>Not sharing your home with a 300lb bear
Why even live
Not sharing your home with a 300lb bear
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I am so jelly.
>3 months from now
>a russian couple was brutally mauled to death by a 300 pound bear today
Also this is political how?
Do you think the guy is getting kucked by the bear?
>you will never have a bearbro to watch your back in the coming race wars
I have a plan Sup Forums
>be me, neet with no gf or friends
>Move to Russia, disguise as bear
>live with Russian family who love me
You bet
It's news
Look at the lady you can tell she loves the BBC(big bear cock)
Sadly. It always ends up like that unless they give the animal proper respect, but they let hit 'curl up with them' at night. It will happen eventually.
There's tons of bears here, and one even snuck into my house at midnight, probs got startled by the light I left turned on. Thankfully the town burglar scared him off and didn't let the bear murder me.
Notice it's always white people that live with weird animals.
>A shit brown bear
>Not a black bear
What bear?
>yfw having dinner with a bear is safer than opening your home to a refugee
isnt 300lb extremely light for an adult bear?
Look in here eyes. Of course she wants his big bear cock.
>implying all women don't list over big bear cock
>implying white men can compete
You don't see the parallel?
>hint, pic related
Redpill be on bears, Sup Forums.
Are they part of the dog or rodent family?
>not a white bear
>not training it to tank a crowd while you shoot from back row
Gotta be honest. That makes a compelling case for befriending a bear. Would probably also cut down on having to work overtime as the bear would start mauling joggers in the park next to my office.
Yes, I read from another source that this bear was 650kg. So 300lbs is pretty far off.
Did anyone watch the video? Dude wrestles with the bear!
Bear is around 3000 lbs, not 300.
I haven't seen this one yet. Jesus.
I've always wanted to hug a bear.
wow, really forces cogitation
on the internet ...
I had a pet raccoon as a kid. They are pretty smart creatures and very much like dogs with loyalty to their masters. Now I just have a chipmunk named "Cranston". He is 2 years old now. I found him when I was outside working in the yard, young enough to not even have his eyes open. Bottle fed him for 2 months.
Hey but it may be an improvement to you quality of life, you'd have an empty park all to yourself.
And i'm pretty sure cars would avoid the area as well.
Also for those who have never read about him.
That is cool. Do they not try to run away? They see you as family or something?
Still the bearst.
He is like an outside cat in most ways. Has a little nest in a rhododendron outside my back door, but also spends time inside if I let him in. He just hangs out and does his thing, but is always close by when I come outside for morning coffee. He likes shirt pockets.
theyve had it for 20 odd years, basically family
>that emblem
Very interesting.
I was mistaken. He is 4 now. I didn't realize I found him in 2012. Time moves too fast. Pic from when he was a baby
How long do they live?
>With a 300lb bear
that's normal in the states
Is the husband a cuck?
>Sup Forums's eyes brighten!
It says it's been around for over 2 decades
Fucking bears stealing our women. This must stop...
bout 3-5 in the wild.
How long did that woman who had a pet chimp own it before it tore her friend's face off? I know a bear is not a chimp but they're both wild animals and I'd argue a chimp is more passive than a fucking 300lb bear. May as well adopt a Siberian Tiger while you're at it.
Guys who work with animals say bears are the most dangerous. Because their face is always the same, you can tell if lion or wolf is irritated by you, but bear will be cool to the last second until he bites your head off.
Chimps are smarter though, they form tribes, they use tools, they're extra unpredictable.
Maybe you need to castrate them to avoid it? I bet they castrated that bear.
yeah this is true.
I'd feel safer with a pet bear than a pet chimp, a chimp will remember when you take the last oreo from the bag and eat your fingers before breaking your neck. A bear will just be happy to get some oreos.
They are professional animal handlers, they know their shit, they have equipped cages and photos are set.
>meanwhile in Russia
Awwww fuck that's brutal
>the bear even helps out by watering the flowers
Meanwhile if you asked a migrant to water your flowers they'd slit your kids throat.
He claimed trauma from his life in bongo bongo land, he's going to get treatment, and then he'll be released in a few months.
>I won't share my home with a fucking refugee that's too dangerous
>come on Barry Bear it's time for dinner
explain this shit white people
Just like my japanese anime.
>explain this shit white people
The bear won't rape you and slit your kids throat.
cuckoldery: Russian edition
A bear is less likely to destroy your society by being a Muslim.
Refugees are more dangerous than bears.
Brown people are less dangerous than brown bears
If a bear murders me, I can at least understand since its an animal and that shit happens. If a rapefugee murders me, its because they are wild animals disguised as people.
Bears can be really chill if they know you.
That one bear expert that lived with bears only died because there were some new bears in the area he didn't know.
What? Reaaallyyy?
I honestly assume every Russian family has a bear living with them
gee, I wonder why we haven't heard about this one in the news constantly?
Remember that China has been in civil war mode for nearly 2000 years. They probably mean fellow Chinese and nothing else.
Some are so poor they eat their assigned bear tho.
Chinese use refugees as slaves a lot of the time. A lot of North Koreans who flee North Korea end up as slaves to Chinese farmers or forced into marriages.
he looks at least twice that !
Bears easier to assimilate than Muslims
Calling serious crap. Bears weigh well over 300lbs. Unless he's a baby :)
He seems to have been OK for 23 years, so I honestly doubt it. Bears are quite domesticatable, as are lions and panthers and stuff -- as long as you take care of them from birth they will not hurt you unless something extraordinarily happens that hinders their emotional development to the human.
you never eat family. that's like rule 3
>that mexico
he's a big bear
You are a babe.
[Talking deeply in above your neck and ears]
So you wanna be my gf tonight?
>29% in the UK would allow migrants to live in their own homes
easy to signal how liberal you are by saying this bullshit but chances are only 1% of those who said this would actually do so.
>not sharing your home with a beautiful cat
What the fuck?? Go to bed Austria, you're drunk.
>Bear can live in human home for 20 years without a hitch.
>Refuges proceed to murder their hosts
In Germany you are paid and in Sweden its like a social status...
>look one 12yo refugee that looks like a 32yo ex soldiers lives with me!
>Svede gets a promotion the next day
>all these BIDF in this thread
Fin is mad because he will never understand what hugging with a bear feels like, or what any warm feeling in the chest feels like.
>a chimp will remember when you take the last oreo from the bag and eat your fingers before breaking your neck.
>thinking you would get out that easy
Chimps go straight for your balls, user.
how do you find a house sitter when you have a bear as a pet?
in sweden, the legend goes that "the Finn of the forest" is the bear. Think about that one for a second.