A muslim with a question

Why is masculinity among you people so weak...?
How are females in this country seem get to say whatever they want? Tell that hoe to stfu...
Like today there was a couple of Feminists heckling some white dudes near our mosque today. But when the iman came out of his car they wouldn't say a god damn word.
Cause they knew they would get their shit kicked in like these degenerates.

In a muslim society, Men trained their sons to hunt, to build, to farm, to repair or mend broken things, to be self sustaining...mothers stayed at home or worked menial jobs, loved, doted on, coddled and encouraged their young men until they had the confidence necessary to overcome whatever adversity they faced.
Western christian civilatizion was like this... what changed?

Whites became civilized so more is expected of them, more kindness less violence

Its not OK for them to act like violent monkeys like Muslims and niggers

We lost our religion because we're stupider than kikes and therefore bought into their irreligious filth that they peddle.

Kikes and lefties happened


Yes and that is why Muslims excel at sports and their armies are feared throughout the world.

Oh wait you don't you are weak inbred niggers who never excelled at anything. Most of the Muslims I ever saw where overweight faggots who never lifted anything heavier than their dick. That's why one Western solider is worth a thousand of you monkeys.


>Poorly crafted OP: not aesthetic.

>Stupid argument, logical fallacies

>Poorly crafted jpgs: Nigger tier

>Talks about Muslims

>Pic unrelated

>Western christian civilatizion was like this... what changed?

As a K selected species we always consider the consequences of our actions and plan ahead in order to properly nurture our children and secure our future.

If doing an act would get me fired, it would act as a severe deterrence to me so i probably wont do it.

We constantly think in terms of "is it worth it?"

So what happened is western men have accidentally legislated rules that prevent any manly action from being taken without severe future consequences

>get married? Is it worth Risking losing half your shit and custody of child
>women attacking you? Is it worth going to jail for fighting back?
>Tell a faggot to fuck off? Well, is that worth hate speech fines and jailtime?
>openly tell somebody you support Trump? Are you ok with losing friends over this?

Before these laws, all of these actions had little consequence so the "what if" answer was always "fucking go for it"

no wonder men here are pussies.

Degeneracy must be punished no excuses.

>Why is masculinity among you people so weak...?
I could ask you the same thing.

>Literally blow yourselves up to get laid by 72 fictional virgins
>Wear dresses
>Cry when someone banters your prophet
>Don't eat pork for protein and gainz
>Allahu ackbar is the only words you know

Hail Odin! Heil Parun!

you know when you love someone, you turn the other cheek. Even when they cry and bitch around. Be the greater person.

True leaders don't punish those who don't behave like they want to
True leaders lead by example

That's a fancy way of saying "we've gone soft." There's no shame in admitting it. After all, it can change quickly. Life got too easy and resources have been in abundance. The majority of Western men will continue to be soft until those things change.

>That's a fancy way of saying "we've gone soft."

Not necessarily.

Back in the day nobody wanted to go to jail for shit either. But calling somebody a faggot wasn't jail-worthy.

Now that it is, people avoid the action.

God, Battle and family
Thats our way of life

>implying eating pork is the only way to make gainz
Stupid DYEL

Degeneracy, feminism, and cultural Marxism takes advantage of this kindness

you are an acctual idiot.
If someone uses physical violence against you, its not only your right but your duty to be violent yourself.
That has nothing to do with civilization.

Its not about kindness,its about not acting like animals. Go back to chewing tobacco you trailer trash subhuman.

Also, lol at you people you think the OP is actually Muslim. The OP is obviously a non-Muslim Western man trying to motivate other Western men to stop being pathetic pussies.
Yes, but the reason that has become jail-worthy is because we've gone soft.

Fair enough.

I am not surprised by this flag...
seelove is for those who deserve it and not for those who want to harm you.
Harming someone is also a form of love, love for the Gods.

Agreed. I just wish that Muslims gaining political influence in the West would reverse feminism and its arrogance, but it's more likely that Europeans will learn all the wrong things from Islam, and we'll just end up with uglier, covered-up women, and a ban on alcohol. Neither of those are necessary to reestablish a proper sex hierarchy.

