Why does Sup Forums want to control a women's uterus?
Why does Sup Forums want to control a women's uterus?
Who controls the uterus, controls the future.
>no uterus no option
That sign is absolutely transphobic.
Those women really are attractive, years of natural selection has made me biological attracted to women on that picture.
Why do women want me to pay for their uterus?
Also if that's the case
>no gun no opinion
Explain what the signs mean.
because they belong to men
I'm guessing they're pro-abortion? I can talk to them, I'm a big supporter the voluntary genocide program for liberals and niggers.
We have more than enough of those already, and who am I to object when they choose to end their cancerous bloodlines?
Because my tax dollars pay for their shit so I have a say. Stop taxing me for your medical bills and I wont care what the fuck you do.
Because there is a tiny innocent human living inside of it and that tiny little human deserve to live.
think huh
No balls, stay in the kitchen you dirty sluts.
Suppose a procedure were invented whereby we could transplant a fetus into an artificial womb with a 0% chance of harm to the mother or the fetus.
This would make the hypothetical procedure medically safer than abortion and even childbirth.
Would this procedure be an acceptable alternative to abortion?
Why are homosexuals activiely involved in the debate of female contraception. It has nothing to do with you. At all.
Also why do feminists feel the need to hide behind homosexuals to ad and promote their child-murder agenda? If you have something to say, say it, otherwise go elsewhere.
Whatever. I'm an old school liberal so I got no problem with legal abortion.
I'm seriously digusted by women who want to walk around with obvious vagina blood on their pants. Is this like some lesbian sexual fetish thing?
This is not how abortions work, Sweden.
>It has nothing to do with you.
False. It reduces future welfare spending by preventing the birth of recipients. Paying 64% of my income in taxes makes preserving the institution of abortion all kinds of my business.
As a huge pro life guy, yes, I think it would. Although, while it's sometimes for the best, it's still shitty to abandon your kid. I wish more people would think about adopting.
stupidity of womyn always surprises me
The problem obviously is you're left with abandoned kids or those that grow up with parents that didn't want them. Also, though I'd be happy to adopt if my wife didn't want to go through pregnancy, I kinda want to carry on my bloodline, and so do virtually all of parents who want kids.
I mean, yeah it's 'acceptable', but it'd better off for a country if you just got rid of them as fetuses