You better start memorizing those, shitlords

You better start memorizing those, shitlords.

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is there's a /lgbt/ fag... or a redditor around that could tell us what are those

Okay, I'm mad. Drag isn't even close to a Goddamn gender. We play characters. CHARACTERS. Our characters are not our identity, that would make us trans or gender fluid or whatever dumb shit. Drag is a form of ENTERTAINMENT and MAKEUP ARTISTRY. Pieces of fucking shit PC beaurocrats don't even understand a simple form of entertainment. Bomb NY, someone, anyone, ISIS even.

All of these are "i am mental ill and i want attention" and "asexual" means that you are ugly


>gender gifted

I haven't heard this one yet.

How do we raise children in this mad world? It's more confusing than starting free MMORPG.

> gender gifted
brb going to kill myself

Some of those aren't even genders. "Cross-dresser"? "Drag King/Queen" "Femme Person of Transgender Experience?" Are these people actually serious?


I have a better one: "mentally ill".

Is cross-dresser and androgynous even genders?
I thought it was just "liking to dress up as the opposite gender" and an adjective to describe someone who looks like both

does it really matter? it's all attention whoring

>Gender Blender
>Femme Person of Transgender Experience

These have to me satirical.


Wait, what does FTM mean?

>Gender Blender

what is third sex ?

Gender blender oh fuck the satire is genius

Well then

>gender blender
>there are people, who would fill out official forms claiming they are "gender blenders" and they want other people to respect them and take them seriously

So... straight?




>The list of protected gender identities is available online and includes options such as “gender bender

What' a Hijra?

It's degenerate, that's what.

Ah, so tranny+poo.

Never thought it could get any worse

There are only 3 genders

Male, female, and faggot

Fart to mouth

31 separate toilets when?

i guess Indians will have the last laugh after all ha


The quantitative amount of hipster-gendered people is not enough to warrant wasting time, energy, and memory space, to learn that irrelevant shit. I'd rather spend time on chem since chem at least has relevance to my life.

Congratulations you made me kek


I'm surprised Man and Woman are even there at all


Perfect reaction

Really must suck if you're playing pokemon then

what the fuck does this even mean
i can't stop chuckling holy shit

asexuality is actually a thing although classifiable as a developemental issue since a lack of sexuality is unnatural for humans

most of the time people claiming to be asexual are just snowflakes tho or can't get laid

That mysgony I'm actually a gender juicer shitlord

the fuck is even happening

this is straight up cultural marxism

is shitlord a gender? Because if i'm poly, you just fucking misgendered me

All of these sound like hentai tag names

>androgynous/butch is a gender now
what le fug

Finally now you asshole have to recognize I'm a nonbinary trans gender slime that moves with the moons gravitational pull

haha that's funny if i were in charge of hiring and someone put "person of transgender experience" or "hijra pangender (wtf is that)" the resume would go into the garbage.

Bi-Galactic shitlord didn't make the cut? Fucking ableist genderphobes

That's a fetish not a gender

Both the genders lived in peace, till the gender bender nation attacked.


What does Hijra mean?

I'm gender gifted: male

>interview potential employee
>ask them their gender
>discard the looneys

this makes it easier for employers to sanitize the CV pile