Why does Sup Forums worship Poland?
why does kraut always butthurt about us? i have advice; go fuck yourself motherfucker
Sup Forumsand
I doubt that sucking up to germans will get your debt paid away.
>based Poland
It's just a meme.
You are a meme,yes.
Your debt of 200000€ is officially lifted
Signed Wolgang Schäuble, Bundesminister der Finanzen
Ever since Napoleon beat the crap out of you Germany has been in the exact same cycle.
Sage & report.
Why would the US have second thoughts, they can destroy Russia with nuclear missiles anytime they want without any retaliation.
>Why does Sup Forums worship Poland?
Its a running gag. Nobody actually likes Poland.
Russia can too.
No they can't. The US has ABM shield and lasers (not even joking) to shoot down any rusty old soviet rockets Russians have left.
MAD is a meme.
I'm sure they can figure something out.
>Sup Forums fell for the "le based polan xDD" meme
fucking lmao
no i w sumie po co ich wyprowadzać z umiarkowanie błędnego postrzegania naszego kraju?
>he fell for the refugee meme
No they can't. Russia has been running on life support since the 80s. The country died long ago and the people are just there to grind away and provide more wealth for the oligarchs who live and send all their wealth and assets to the west.
I mean don't get me wrong, this shit is the same everywhere including here, but we still have somewhat of an illusion of a country, only because the elite feed us a bit more of that carrot.
Nuclear war will not happen ever. War with Russia will not happen ever, there is too much wealth at stake here, unless, by some impossible means, they get an actual nationalist in power, which they won't.
Because they're cowardly traitors who think another culture and people are better than their own. They'd betray their country at the drop of a hat
Take your pick:
>Not as shit as Russia
>More successful than other EE countries
>Not cucked
>Significantly less degenerate than Western Europe
>99.2% white
>Don't want mudshits or sandniggers in general
>More Llkely to pick a fight with EU than cuck countries with too much to lose
>No Left-leaning parties left in national level politics
>Good place for redpilled people from all European nations to mix and unite as a rallying point
>Why does Sup Forums worship Poland?
Has nothing to do with their foreign policy or geopolitics, but more to do with the fact they have very few non-whites.
>Sup Forumsand
Nasz kraj jest lepszy od większości Europy, poza kilkoma (z wyjątkiem sytuacji ekonomicznej, w czym UE wcale nie pomaga)
t. emigrant
i dunno
they're fking degenerate
>>No Left-leaning parties left in national level politics
this is wrong, but the rest are correct. every country on earth which is inhabited by humans has a "left-leaning" party. the recent government until a year ago was "left-leaning". we have many such "left-leaning" parties here. the rest of your points are quite accurate
>being this serious
hows the political climate as of now? A while back there were threads where the EU was threatening Poland and accusing them of being "undemocratic". How do people view the situation in Poland? How do most people feel about the EU?
t. polish-american
Well, the main problem with current governing party is that they are stupid (nothing new), but they are openly proud of it (which is new) and act like idiots in the open - "Yeah, we act like stupid assholes, but what can you do, we are CHOSEN OF THE NATION for four years, fuck you, hahaha!"
It pretty much continues to be exactly the same, changes are minor.
The pro-EU, anti-PiS crowd (about 30%) is now split between two parties, so their chances for taking power in the next elections don't look good, but who knows what will happen in 3 years.
PiS continues to hold over 30% of electorate together, with pretty much no major change no matter what happens (either good or bad, it just holds).
Recently, we've had a number of minor "terrorist" happenings
>pressure cooker bomb made by a student
>anarchists caught red-handed setting bombs to police cars
>bomb alerts in national media, courts, etc.
Some think that these are false flags by PiS to make our version of the Patriot Act, some think that their opponents want to make government lose their face before NATO summit and the pope visit.
These two events also get major attention, there's this atmosphere of "if there's a possibility of happening, it will happen soon".
I didn't realise I worshiped Poland. I guess it's better than Germany.
Because we're awesome.
Our land is the worlds battlefield and yet we don't give a shit and thrive. We're stubborn as all hell and we hold 1000 year old grudges like a greatest national treasure. We're always the good guys, nothing we do is wrong, everything we do is just. Our national spirit is completely indestructible, you can invade us, occupy us for a century and our grandchildren will cut your grandchildrens balls off.
Everyone tried to destroy us, it cannot be done. The mongols, the commies, the prussians, the austrians, the swedes, the ottomans, you name it. As their empires crumble into dust we rebuild and restart like it's nothing and proceed to laugh at how inferior and weak they are and sing our songs about how dying in war is the best shit ever. It must be infuriating. We're the definition of "against all odds". And we do all this while constantly fighting between ourselves. And we'll keep doing our thing until this planet turns to dust.
I have a love-hate relationship with Poland, I like them for all their cool shit (Winged Hussars, fucking Russias shit up, being Catholic surrounded by Pagans) then I remember I hate them for some stuff (they're slavs)
only ironically. soon the day will come when based Russia takes what's rightfully theirs. they're the only country that knows how to deal with that bunch of pompous ingrates
One day hohol pigs will pay for killing innocent polish people.
>when based Russia takes what's rightfully theirs
Russia is a collapsing state. If it goes to war it's going to implode as in 1914
What worries me more are the caliphatists, Turkey and Chinks
Ha! Even Stalin said it's no use, or to be exact "Establishing communism in Poland is like trying to put a saddle on a pig"
I dobrze, w tym kraju brakuje tylko hajsu dla dobrego czlowieka.
Narod patriotyczny, respektujacy historie I dziedzictwo katolickie.
Na chuj nam sie przypodowywac innym, jak oni zgina to przyjda do nas a my im damy memy.
Kievan Rus had borders further to the west, meaning entire east Poland, Moldavija and north Romanima are Russian clay.
reminder Finland started the winter war
>Ever since Napoleon beat the crap out of you Germany has been in the exact same cycle.
Fucking this. He almost dissolved Prussia at one point and he fucking well should have! Imagine the blood and treasure saved.
Why does Germany worship Islam?
What the fuck? No they didn't.
Time to stop posting, Olaf. Get back to work, those toilets won't clean themselves.