Not betting on Trump

>not betting on Trump

what site?

Are you retarded?


Huh... Damn... Makes me broke

>Democratic Vice Presidential Nominee



Your total lack of knowledge on the subject of elections is exactly why we wanted our independence.

>democratic nominee

>20 down the drain

solid bet

>betting $20 Donald Trump will be Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders VP

Could have 50000000000:1 odds and I still wouldn't take it


I would (not on that though) if I could fucking bet in this country. Apparently it's "illegal" because they don't want money to taint politics or some shit. Anybody know a way around this?

>democratic vice presidential nominee

damn... really makes you wonder..

My fucking sides


Look at that. Andrew is 6'3 and he looks pretty swollen.

And they say that lanklets cant get muscle.

>Democratic Vice Presidential Nominee
top kek


>Clinton's/Sanders's VP

What the fuck are you doing man

No, Donald is not going to be the Democratic Vice Presidential nominee. But his is going to be President of the USA.

Offshore account and proxy so the site doesn't see you're from the us.

>Actually thinking Trump will win


Should have bet him to become president you dense fuck. I've got 1.5k on him at 4 to 1

500:1 odds are that your country becomes a caliphate by November



What the fuck is wrong with you

The fact that you put bernie sanders in your comment exposes yourself. It would be joe Biden before bernie Kek

>2016 Democratic Presidential Nominee

topcuck should work for you. They even have political bets IIRC.

Your autism and inability to handle ironic humour is why we didn't give a shit about your country leaving the empire

You can bet in america on the elections, its a website called predictit

Going to make £390 on Trump becoming the Rep nominee.

Potential to win £1100 if Bernie becomes president (risked hardly anything)

£100 if Biden becomes Dem nominee

£50 if Hillary chooses a male VP

£700 if Trump becomes president

Trump has been a Hill shill from the start

>make the Republican party look ass backwards so no moderates would vote him
>avoid making Bernie look better and Hillary look worse by backing out the debate at the request of the Hillary campaign
>Trump throws the election
>"I would like thank my personal and close friend, Donald Trump for his cooperation."
>"Thank you Hillary. It is a yuuuge honor to the be considered for the VP position for the first Woman President. Truly, she will Wake America Great Again."
>Sup Forums applauds and says it's a good thing, just like Jews and Trannies and says it's about time

He hasn't been spending money because the Hillary campaign has been flipping the bill. Why do you think Hillary's campaign has been the most expensive so far this election?

You are betting for Trump to be the nominee of the Democrat Party?

Is photo Picture of your nasty Brintbong ass? go back to letting Ahmed rape your sister dude XD

>being a britfag who has no hope of winning


The bookies had some CRAZY odds for Trump winning the election....

In reality his chances of winning are pretty high.

Literally free money.

Give me A WEBSITE NamE


sorry for late reply senpaitachi

Thank you

This is such a great conspiracy
> I'm really into conspiracies like everyone on Sup Forums
this must be true
now I'm a #Burnout

as a canadian whos moving to the U.S. on a visitors visa in a few months, am i allowed to vote on your elections?

i should really stop looking at every shitpost as just a shitpost and look for small details to show true intent.
nice catch user


Well, doesn't a visitor's visa mean you have to go back? If you want to vote, go in California where they allow illegals to vote.

Always thought the name of that bookies was ironic



>tfw made 200 quid betting on counter strike matches
>tfw lost all of it

>throwing away 20$

Look at the picture again. More closely.

How about this?