He fell for the Satan is evil meme

>He fell for the Satan is evil meme

Daily reminder that if you call Satan a rebellious angel you are a fucking Muslim. Satan's rebellion is from fucking Islam and Milton. Literally not in the fucking book. True Christians know he's literally just doing his fucking job, assigned to him by God to whom he is loyal. That's like saying Satan is a genie, oh wait goatfuckers say that too.

>trying to teach Christians basic facts about Christianity

Don't bother OP, Christians don't know shit about the Bible.

Be more specific

>all of these niggas about to get mad over Christianity

Swerve niggas, real Jesus coming through

You browse Sup Forums so you're a bad example, you're probably more redpilled than 90% of other Christians.

Think of it this way, how many feminists who call themselves Christian, Muslim or Jewish have any idea who Lilith is? Lilith is God's warning to all of mankind of the dangers of feminism but we cut her out of newer editions of the book.

>daily reminder that Satan is just the prosecutor
>daily reminder that although God doesn't like homosexuality it is not a sin because it's never mentioned in the 10 Commandments

That means I can fuck as many succubois as I want and not go to hell

Satan is still evil, but it is his job to go against God (whether you follow Christianity or not) so opposing him is fine either way.

I don't think he's a rebellious angel (God is omnipotent and any rebellion would be crushed instantly) in such a sense, but the Devil still is evil.

Daily reminder that you have been deceived by Satan and you will be going to Hell if you keep this up.

I got called a bigot in uni because I explained that the Abrahamic religions have jew magic

They do, why don't people fucking acknowledge this? They have clay automotons called golems too.


psssh, nothing personnel, kid...

Get lost you zionist liar

On what scriptural basis do you believe satan has a job going against God?

He doesn't.

>not jewish liar, specifically zionist
>sides with Muslims
>Canadian flag

Fuck off mudslime. The only liar here is your goatfucking prophet. Satan was widely considered to just be doing his job until you kebabs came along and slandered his name with your faggy genie shit.

Satan is evil. God simply allows him to wreck havoc sometimes for the sole purpose of testing us to see if we will resist temptation and overcome tribulation.

Lucifer was assigned the job because he was the most loyal, like Judas. He literally did nothing wrong; he ain't a rebel, he's actually by far the most loyal

I don't think he has a job, I just have difficulty accepting that an all-evil being can exist to torment humanity at the same time that an all-good all-powerful being exists to judge humanity.

I'm completely fine with you posting explanations for this, my mind isn't set in stone over this. The fact remains- humans must oppose Satan and turn against their sin.

Miltons Bible fanfic is pretty dope though. So is Dante's. And I rather like William Blake too.

>Tries to overthrow Gods order

Pick one.


It is but faggots don't seem to recognize that it is a fanfic.

You answered your own question.

It sounds like you're speculating on what you have heard regarding the devil, but not analyzing the primary source

Obvious shop job on that pic

>he still thinks satan and god are different deities


>tries to overthrow Gods order

Yeah in the Qur'an you dumb motherfucker

According to the Bible:
God killed 200.000 people
Satan killed 10 people


wow, you really convinced me, I am #atheistmissile now

Muh ad hominem.

>he fell for the Satan is real meme

You mean Qu'ran. No one cares what that says. Read your Bible.

Are you joking? He didn't insult you.

Pretty much.

The devil was reinvented during the black plague purely because people couldn't explain the mass death. So they just gave him more pwoers and assume he had more agency in the world than they thought. it was at this time that satanism and witchcraft became a big concern to the church and the devil started to take on the role of an enemy of God.

The devil's original name in hebrew translates into something like a stump in the road. He was there to test humanity on behalf of god.

His reinvention helped christianity by giving them an out for why there was so much evil in the world when we had an all merciful god.

I think the problem here is that you're not understanding what "evil" means.

Evil just means that you're not doing what God wanted you to do. It's does not necessarily mean that you're doing something bad in the morally relativistic sense. Azazel and Lucifer gave humans technology and fire (kinda like Abrahamic Prometheus), and were for all intents and purposes bros. But if you worship them or if you focus on just using the tools they've given you, then that's considered evil because you are neglecting the path to God.

And the path to god can be attained with or without fire/technology given to you by Satan. The path to God starts from within, and that's all that one needs to focus on honing throughout life.

