> this is the future of America
this is the future of America
I don't care, I like wearing panties sometimes
>not being comfortable switching gender
grow up man
Entitled cunt. That boy should serve his Spartan patron in the most manly way.
why do people make up gender identities? wtf?
>He would be well Jewed in a classroom with a teacher that is understanding
They aren't even trying to hide it anymore
What's the matter? Looks like a normal white bo-
Am I the only one who thought "served" looked like "Jewed" in the note?
No you are not we've been here too long
>and desperately search her eyes for...
For what? For any hint that she wasn't whole-heartedly accepting your bullshit? For any chance to further feed into your confirmation bias and claim persecution? This poor teacher better lawyer up now, because she'll undoubtedly be facing SOME sort of discrimination charge by the end of the school year.
White boi cucks will all be sissified genderbang faggots.
Castizo/Mestizo is the future of America.
I dont even care anymore
the future of america is 1 in 1000000 children wanting to be a female? Holy fuck man the god damn battlestations. Trump 2016 they have to be gassed
>he is genderfluid!
>Oh yea btw he sees himself as a male BUT HE IS FLUID I SWEAR
I fucking hate parents who get kids as an accessory
The hypocrisy in this...
Although I don't necessarily agree with the picture either
This bs is going to fuck up this poor lil boy for life. Both my sons knew they where boys from toddlerhood. This mother is just another sjw tumblr trigger cunt.
You forgot the part where you go back
The future of America is me being 40 years old fucking girls young enough to be my daughter because all of the bois are too effeminate to be attractive to them
Who read this as "jewed"?
The most disgusting thing about these "gender-fluid" children is that their single mom is forcing this idea on them that they are different, so they have something to brag about on kikebook and instagram. Its all just a bunch of attention whoring.
Okay, fine.
What I'm interested in, though, is how does a kid his age learn of this sort of thing?
Fuck off, this boy isn't genderfluid, it's just the parent trying to be 'progressive'
He's about to start school and he's well before puberty. The concepts of gender aren't important to kids of that age
search for an excuse to manufacture some false outrage and get donations
Why not just report these idiots to CPS?
>meet with a school counselor to explain Penn's uniqueness
Ok where did this ridiculous idea of children being unique and special come from?
>tfw you will never be the insane liberal mother of a special snowflake little faggot called 'Penn' and post his shame on facebook to virtue signal to other insane liberal mothers in the current year.
>Ok where did this ridiculous idea of children being unique and special come from?
Parents, shows, etc. The millenial generation was raised under the participation trophy approach.
And look where it's gotten us.
>still comfortable using he towards himself
wew lad
Was it Mr. Rogers who started it all? Please say no.
Sweden, Yes
Nothing new.
>this boy isn't genderfluid, it's just the parent trying to be 'progressive'
You're right that he's not 'genderfluid' but he's sure going to be something else by the time he hits 18. These added descriptors that are completely nonsensical are going to make sexually confused children even worse off than before.
Western society deserves to die for having allowed itself to even reach this point.
I hate this planet
I went through a weird short phase when I was like 5 or 6 when even though I was as comfortable being a boy as a 5 year old could understand, I really liked girly shit and my only friends were girls. Moved schools and the complete opposite took hold almost immediately. I'm just glad that this was 20 years ago, because nowadays I'd have been raised in a skirt and had my dick lopped off. Kinda wish I kept that latter trait of being able to surround myself with women but such is life.
Please, p-p-please, be fake...
No, Mr. Rogers represented a positive, calm approach to living that involved creating a lifestyle you want while still being a productive human being.
What did start it all? Good question, maybe MTV.
>he still currently uses the pronoun "He" in reference to himself
Well thank God for that. Mr. Rogers was a wonderful man that I unfortunately never learned about until I was an adult.
Certainly, must be a pure coincidence.
literally sounds like she's rather raise a girl than a boy so she's trying to force her kid to "identify" as a girl.
she should be locked up. i'm currently moving my head from side to side to be quite forthright with you my brethren.
oy vei
That kid is going to have medical debt for life and years of pain...
/k/ realizes the importance of being gender fluid
I will lie to myself that these repetitive digits are an expression of support to our nordic friends in the struggle with degeneracy.
Once we start letting a child's whims dictate the rest of their life we're fucked. Some dumb kid says he's a girl one day and now his parents encourage him to be a tranny abomination sexually confused clusterfuck.
>Women are now using their children as an accessory to virtue signal with instead of just putting a fucking bumper sticker on their car
Jesus Christ the civilization is doomed
>parents have nothing to do with children choosing to become trannys, it just happens like whooaa
Probably just because he happens to like purple or something unusual at his age. What the fuck.
My sister was playing with truck toys and car toys at his age instead of barbies. She's not a genderfluid.
