Sup Forums utterly blown the fuck out
Sup Forums utterly blown the fuck out
That's discretionary spending. Now look at mandatory spending.
>food stamps help us impose our will on the world
kek. Looks like Brits not only look like they have the downs, but act like it too
What the actual fuck. Does America really spend 57% of their budget on the military? That's fucking laughable. No wonder your country is doing so fucking bad!
>Discretionary spending is the whole budget.
I've stopped finding amusement in progressive idiocy.
I didn't know we had a Republican party!
Truth hurts the democrat shill.
ill go check im sure its not true
Cmon norge
Look at the second pic
Tbh I'd spend 51% of our budget on the military. Keeps other counties from fucking with us, provides a source of national pride and gives countless job opportunities to our young men
>no sources to back up these claims
Come on, man
To further drive this point home and show how utterly dishonest these fucking kikes are
They spend some 20% on military overall (including veteran benefits).
Yeah they waste a lot of money but it's not as tragic as people believe.
Military spending could be reduced easily, by either spending less, or by doing what Russia does, state-owned military industry.
Healthcare spending could be easily reduced by state-owned healthcare.
However, in America there's no political desire for these things to they keep spending shitload of money on private healthcare and military industry.
To be fair both lead in innovation, but it's far from cost-effective. Americans spend most on healthcare in the world, yet they're ranked 30th on WHO list.
its discretionary spending only not total. its like 57% of 20% of the total spending.
please report and sage btw people
The budget for the US military was less than 20% as of 2010. It's gone down even more now.
Also, pic related, a pie chart by CNBC for 2015.
Trump's wall will cost less than 1% of the US budget, so they're no excuse not to build it; especially when it will be payed for by Mexican tariffs.
By the way:
>Medicare and Social Security cost over 2 trillion dollars
>But we'z not spending enough for Tyrone n Pablo n sheeeeeeit!
Read thread.
We are paying for everyone's shit and the majority of NATO
That's a semi-true meme.
US spent 800 million $ on military budget for Europe. Now it was quadrupled. But that's just a fraction considering how much you spent on Iraq. 1 trillion $.
It's your army and you use it. Norwegians or Brits don't.
You aren't handing them gifts. It's in your national interest to have powerful army.
US deployment in Europe is pretty much token, even with these new deployments. Russia if they mobilized would cut through Europe like knife through butter, even in case of conventional warfare.
Russia will not mobilize because of nuclear deterrence. Developed countries only fight each other through proxies.
They need to do that, otherwise we'd have to increase our own military budget. Fuck that, I've served in the German military, any hard earned Euro is too much for those welfare queens. Let's abolish them altogether and let the Americans blow their money on weapons and soldier guys, at least they seem to enjoy it.
Probably not. But on the other hand, limited invasions can be foreseen.
Those who don't want to feed their own army will feed foreign army.
Notice how no one blames Obama while whining about military spending
Based black mountain
>To be fair both lead in innovation
Hey looks like you figured out the indisputable benefit of private industry all by yourself there fella. We're real proud
Hmmm... I looked up the federal showed total budget of $4 trillion, of which military was $600 billion...that is 15%. Why do insane liberals just make shit up? Is there ANY reason to allow them to live?
>remove welfare
>cut military spending 20%
>put 20% into space R&D
I fixed America.
How did proud veterans like yourself allow your country to be completely destroyed? How weak are you?
This budget is so fucked up. It actually makes the UK budget look sane in comparison. Obama really fucked you guys over.
So be it. I don't care. If SHTF, Germany is fucked either way.
>You aren't handing them gifts. It's in your national interest to have powerful army.
Leon Panetta get out.
Nope. For a proper perspective one needs to look at total government spending, not a cherry picked metric like in your chart.
We could do a lot if we completely cut defense, welfare, pensions, and transportation. That's a lot of money we could use elsewhere.
WHO list is shit. Take a look at it, and see what the categories they based the grades on were. 75% of the weighting was how socializes it was, and the other 25% was spending, in which lower spending was assigned a higher value, and higher spending was assigned a lower value. Conspicuously absent was any measure of the quality of care. However, if progressives were intelligent and resistant to childishly simple minded and lame propaganda...they wouldn't be progressives.
I simply pointed out a benefit. Soviet Union also had shitload of innovations especially in military sphere, and by 80's caught up or left behind even America in certain areas.
From all I see, private military industry is not cost-effective.
USSR was a centrally planned economy.
You'd definitely spend less per capita if your health system was owned by the state like in Europe. Right now your government pays money to private healthcare organizations who Jew you out of your money by ridiculous prices.
You'd still lead in innovation.
Given how much you spend on both areas, you aren't really undisputed leaders who left everyone light-year behind, you know.
Are Fod Stamps part of welfare (I thought welfare was its own thing) or something else?
It's been broken since before I was born
Kek, paki cunt BTFO.
>Goes to interest on debt
Why is my government so stupid?
>keeps other countries from fucking with us
Who is this "us" m8?
By "us" do you mean millions of shitskins you've let into your country?
The war won't be fought with tanks and bombs, it's being fought with birthrates and demographic replacement.
And you cucks are loosing bigtime.
What makes you think I'm a progressive? Why are you people throwing around terms with no meaning?
Also, even low estimate in 1999 put deaths related to medical malpractice in USA at around 98,000 per year. Some now estimate it at 200-400,000 deaths.
For comparison, in UK, number is 8000. From 1997 till 2010 lol.
It's clear you don't get what you pay for.
Uh oh.
Looks like the poor and the sick are eating up the entire budget.
We're in the same boat m8
Department of Agriculture. This is what the Right doesn't get, Food Stamps help keep American farmers in business.
Is good mixed economy, goy. Nothing wrong with this system ;^) Inflation will pay debt.
>cut welfare & pensions
Yeah, that'll do the economy.
Ah yes, that's what I thought, but was really confused by the golden pie chart because it didn't have listings for it, so I was wondering which it was under.
Me spending the money I earned myself will somehow crash the economy, but stealing my money and allowing someone else to spend it will boost the economy? In liberal fantasy land, where WWII caused an economic boom...but the Iraq war caused a depression.
And the government will NOT reduce the cost. The costs are so high BECAUSE of government. Since Obamacare, costs have skyrocketed. I called you a progressive because of your obvious detachment from reality. You probably also believe that only bad people have guns...unless they are government gunmen.