By accepting God and living your life like Jesus you basically give up on wordly possessions and live an ascetic life where your main mission is to love all things and be at peace with yourself. You gain entry into heaven in the same way Buddhists believe in gaining enlightenment/nirvana. It's all about achieving that state of mind where nothing bothers you and you are truly happy and that's really what heaven is about. Technology just distracts you from that (as demonstrated by the increase in depression in people who use facebook and the internet 24/7 and all the material focus of our modern lives). Fight Club sorta was about tackling that as well in a way.

Yes he did with the fedoraism instead of attacking the argument, namely that God is one deadly motherfucker - better stay away.

Some pretty good art by Blake and about Milton, too.

And I mean, you can argue all you like about bible fanfic, but much of our modern perception of christianity is shaped by it. Satan fighting god, hell being a firey pit. That's Milton. The souls of the dead being condemned to different layers of hell to suffer ironic punishment. That's Dante.
Blake is less popular, unfortunately, as he actually took the aspect of god as a loving god to interesting extents.

But none of that is in the bible, though the media commonly depicts hell and the devil in those ways.

You would know how to spell it

Satan's rebellion ain't in the Bible, it's muzzie propaganda.

Maleus Demonium dates from this time. And witchunts, concordantly. Although they mostly happened in Germany, not Spain, as many think. The Inquisition in spain came later and cared more about Jews and Muslims than witches.

How so? He did rebel, or God allows him to rebel?

I haven't memorized the primary source, nor am I exceptionally familiar with Satan's origin. Could you post the related scriptures for me?

Whether God is real or not, you have to admit that the declining influence of Religion in our society has made it fall in the last 50 years. Atheists, if you want to keep an atheist society, you cannot push the false religion of Humanism. Instead, push Social Darwinism. Teach kids about r/K selection theory. If we have a right wing society in the future, we can maintain it by socially shaming r selected vermin. Also, we must accept the fact that humans still evolve. Race realism must be accepted. Equality is the new creationism. It is anti-science.

>hurr read da book
No, YOU read the fucking book. You are all muslims. Modern Christianity is liberal BS meant to distance you from your God.

>By accepting God and living your life like Jesus you basically give up on wordly possessions and live an ascetic life where your main mission is to love all things and be at peace with yourself.

So basically the opposite of all organized religion.

Go talk to a priest.

Both. God gave the Angels free will too. It wasn't just Lucifer who rebelled, remember that. He was able to convince other angels to turn against God as well.

Of course man
Isaiah 14
Ezekiel 28
a lot of Job

I recommend gotquestions as a resource on learning about satan

This is all from Milton again. The bible does not tell us about Satans origins, and he is rarely even mentioned. The most he does is tempt Jesus when he wanders the desert and convince Eve to eat the apple.

Like this one? This gay nigger who lied about his "Love wins fag" shit because getting gay marriage legal wasn't enough, he wanted money on top of it? Eat shit, the pope is a cuck, the modern religous leaders we have are cucks. This religion has been filled with idiots who don't read the book.
Come on man, this is Sup Forums, you KNOW most Christians don't follow the book.

How you are fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How you are cut down to the ground, you who weakened the nations! For you have said in your heart: "I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God [angels]; I will also sit [rule] on the mount of the congregation on the farthest sides of the north [God's government]; I will ascend above the heights of the clouds, I will be like the Most High." Yet you shall be brought down to Sheol, to the lowest depths of the Pit. (Isaiah 14:12-15)
Here is a bible verse concerning Satan's rebellion. It is not based off Islam.

Forgot pic

If that is the case then why did Satan tempt Jesus in Mathew 4. You're the one who doesn't bother reading.

>I would like to begin by describing three instances of war between Yahweh and other gods. (There are more than three instances in the Bible but I will only examine three.) After I have reviewed all three instances I will discuss how one might approach this difficult issue.
>The first instance that I wish to examine is Jeremiah 45-51. This is an extended series of pronouncements of doom upon other nations and their gods. In 46:25 war is declared upon “Amon of Thebes [the god of Thebes], and upon Pharaoh [who claimed to be a living god], and upon Egypt, and upon her gods”. In 48:7 the Moabite god Chemosh is depicted being sent into exile and in 49:3 the same happens to Molek of the Ammonites. In 50:2 “Bel will be put to shame, Marduk filled with terror, her [Babylon’s] images will be put to shame and her idols filled with terror”. Bel and Marduk are, unsurprisingly, two important gods of Babylon. 50:38 speaks of Babylon’s idols again, declaring that they will go mad with te

>He fell for the God of Abraham meme

Fuck your god, I worship Chemosh

>make retarded argument
>expect someone to argue against it

It is already dismissed by its lack of intellectual effort

Read Revelations mate. 12:7-9 in particular

And war broke out in heaven: Michael and his angels fought with the dragon; and the dragon and his angels fought, 8 but they did not prevail, nor was a place found for them in heaven any longer. 9 So the great dragon was cast out, that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was cast to the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.

