So what is it Americucks?
Do you want to get killed by the Niggers, Muslims, and Elliot Rodgers of the world, and keep your guns? Or do you value your life and want to give up your guns?
So what is it Americucks?
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Are you stupid?
Americucks, how is it to live like this, knowing you could get shot any secoond? Literally the only gun owner in my town is the town burglar, and he never really uses his gun.
>liberals consider a nigger stabbing a man to death to be a victory
>liberals literally do not care about an increased number of victims as long as the deaths can't be used to promote their agenda
Why are liberals all universally such awful people?
Pretty good, knowing I'm a better shot than most thugs.
It's okay, I guess.
Sometimes you have to watch out for bazookas and miniguns, but most days it's alright.
"Niggers and spics are committing crimes with guns."
"Quick, let's disarm law abiding Joe Whitedude."
Would the world be better off if we could simply wish all the world's guns away? Maybe. As it stands, disarming your law abiding populace due to a criminal element that misuses weapons makes no sense at all.
>not a real gun
>Keep guns
>Feel and actually become safer
>Throw guns away
>Get killed by Niggers, Muslims, and Elliot Rodgers of the world
OP is a faggot.
If someone never saw that ad they'd think you were a retard for posting the magazine loaded with backwards cartridges.
>implying Tyrone and Pablo will turn in their hi-points
Criminals don't follow the law, user.
Too true, look what these dangerous weapons can do.
I'm #SurrendAir. What about you?
We'll give up the guns, because the government will protect us, and will never become an oppressive, confiscatory police state, because politicians are all such selfless, honest, and generous people without the normal human lust for power.
I'm sorry I already lost all of my guns in a tragic boating accident
the Niggers, Muslims, and Elliot Rodgers of the world will never give up their guns, why should I?
Doesn't really matter if they'd give them up or not desu senpai.
If they found a bit of steel pipe and some charcoal they could make their own shotguns and shells.
how about i shoot you instead?
Just reported my USP with serial # 25-135501 stolen to the ATF.
Well he's not much of a threat, he can't even aim straight. I'll just take his weapon and turn it on him, easy.
> *Boom *Bing *Bizinga*
That's all it takes for muppa didda did bix nood
Its not b8 m8
You cannot argue against it
You son of a bitch.
I value my life, this IS why I own a gun Buttnut
How would taking my gun stop others from shooting me?