How would you integrate Islam and National Socialism?
How would you integrate Islam and National Socialism?
with a couple hundred nukes
>that nose
National Socialism is basically all the good things about Islam and Christianity combined in to one ideology and none of the bad things.
By getting rid of the islam part
Let's enjoy a nuclear winter together :^)
That's actually fairly simple, the sole difference is that enemy rapes are abhorred in National Socialism.
Basically, use the religion as fuel, neuter things preventing eugenics and women aiding production/war effort and operate the entire thing with the political chassis and engine of NatSoc.
he wrote "integrate", not "desintegrate".
on topic: Combine forces with islam to fight the non nationalistic enemies who oppose "us". After the struggle is won, everybody fucks off into their own countries to keep their cultures/ethnics pure and make sure to only do trade with each other (to benefit from the resources the other has if needed) and maybe going on vacation to the other places.
Should Islam proof to be rather useless at trade (i´m sure they are), i.e. bring nothing to the table but oil, then they will basically they at their technological level and "we" won´t feel obliged to help them. Once we no longer need oil, they are on their own with stagnation.
We can think of a final solution to the problem I'm sure
NatSocs and Muslims agree on women already
NatSocs and Muslims already agree about the Jews too, you're right. Didn't think of that immediately for some reason
Form a pact against the Jews and promise to reasonably split territory afterwards. Jihadists can carry out all the suicide attacks.
Not really Jews are bro tiers. Same God same concepts...
We hate Zionists.
>Jews are bro tiers
Islam was like the fascism of their time. Mohammed just tried to get rid of the same problems we nowadays do.
test post
send to same gulag
Muslims are too volatile
Not really. Muslims basically treat their women as cattle, only used for fucking, breeding and child raising while wearing retarded clothing.
Women under NatSoc have a very high social regard since they are seen as responsible for the future of the race, i.e. the offspring. They aren´t slaves to men, and they don´t have to stay "in the kitchen" if they don´t want to. While the traditional role is appreciated, a woman can still chose to take up a real job/career like the men. Part of being responsible for the children of a good "NatSoc family" also means a good amount of education is needed by the mother, giving their children the best upbringing possible for their future. You usually can´t find this in a muslim society.
Why not?
Memes a side, give me one reason to hate the Jews beside Muh Messiah...
They're ugly, inbred, avaricious, miserly, opportunistic disloyal parasites?
>"The peoples of Islam will always be closer to us than, for example, France".
Hitler would defend Islam.
You're right about the subtle differences I think. Though there are different views on women that exist in Islam.
I think the point is to team up in some way for a common goal and find commonalities
You don't, they are literally two separate ideologies
You don't, Islam can't be integrated into a country that isn't based on the teachings of islam.
Flag checks out
So the same I don't like this race BS.
I prefer Jews over idiots like you anytime.
Then you're more than welcome to ours
National Socialism is about European racialism and traditionalism.
Islam is an inferior ideology and a foreign one at that. The two are incompatible, despite the Hitler meme quotes about Islam.
You simply can't. Islam rejects the concept of nation, replacing it with ummah -- an islamic tribal community of sorts..
Would you say Islam is closer to Communist than NatSoc?
I think this guy tried
Seeing how they have some weird built-in islamic tax system I'd at least say so.
The question is how to desintrgrate islam with national socialism
Islam, according to its script acknowledges individuals and their rights and what they should and should not do and how to judge in example situations and what not. Anyways there might form some islamic tribal life resembling communism but I'm sure society will be tiered in no time with mullahs and sheeks and whatever they claim to be..
I'm slightly bluepilled on National Socialism, I think.
Do national socialists really want to execute people who race mix?
Do they really want to execute gays?
If so, then national socialism is Muslim tier.
Is this just a jew meme, or is it true?
I agree that western media needs to stop shilling for interracial relationships, and j agree that interracial relationships need to be looked down open. But killing people because they're in an inracial relationship is muslin/beta tier.
Hello JIDF.
There's definitely something very romantic about these Arab ideals but they always fuck it up.
Race-mixers would be persecuted depending on the race; An Englishman with a Persian might not be so bad as an Englishman and a Ghanaian however it depends on the racial thinking behind the NatSoc.
Gays, it depends again.
>But killing people because they're in an inracial relationship is muslin/beta tier.
Yes, but it should be heavily discouraged. You weren't killed in nazi germany for anything except maybe rebelling against the state, but your neighbors would probably hate you and rightly so.
Do national socialists really want to execute people who race mix?
I would.
>Do they really want to execute gays?
I'd support research into a medical treatment. If that doesn't work, then yes.
>If so, then national socialism is Muslim tier.
The difference is that we're efficient and capable of building a seemly society and high standard of living. In essence, it works for us because we're white.