Why is Russia so fucking based?

>10/10 women literally everywhere

Tell me again why socialism is so bad, Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:


I want to suck her tits


It's not always sunshine, tits and vodka.

>posts pic of a sausage fest


Because Russia isn't socialist.
That is why they are based.


This is like saying, "10/10 women everywhere, so tell me again why anarchism is so bad?".
People of that region =/= Political ideology of that region

invade us

civil war

Sorry, but modern day Russia is all about Tsarism.

me too

Russian Women are mostly great, or at least trying to be the best woman they can be because most russian men are useless drunks.

So beeing beatufull/a good wife/interesting is a way out if you don`t want to be married to human trash.

t. russian diaspora

Russia is a terrible place.
Their government is corrupt.
They ban gays and atheists.
Their people are drunk and miserable.
And their government illegally invades other countries.

north or south

>They ban gays
this is bad?

Would you go to Russian prison for her?
I know I would.

Civil War 2: Electric Boogaloo


Yes very based


Pick one

It won't be north vs south this time. It will be red vs blue. White vs brown. Wealthy vs poor. urban vs everyone else.

why does russia bother shilling so hard on this shit website

it would make sense if anyone on here showed vague signs of political influence. they're wasting their money influencing mostly basement dwellers lol

What does Socialism have to do with this?

Russia = anti civilization

Very similar to Germany


>village in fucking Kamchatka

Because in 90% of cases it's 54-years-old woman with tits 4 meters long and two chins
Trust me

That standard. Americans are truly fubar

are you saying you want another threesome?

I see one 7/10 woman and 90 hideous men wtf r u on about?

How convenient an opinion for someone coming from one of the fattest countries in the world with the highest level of gun violence in the history of western civilization.

W2C the old guy's coat?

I want to bop her til she bleats.


not this time Heini. Those millions of casualties are going to haunt you for the next 150 years. Have fun with your multi culti state. You must prove you're not nazi Heini! Be tolerant! Remember Auschwitz! :^)

Mail order bride for Sup Forumstard has arrived!

Slav women generally do not age well at all. Lots of them are really attractive when they're young and then one day they just collapse and turn into a babushka lady.


>the American Civil War


I don't know mate but I think autism is rampant in Russia and so is being a statist tool so Russians shill where ever they are

user vs user

Politics != genetics

kek you magnificient nigger


Do you know what's said on this picture?

She looks like that cuck who accepted the nigger "refugee" in his house and had a kill-me smile on his pics. I forgot where he was from. CANNOT UNSEE

HIGH TEST on the far left

Hey she maybe trash and probably has aids but at least she's "traditional" right?


>their government illegally invades other countries.

Damn them. Nobody does that, do they America?

You can't operate your own legitimate business there without being shaken down by white niggers with hand grenades, rockets, and AKs.

>corruption, corruption, corruption

Oh and lots of blaming the West for not being able to enforce their own fucking anti-corruption laws.

Enjoy being poor OP.

Oh wow, she does. That guy with the beanie, I don't have the pic

Tвoю мaмкy eбaл.

Indeed, he looks like he probably has more T than most of us.

Back to sosach, pidoraha.

Блядcкиe пидopaхи.

>And their government illegally invades other countries

> pot meet kettle


>government illegally invades other countries
according to what law?

She wants a man with an flat :^)

Poshol na khuy mraz.

The one on the far left looks like a caveman, she's a pure Slav with no European admixture


Want to meet a Man with a Car and a Flat.


There's something really alluring about her. I just want to get down and dirty.


CIA, Putinshills here, where are my shekels?

>Russia is a terrible place.
>Their government is corrupt.
>They ban gays and atheists.

Russia did not ban gays. They made it illegal for them to promote their lifestyle.

This is why they cannot be seen with their bizarre displays on city streets.

Not a shill, I just do business so I know enough Russia to get by. It's a pretty useful thing to be able to do since it's been pushed that it's a hard language to learn.

Maмкин либepacт cocнyл хyйцoв дaжe нa фopчe. Cпeшитe видeть.

aww cute.
> Would bring extra blankets/10

what ice bathing?
You don't do this?
Everyone does some icebathing dude...

heal your teeth, Daryl

What about the really "unfortunate" russian girl that posted on Sup Forums before? There is a screencap floating around.

This poor girl right here? That wasn't her, it was a famous Sup Forums poster the Pedojew, he always pretends to be a girl. She is a famous meme in Russian boards.


Her real name is Veronika Zayseva.

well you only have to do one of those things by the looks of it. The only way you could get dirty with her again is if you cleaned her first


its a male slav up to shenanigans

she killed herself.

She is actually an average Russian girl. Nothing particularly special.

I'm sorry she doesn't looks like those Slavic girls you masturbate so much to. But at the end of the day, if even local American women are rejecting you, you have to take what you can get, right? Better than marrying an Asian i guess.

You just made me think about sucking on my ex russian girlfriends tits thanks bro
) :

>village in Kamchatka

Didnt know that place had any villages in it.

muh dick.

Because they just banned atheism, while sucking Muslim and Jewish cock. It's shit

>banned atheism
That never happened.

Lel, it's dude, I remember the thread.

sad, I would have married her


Pretty close to banning, isn't it

wow real


That's just trolling on social networks while telling his Christian opponents to sue him, which they did. You can be an atheist and not insult the religious people in their face.

Hurting someone's feels isn't a good reason to put someone in prison

Why would she kill herself over casual internet bullying?

He's not in prison yet and likely won't be.
Well, enjoy your liberal degeneracy then. Just don't blame us for the fruits of your freedom.

>one tit much bigger than the other
>This kills the boner

Did you get cucked by Ahmed again today, Sven?

>They ban gays and atheists
This is good

>20% muslim population
>Makes Atheism a jailable offense
>Not allowed to say god doesn't exist on the internet
If you like Russiastan so much why don't you go to blocchan then faggot?

mummy says russia is great power


Civil war again, North vs South.

>Why is Russia so fucking based?
Do you really want serious answer?

Which part of America are you guys from? I wanna know if the north or the south wins.