Make BC Threads Great Again Edition

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Hello everybody! Released something just yesterday! Would like to thank an user who purchased my release just a few hours ago. Danke!
>Dark-ish ambient bordering on both dark and light
>Vinyl usage, sample based
>Dark room filled with chaotic images from both past and present

project coming nov
yes a full project u doosher

>boom bap

>synthpop, ambient, soundtrack

I finally regained access to my SoundCloud too. In the spirit of keeping things interesting, it will have exclusive tracks that won't appear on my Bandcamp.

This is a track that was rejected from a "Sup Forums makes an album" a few months ago.

Yay, new things! Although I did not enjoy your rejected track.

Understandable considering vaporwave is very over. It's just a remix of a song I ever finished, I had high hopes for the original song but lyrics once again were an issue.

On that note, I can also use my emails again. Would anyone be interested in being my lyricist for some future tracks?

Liked the album.
You got skills.

sounded like pretty good vape to me
>what do you meeeeean its nineteen eightyyyyyy fiveeeeee

What are opinions?

>ancient folk

you will like this music if you like Nick Drake, Robbie Basho, and or ancient history

> new album, it's free
> downtempo, ambient, hip-hop beats with glitch, a little breakcore and plenty of grubby samples

Thank you for listening!

This is cool, reminds me of some minimal Biosphere stuff, very cold sounding, gonna be perfect for my autumn reading. Downloaded.

For the very synthwave retro style, it actually sounds very much like Angelo Badalamenti, like this music wouldn't be out of place in an episode of season 1 Twin Peaks. Very nice work, user. I remember when you were posting Montreal in these threads which I really enjoyed too.

This is wonderful, user. I hear the Nick Drake in there but I'm reminded a little of Animal Collective's Sung Tongs too. Do you visit /lit/? I would imagine this is music made by someone who can't get enough of Herodotus. Awesome stuff, downloaded. Desert of Gems had me convinced.

Thanks man, I recognize you from Desolation For Days album.

A lot has changed since Montreal. The latest stuff I'm working on is like a combination of my Montreal pop sound with some of the darker ambient composition style for Last Ride.

Thank you for listening and downloading! Really enjoyed your stuff before, haven't noticed you've made something new. Will check it out tonight for sure!



>Beats, soul, lofi & indie rock are my main influences

From what I heard last night, this is pretty well made. Personally speaking, it would have been cool to hear some more deconstruction of the samples used, but that's just me.

>dark ambient, industrial, noise
>crumbling reality
>inspired in part by shortwave number stations and other cryptic media

Thanks for the listen! Agreed upon the deconstruction but since it's mostly proof-of-concept and the first try I was playing it "safe" per say. However, I glad you've enjoyed it!

> rural psychedelia, lo fi, portastudio, drone, ambient, bedroom recordings, loops, noise


the shit i fuck with

>experimental pop
>futuretech (new genre)

gonna be dropping a lot of music on this platform throughout the rest of the year featuring wide stylistic range so pls hit that follow button.

>one man band
>delivering from depressive black metal and narcotic rock to dark ambient and piano based music
>when prozac no longer helps

any new people here to check out?

Me! But you recc'd me so...

>Brand new record
>happy - more major chords

I've already checked whose I recc
go away you toxic degenerate

>the shit i fuck with
a fuck with a dick.
is this a compliment or diss?

or maybe it's just a piece of shit that he fucks us with. or he is calling his dick shit. so it's either double diss or double compliment or a sick fetish. most likely - a shitty attempt at being funneyh

that means i fuck with it like its the good stuff (worth mentioning in the thread where as the other stuff is not worth mentioning)

Bumpo secundo

>post hardcore
>Math Rock


I dig this, reminds me of omar rodriguez lopez' solo stuff, se dice bisonte, a manual dexterity. cool vibes.
>stuff ranging from free improvisation to covers to folk rock to shit

I'll give all you a slight listen once I'm done with The Knife record I'm on right now. Haven't posted in a while.

Going off Nothing is Over Now.

I have an adoration of soft hypnotic tunes hidden behind layers of hiss or noisy drones. I'd put it a bit up more up front if I was you, but it still sounds great.

I can sort of hear some Akira Yamaoka style in your pieces because you tend to combine the noisy sections with appropriate loops well. Sold.

thank you for listening

I can appreciate it, but I'm just not feeling like hip hop right now. Good verses :/

Ayy, glad you've enjoyed it! And yeah, putting some elements on front is my goal in the nearest future, for now I wanted to play it safe, to test the waters per say.
You have a vast selection. What should I try first?

I'd recommend The Exalted Garden. It's one of the more coherent ones with actual songwriting involved :)

I feel like there is just way too many 80s style synth soundtracks out there. It ain't bad and I haven't seen what exactly what you are scoring, but eh. Not my thing.

Last album

Other album

>Cd available

>Name your price


like this

finished the thing and I actually liked You're In Deep. Sounded like it had more going for it in terms of songwriting than the others. Gave me some flashes of Jesper Kyd soundtracks.

I guess it was ok in general.

Wow, so many anons like my music on this thread... I'm not sure how to feel about this to be honest

I'd say you should feel pretty good about it.

Need to control my ego stroking though, it killed a lot of promising music sadly

This rocks my socks off. Sold.

Pleasant. Don't really get how this is "ancient folk" outside of the fact that it is folk rock inspired by ancient stories, but I'll get a digital copy. If it holds up on the second listen, I'll get the CD.

I won't give recs, only feedback

You could've gotten more creative with the samples/field recordings, but it's pretty damn good.
It gets really weird at times, but it's quality freak folk

>Psychedelic Noise
>Lush Ambient
>Drone Metal
>featuring Epiglottis on piano
For the fans of The Goslings, Ramleh, Merzbow, Les Rallizes Dénudés


I listened to a couple of tracks and once again it is just not my cup of tea. There were some tracks further on that got my attention with more spacial percussion rather than the melodies themselves, but I just heard bits.

Sure I could. The problem is that by such a vast jump into being "more creative" there may be some qualities lost in the process. My goal was to build a foundation upon which more engaged process of sample manipulation and effects creation may exist. Just wanted to see, first of all, if the people would like that kind of thing. And if you find this good and worthwhile then I'm happy I engaged you. Thanks for checking me out!

Nights is alright, but I got bored. As I previously said, not in the hip hop mood today.

Why are you not selling this? Would have bought it. I really dig the atmosphere of slight distress on here.

Dude, this is fucking great. Sold and I'm gonna follow your shit.

OK fellas, I'm a little bit tired. Maybe tomorrow I will continue listening and spending money on things I enjoyed.

Have a good one yall!