Even Italians agree: Colored is better

Even Italians agree: Colored is better.


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Makes zero sense.

hmm really makes me think

>Caring about Shitalians


Anything is better than boring white

lol. I've never seen this ad, how old is it?

Suppongo ora sono una #CruzMissile

>non-white already
>implying its even interracial

Italians are colored, so makes sense.

For reals tho, it looks like the jews are running the media in Italy too. Is nowhere safe?

there are things white people are better at and there are things black people are better at. whitey should stick to building his little toys and mowing lawn then blacks are busy wit building mad thirst

>Implying Italians aren't already coloured

>situation in the USA is so bad you have to appeal to interracial sex to sell stuff there
Hate the game not the player

fan, cucka mig !!! :D



>Colored woman chooses colored man over other colored man
Good commercial.

you europeans will bend the knee...or you will all meet the same fate :)

“The Lord laughs at the wicked, for he knows their day is coming.--Psalm 37:13”

Making things more dirty is not a way to advertise your cleaning product

>Is nowhere safe?

I don't know, try China:

Its correct. We need to breed out the awkward pasty none-dancingable inferior white race.

White race is like malnourished mentally ill aliens, thats why we have corruption, war, brainwashing (school and media), systematic computerized "life". We are unnatural mutation.

Black people on the other hand are natural at everything they do, eating when they want to eat, have sex whenever they want to, love each other naturally (incest and pedophilia is creation by whites and asians).

I doubt anyone here is willing to take the true redpill so further this, I wont bother.

Black is literally the absence of colour.

Fuck off to Africa then, you effeminate Swedish faggot.

>find the most skinny and ugly white they can find
>find a muscled black


Haha oh Schlomo

Hmmm not exactly, this was an ad for the american public, it never got broadcasted here.

Commercial appeal to what people want to sell stuff. If the good housewives of the united states of america want a muscular african husband, so be it, might as well sell some stuff next to it

>Black people on the other hand are natural at everything they do
So they are animals, as you say

Not a cleaning product.
Is a color addictive, to ink your clothes, well it make some sense at least.


Yeah, couldnt agree more with your post.
i love how everyone complains about refugees and the immigrant crisis.. I just see that as an opportunity to satisfy the women here in sweden.

Nukes for sweden when?

you won't do anything

you will never do anything...you will eat your good food...play your video games..jerk off to your porn...

and then you will sleep and repeat... :)

Im actually a multiracial swede you bigot

Stop pushing your cuck fantasies and stay off of the internet forever

I want Sweden to be range banned.

I bet you like that 'boring' white girl though, don't you?

What you gonna do when there's no white wymmins left?

Ahh got it. 90% of white women won't date blacks here, but interracial shit is being pushed through everything with a screen. It's gross. Are they not pushing the agenda there?

I can't tell if it's actual swedes, or proxyfags. That's how cucked they've gotten.

Ackbar or Somali pirate?

Woah cool old, controversial Italian commercial.
Really makes u think huh etc, etc

>Are they not pushing the agenda there?
They are selling a product. If american women liked tall nordic males, the commercial would have fit a powerful nordic male in.

It's just business, not my fault if american women regard muscular africans as the most desirable mate.

>one in 5
>uses a nigger and a blondie as the pic
Are we sure it's not interracial between spics and gooks?

What do you say?

>i love how everyone complains about refugees and the immigrant crisis.. I just see that as an opportunity to satisfy the women here in sweden.

Clear your cookies, m8. Google tailors your results to you search history so I guess you've been looking for interracial porn.



Probably just jewish propaganda made to suggest that this is perceived as acceptable.

this shit is racist, also a rip off of an old swedish ad with the same premise, which was ripped off from the italian version

>True Romance.Origins of Sicilians.Dennis Hopper.Christopher Walkin
Not even going to watch it. Is this how Americans learn about history? No wonder you're all ignorant assholes

Who cares? Italians are subhuman towelhead nigger tribesman anyway. Pic related.