I'm sure Child Protective Services is all over that :^)
If we dont get a War soon then its over. You can never undo the damage these children will have received
shitlords like you identify panties as feminine
stfu entitled scum.
>white people
I left some gender fluid on his mom last night
lol saving that
Normally I'd laugh, but this is seriously depressing.
Single mothers genuinely ruin their children.
What kind of man do you think this child is going to grow up to be?
Holy shit I just feel sad for this upcoming generation.
Kids are like accessories to single mothers.
It breaks my heart to see young boys growing up without a father, it ruins their development.
When i was 4 i was 100% sure i wanted to be cat.
please nuke us already
Poor little fucker. His mother's a fashion victim. Next year it will be something else he has to suffer.
It produced a bretty gud reaction image tho
Please end this
Why post identifying information about the school?
Whatever makes you happy. Personally enjoy a liter of Hydrocodone but it's all good.
Come t othink of it my mother used to do my nails, hair and call me he little beautiful girl when I was ~3. Tried to paint my lips once even. And I kept telling her I'm a boy. I guess I dodged a bullet there, eh?
Children who have not reached puberty believing that they are gay and "gender fluid"
>in Kindergarten
>No trust me he is gender fluid
>usually a female trust me
>he uses the word 'he' to identify himself
Literally what the fuck is going on.
>there are only 350 mentally ill children with abusive parents in the entire USA
progress, enlightenment, tolerance, diversity
This is the end of days pol
i thought russians are straight as an arrow... what happened?
This has single mother written all over.
Why the fuck are most of these "strong" single mother women so toxic toward their sons? Do they not realize they are raising a sissy faggot that is gonna have his shit kicked in down the road? The schooling system already spams zero tolerance policies and "EVERYONE IS EQUAL"... now we have a single parent feminizing this child further. This is the only case I would make an exception for of raising another mans child. Boys are becoming feminized by these destructive progressive fucktards and need to be taught to be men.
>to my drunk eyes it looks liked "jewed"
That's the face of a future serial killer.
How many single moms are creating future monsters this way?
Ok who triggered the mom so hard that she deleted her Twitter? Screenshots?
Because they see their child as more of an accessory rather than a human.
Hi I'm a preschool teacher and let me explain what happened here!
As we all know, children under 8 have little to no concept of gender except for what their parents teach them. They may know "pink is girl" "blue is boy" but it doesn't get much more complicated than that.
Kids that young are very easily manipulated. You tell a kid they are superman they will literally believe it if you repeat it enough times.
Now that being trans is trendy, suburban/subhuman moms are raising their kids to be trans because they want to win the mommy tolerance contest. They see children as objects, not as people. The more diverse their child, the more their child struggles, the more they can tell their friends they are tolerant.
Basically, a kindergarten aged child (5-6) would not understand what it means to be trans, they may like pink but that's not trans, they won't feel like a girl because they know they are a boy.
This is like a child that age saying they are gay, they don't know what they are because they are physically incapable of developing feelings like that.
Meaning the bitch is currently/still trying to teach him he can pick his own pronouns, what the fuck is wrong with people
Nylon feels nice on my balls.
So feminists who object to objectification are objectifying their children to be noticed by other objectifying feminists...
>too meta for me
>there's nothing wrong with being retarded so it's okay for me to bash your skull in with a baseball bat
>Well Jewed
That kid is also likely being abused even if you don't think this treatment is abuse.
The kind of mother that does this generally cares more about the image of "tolerant supporting mother" than the child.
This is the kind of woman who would date a drunk to say "my baby and I are so strong, we survived a bad relationship"
They also will shape the kid to fit their beliefs. That child will go to target and say (in assuming this child is a girl) "no honey, no dresses you are a boy remember? You want this transformers shirt since it is also trans" and the kid not knowing 30% of those words but knowing mommy knows best will accept it.
These parents do not have the best interest of the child in mind.
Exactly because they have they have been obsessed by a materialistic society.
>Kids still can't consent to sex
Who knows what happens in a mind of young girl whose husband is out working all the time and won't let her have some fun outside? maybe she saw me as doll to dress up to kill boredom.
Women are literally destroying our society and nobody seems to notice or care.
Last post in regards to this teacher bullshit.
Notice she is asking for an "understanding" kindergarten teacher. That just means "no one challenge my idea"
If this was truly the child wanting to be called a boy, the child would notify the teacher. Kids sometimes want to go by different names for a day or so. This happens ALL THE TIME.
Last week I had to call a boy (5) "superman", refer to a girl (3) as a cat and another girl (4) as "super batman girl".
Most teachers will just do that if the kid asks. No need to make a big deal of it. But his woman wants everyone in administration to know. This can be handled quietly but no,
>she has post it on social media
>she has to tell the entire school
>she has tomess with the school schedule
>she has to act like this is an issue
He looks so.... Defeated.
Like this is the final humiliation in a long string of abusive behaviors.