerged (or whole commieblocks in them) emerged just because the army officers/generals migrated from Russian SR with families and such.
Now most of descendants of such families have a tendenct of not learning (still) the official- in this case - Estonian language and kind of sticking with their diaspora, some proudly still calling themselves Russians, although in Russia they are immeadeately recognised as "pribaltiki" (although none of them ever really go to Russia, or even leave their commieblock/city, for these people their statements and way of positioning themselves usually contain more than one oxymoron and usually end up in a paradox of sorts
I must be the only one who thinks that flag is ugly. Blue and black just don't go well together.
First paragraph is harsh but not untrue, the second one is pure Kremlspeak. Estonians are integrating more and more with their local Russian population and ethnic Russians as people are respected.
Russia as a corrupt authocratic state is not respected. Being part of the West is vastly preferred to being part of Russia by even the local Russians themselves.
They crushed Victor Tsoi
or was it Latvia ?
it's all the same for us hues
They seem to be in the same jobs, outside of Lasnamae, Kopli and Narva they don't cluster so much. They don't seem richer or poorer. Tramps are as likely to speak Estonian as Russian. I'm not sure what they're complaining about.
As long there won't be raping 12 year olds by Ahmed or coal enthusiasts fine by me.
I mean, we went apeshit over a statue, I dunno what will happen if somebody rapes a vene girl... That won't end well trust me.
what the fuck is that!?
Their flag is truly based
>blue: vaulted blue sky above the native land;
>black: attachment to the soil of the homeland as well as the fate of Estonians – for centuries black with worries;
>white: purity, hard work, and commitment
I do data warehousing, my clients are in the UK for the most part. I go back and forth between here and there a lot. Tallinn is cheap and without any of the social problems London has.
Lemme guess, cash on go?))))
I've always though of Estonia as a little Finland, just with happier people. And while most European countries have problems with gypsies and rapist Africans, Estonia has to deal with a massive amount of alcoholic Russians.
Would love to visit, i imagine a you couldn't be in a better place on a hot summers day.
Also, employers here need to pay 33% social tax on top of what they pay you so staff become expensive quickly. This is why it's hard to break €3K/month with the best employers. If you have a wife and kid you'll struggle to save a lot each month. If you're on your own in a studio flat you'll be fine.
Well about that re-setling we haven't been told, some NATO soldier was beat up in the old town, media wrote that it was a hate crime, he was white and drunk, trying to fight people.
Well I believe that it's mostly because of the fathers that it came to this moment and bad mothers, who don't have nothing to teach or they are to busy trying to keep the food on the table
Actually I have, Garant russian muay thai club, in lasnamäe kalteri school, I was training there about 4 years.
We're all equally poor
so being not nazi means you gotta take in many many rapefugees? funny russian.
>Now most of descendants of such families have a tendenct of not learning (still) the official- in this case - Estonian language and kind of sticking with their diaspora, some proudly still calling themselves Russians,
Interesting i have noticed this amongst foreigners in Sweden aswell, They tend to live in their commieblocks and rarely leave them and if they do they go to the largest nearby town. Also they call themselves their primary nationality instead.
> you see many cities in Socialistic Republics under USSR rule pretty much emerged (or whole commieblocks in them) emerged just because the army officers/generals migrated from Russian SR with families and such.
This happend allover the USSR very interesting subject actually, Weren't these kind of towns called "closed cities" or was that something else?
I've read their flag is shaped after a swallow (this is actually a name for the bird )
Well, at least you fight, even though I have been away for 13 years. Nice to see that ests aren't sweds in the pussy scale. Do you think we aren't cucked cuz of USSR oppression and got hardened because of it or something else?
Looks more like a snowy forest at night to me.
The people who hate Russians the most