And yet you still can't shoot worth shit. I killed 6 of you back in Fallujah. It's cute to talk tough now but in the real world you cant do shit. But keep talking.

We are animals. You can pretend that you act like you do because you're principled and sophisticated, but you know deep down that it is because you and your society is weak.

Oh you can make gainz by getting shot at and your families drone striked.

HAHAHAHAHAHA Enjoy having all 180 thousand family members in Fallujah bombed to bits.


That's justified, but losing your shit because you have to listen to some idiots opinion like op is talking about isn't, at least not when a nonshitskin does it

Well, its a cyclus my friend.

You guys have been there too. Go read up on some of the old arab empires. They also fell do to decadence.

This. Muslims and niggers are savages. That's why they lose. That is why they die. That is why they have to go back.

Degeneracy must be punished. Stop being a kind little faggot and be a man.

Better ask yourself why homosexuality is so rampant in middle eastern countries first.

Believe me, this is a Muslim poster.
these signs are all legit indicators.

lulz mudslimes can't type. nice bait faggot.

>loosing your shit
I am sitting very calm in front of my computer.
I dont go rampage in discussion with people, willing to discuss.


this is EXACTLY the issue. stop.

And thats why you are a pathetic beta.

You fuckers die by the thousands and your countries are shitholes.

>Feminists heckling some white dudes near our mosque today. But when the iman came out of his car they wouldn't say a god damn word.
>Cause they knew they would get their shit kicked in like these degenerates.
No, its because they like muslims diluting the white, christian population. Stop thinking you muslims are actually brave or masculine, its delusional desu

Well, the kikes brought on leftism, so you can pretty much just say
>It was all of the kike's doing.

Are you Muslim?

Well, even if he is, his post has some good advice for Western men. His description of "Muslim society" is what European society used to be like.

inb4 fedora maymays

what is so masculine about worshiping a rapist and a murderer, and being submissive to a fake religion?

We like freedom. Freedom is masculine. Individuality is masculine. Thinking for yourself is masculine. Most muslims appear to be sheep to me, or bleating goats. No thoughts of their own.

No, I am white and pagan.
Why do you think that I am muslim?
I acctually respect these people more then christians(still hate them though)

I respect warrior cultures.
Europe has grown weak, according to Natural Selection it is Moral for moslems to take it over

They're fucking retarded, there's no use in conversing with them.

>In a muslim society, Men trained their sons to hunt, to build, to farm, to repair or mend broken things, to be self sustaining
So why is everything in muslim societies so fucking shitty?
Hunters? You can't even use jron sights.
Builders? You have no industry, yours cars, your cities and your weapons are built by non muslims.
Farming? Your agriculture exports are shit and your goat herds hade destroyed the environment.
Repair? Why does the Saudi army hire foreigners to do maintenance?
Mend broken things? You can't even mend your own broken countries.
Self sustaining? When the US embargoed Iraq millions died.

Why are muslim countries shit? Why don't you export anything else then inbred retards and oil?

What magical muslim societies are you speaking of because i can think of a single one that fit your description.


Then its not surprising that you don't act like an animal, its different for shitskins

Muslims can't fight for shit

You can't even do jumping jacks

I am implying you are christian
>be christian
>worship a kike on a stick
>follow a fake religion
>call other sheep, sheep
>be a cuck

most muslims are low IQ savages so it is pointless to try and reason with one. It will not change anything. The only path forward is the destruction of islam.

>Why is masculinity among you people so weak...?
\why is it your peoples combat losses are 50:1 US Forces. You stupid camel fukers cant even get off a shot without being ready to run and bleed out in a ditch?.

You are speaking to a Pole. Western Europe is full of pussies but come east and we will kick your shit in. Our ancestors lived and died to kill muslims. Every muslim I met has been a coward who will talk shit but immediately back down from confrontation. Maybe they will come back in a group later when they feel hard. But you are like dogs facing lions

t. in burgerland for business teraz zamknij morde

>Incontinent people waste their seed on donkeys
>thus the whole culture is gay
Sweden pls. any decent man can go on a year without fapping

I'm white and I say fuck your kindness, fucking pussy.

