Not spending christmas with the love of my life

not spending christmas with the love of my life

ITT: what's your excuse Sup Forums?

for what, being a fag? I'm not a fag, OP.

I'm on here telling you to quit being a faggot.

What are you doing with your life OP?

I think I hate my family and spending time around them would require me to fake that I don't think they are all just pieces of shit

Nobody loves me

not enough
only in college for the rest i am wasting my life 20 rn no job bros gf missed so many experiences in my life not sure what to do rn

The only person I care about is actively ignoring I exist, I have abandonment issues so this made me try to KMS. I failed, and that made them ignore me more instead of understanding I was hurting. Waiting until the post suicide attempt hope dies so I can go again, to be free of this sadist shit.

Same, atleast I have beer and gta 5, being drunk makes everything better haha

Stop missing those experiences, it's not rocket science.


If it was that easy i wouldnt be here

I have no love of my life.
Any women that do come and go are only using me and I let them because otherwise I would be a kissless virgin.

So how do u get these chicks to f*** u?

These days I don't.
Back then was before the days of Facebook. The memes about women and attention are true. Without the constant fountain of attention provided by social media chicks actually used to date down from time to time. But ultimately they still would only use you.

There's nothing left in this world for the beta male. Drop out of society. Stop feeding the beast. Prepare for the collapse.

you don't need to have your life together at 20 but seriously
>I want shit to get better without any actual effort
You're lucky to get half the return of the work you put in. Do it while you're still young and have the time/energy. Think of all the depressed people out there who literally just do nothing and waste away. Is that really you? If not, then you already know you have a chance.

Don't listen to this faggot Chad he doesn't know what he's talking about. I've wasted so much time trying to better myself and it's just left me exhausted as well as depressed.

Back before FB? So b4 2004 god how old r u?

How does one drop out of society?

Not him btw

So then how do i do this? What are the first steps i need to take?

Stop indulging in consumerist money traps.That way you aren't contributing to economic activity. Save up. Buy remote land. Only buy things secondhand etc.
34, not that old.

Rly? Tell me what have you done plz how many years have u spent trying to do things?

Just KYS.

I ruined my chance and she got with someone else.

I am the love of my life

>afraid we might get divorced tho

She's 80 km away, we're texting rn

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