Feels good being a white male that even muslims respect.

sandniggers BTFO

We fight to the death. You are condemned to hell if you leave the field of battle even with shit tier weapons...

Softest beta retards on earth

is that why females are more powerful in your country then men?

Go grab a gun and be a man than. Stop being a pussy and face your god damn enemy.


Are you a fucking woman?

We got cucked by the mephitic ft and anyone who tries to stop it will get shot down in the street by the fucking feds!

Whites are living under occupation by a hostile government that wants to replace us.

The west still has many masculine, racially conscious white men who keep themslves ready for the fight to come, but I fear there won't be a fight. Brainwashing and hormones have taken their toll.

Please save yourselves, you fucking roaches, and don't follow our example.

Sad but true, but I think its because of the radicalization of their fake """""""religion""""""", Same as the europian period in the middle ages.
Look at their ancestory, they were a very high civilization I dont even dare to compare them to europian civilizations.

You will end up converting to Islam. You self proclaimed 'true alphas' with values are the most vulnerable to Islam alongside Liberals

>Softest beta retards on earth
Said the muslim posting from the US.


Whilst your conveniantly forgetting a few points about muslim culture (like how a high % of your older men are happy fucking little boys and teen girls), you do have a point to a degree.

Our civility, and 50 years of internal growth and no war, has made white people too comfy. We all love comfy, but to breed the desire, passion and rage that masculinity entails, we kinda need things to go to shit. It could exist more now but white men are under attack from all angles (economy, demographics, SJW's, anti fascists, jewry in general)

Things will change though. sometime in the next 50 years, the more you back an animal into a corner, the sooner it is going to lash back.

When your train arriving ?

I like how you didn't counter any of his points you inbred fucking retard.

Absolute cuck.

Get gassed you degenerate christ cuck.

Traitors are worse than enemies.

>sometime in the next 50 years, the more you back an animal into a corner, the sooner it is going to lash back.
Not really, us argies didnt do shit despite brutal Kirchnerist oppression.
some peoples will be eternally cucks.
>luckily im GTFO this shithole

>I fear there will be no fight
Mate, dont give up. Keep telling people about national pride etc. and the importance of it, try to make it look like a well accepted opinion. Let the propaganda flow.

Everyone agrees though sven.

The only hard thing in a swedishman is his prick when he chokes on somali dick

The truth is, most of us are descendants of plebs and peasants, not warriors and nobles. We're successful because we're easy to control and obedient. That can be an advantage or disadvantage depends on the ruling ideology.

Don't blame me, blame the regressive leftists who pretend to like you guys but actually hate your guts, and alt-right cowards who do nothing except post on an anime imageboard instead of actually fighting you guys like it matters.

I wasn't raised the way you were, but I was still instilled discipline in myself. The problem with many Western families is that they lack the discipline and therefore children regardless of political affiliation are nothing but spoiled, entitled children that will continue to be children through adulthood.


Jokes aside south america and europe are very different, Europe has thousands of years of history of rising against oppressors.

Perhaps that is naive. I do think the modern age it a bit paradoxical, in that right now we have more entertainment and an easier life that anyone in history, there are some very big political and societal issues that are getting worse, and will be the downfall of the entire thing if left unchecked.

Fuck off with the divide and conquer shit you meme spouting retard. Keep your fetishes to yourself.


I'll admit, you're not wrong.

So what if Islamic cultur appeals to me more than beta western culture?

I'm a man and I like being one. I sure don't let women use me as a door mat.

Speak for yourself serf

Biological hierarchies made life work+no jew banking, more rural life, such things.
the west can still be saved

Because there hasn't been an actual enemy at the gate since Pearl Harbor. 911 didn't result in a mass national mobilization towards the war effort like what happened then

>We fight to the death. You are condemned to hell if you leave the field of battle even with shit tier weapons...

And you still loose every war against any non-muslim force. You couldn't even win against a bunch of pasty nerdy outnumbered jews.

Except that Western culture is not beta. You're nearing the loss of your Western roots, be warned. Betas exist everywhere and do not represent any culture. You may be happy in Muslim clothes, praying Mecca, because you like being alpha, but remember you will always be a traitor for that. You're in the danger zone. If I were Christian I would pray for you.

>what is the french revolution
>what is the english civil war
>what is the russian revolution
>what is the rise of national socialism
>what is the spread of protestantism

They are the main ones coming to mind, plus countless small others.

Yes I know a lot of these were triggered by small middle class groups in some cases, they were still replacing the establishment.

Hit the nail on the head. They want to keep it that way too of "white man or white women so tolerant!"

That is why when whites lash out and start killing people the media goes in a massive fucking frenzy fueling more leftist narrative (gun control and other anti white shit)

While tyrone is glamorized as a good boy and dindu nuffin when he is put down by an LEO or responsible citizen for being a thug. They have normalized blacks, muslims, and other browns acting like complete savages to further their agenda. The television and mainstream narrative today is one hell of a tool to brainwash.


Being a muslim does not mean you should undermine your nations intrests.

A person is more than his religion, he has a nation and an ethnicity too.



Have fun being a civilized cuck.

how so dipshit?
whites have reach an age of enlightenment where violence is unneeded. it doesnt matter if half of the white populace are raped, bombed to kingdom come or their faces peeled off, violence is never the answer because whites are smart and win nobel prizes

>near our mosque today
Stopped reading there, post a pic of yourself eating bacon with a timestamp or get the fuck out.

If whites are so easily duped by jews, then aren't Jews the real masterrace?

I feel you

"....It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable.”
Lift some iron. Onwards to victory.

Look at japan they were some fearless motherfuckers and now they're some weaklings who would rather fuck some anime character.
It doesn't matter who is the enemy
Be soft for too long and you will become soft. Soft Lands Make Soft People.

you see people defending what they got with shit tier weapons vs top tech armies. it's because they believe in god, they don't fear death.
We don't live in this life, We live in the next.

Without Valor, Freedom dies....

Fuck off, dipshit.

There's nothing admirable about you sandniggers at all.

What are you? A Muslim Turk or a Turk Muslim?

Is that why you guys won so easily in Iraq and Afghanistan?

theres nothing admirable about cucks either lmao

I am a Turk first and foremost.

I will not bend over to arabshits just because we happened to believe in the same religion. My people come first. The caliphate can suck it.


epic shitpost bruh

>complain about masculinity and weakness
>lose all wars of major significance for last century
If it wasn't for Britain, you'd be nothing. 2/10 got your reply

>he fell for the masculinity meme

People are soft, that's how it is. They aren't like your fucking Ridley Scott movies, posturing and preening all the time. You all seem to have this image of sailors and soldiers standing at parade rest all the time, with chests out and set jaws, as your image of what a standard man should look like.

Even soldiers and sailors only look like that when they're exerting effort. Most of the time people don't know how to hold their shoulders, flinch when a loud noise happens, all kinds of shit. Country boys aren't any better. Forking mounds of hay doesn't turn you into a stoic badass, it just means you're stronger.

The 'greatest generation' was no different. The 20 year olds who faced down machine guns weren't all John Wayne and Sean Connery, they were mostly average-jawed, awkward fucks just like you and me and the faggots in your civics class in high school.

Look around you and stop deluding yourself.

>complains about divide and conquer
>on Sup Forums
>a board known for racism, homophobia, Islamophobia and sexism

Keep up the good fight, faggot leaf.

>easily duped
In reality it took a few major fuckhuge wars killing off millions of Europeans in the meatgrind who where waking up and kicking the jews out over all of fucking Europe.

It's mostly disenfranchised elites that make revolutions. Almost every successful revolution begins with divisions amongst the ruling elite and loss of control of the army. If revolutions were made by the poor, the hungry, and the desperate, they would happen far more often.