Not the same user BUT since you want to quote the Bible how about this.

>Jeremiah 46:25 I will punish the multitude of No, and Pharaoh, and Egypt, with their gods.

>Acts 14:11-12 The gods are come down to us in the likeness of men. And they called Barnabas, Jupiter; and Paul, Mercurius...

>Exodus 12:12 And against all the gods of Egypt I will execute judgment...

>Exodus 23:13-33 KJV And make no mention of the name of other gods, Thou shalt not bow down to their gods, nor serve them, nor do after their works: but thou shalt utterly overthrow them, and quite break down their images. Thou shalt make no covenant with them, nor with their gods. for if thou serve their gods, it will surely be a snare unto thee.

So tell me Christfag, how the fuck is there only one god?

I don't know what anyone here does in the personal life that are Christians or not Christians man.

To say I do is a lie and silly.

The only true god is the one that visits me when Im on lsd

It's talking about what they worship as a God(s), it is not saying they are actual Gods.

Their gods are false, but called gods by those people

>I will punish the every motherfucker in Egypt; the people, their phararoh, even their fucking gods ain't gonna from away from me
>only one god lol

The Spanish inquisition was also actually very strict with the methods they used. For example, if you confessed under torture, and then recanted the confession, they were not allowed to retorture you and had to let you go.

However, random fucking peasants didn't know this.

The Portuguese inquisition was fucking rough though.

Also, Malleus Maleficarum is the key text, written in the mid 1400's. The invention of witchcraft and the influence of the devil was so strong that even in protestant countries many years after the reformation, members of the protestant churches were actually performing exorcisms because of how many people were requesting them, despite it being completely antithetical to their views.

Lucifer rebeled because Him, our lord, gave us, the humans, a world of our own. Lucifer himself was jealous of this and was casted down to the lake of fire in disgust by Him, our lord, and along with those angels that followed Lucifer rebellion. Islam has nothing to do with being part of the rebellion, though you can argue that Lucifer is the one that spoke to Muhammad as it was clear those angels, along with Lucifer, taught man sin out of spite. Muslims, just like those that that follow the false jews, are nothing more than servants of Lucifer and his fallen angels, the watchers.

daily reminder religion is retarded besides the moral values

>is there only one god?
No, because our God, Him, is the king of kings, lord of lords. This would imply that there are others under Him.



God had us in some garden of shit doing womanly things. No
Literally just sitting in a damn humid garden listening to eve bitch.

Then the devil comes along and sets us free. And humanity
>creates civilization
>builds vast empires and enormous structures
>advance science
>imposes himself upon the entire world


>of course the story is all made up for cuck men who worship women.

Daily reminder that you are also deceived by Satan.

God gave man choice.
The devil tricked man into sin.

Whats better?

Reminder that humanity was perfectly fine without Satan. It's a shame you will have to answer for your beliefs. Unfortunately you will be answering for an eternity.

If God had actually given man a choice, then Adam would have chose to leave.

No man sits in a garden doing nothing for years and years and years

Psalm 2;
Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing?

2 The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord, and against his anointed, saying,

3 Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us.

4 He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision.

5 Then shall he speak unto them in his wrath, and vex them in his sore displeasure.

6 Yet have I set my king upon my holy hill of Zion.

7 I will declare the decree: the Lord hath said unto me, Thou art my Son; this day have I begotten thee.

8 Ask of me, and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession.

9 Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron; thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potter's vessel.

10 Be wise now therefore, O ye kings: be instructed, ye judges of the earth.

11 Serve the Lord with fear, and rejoice with trembling.

12 Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and ye perish from the way, when his wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all they that put their trust in him.

Sitting in a garden


all the spectacular things man has achieved

>sorry but I'll pick the second option every time

Hail Satan!

wow, now that's something i've never seen

Sounds like paradise to me man.

No evil.
Get to chill with my lady wife having absolute authority over all animals of the earth.
Butterflies in her hair.
The sun on our skin.
Not having a single worry.

I'll take that over this any day.

>Satan isn't a rebellious angel

I'm not even a Christian really and I know this

God did give Adam a choice, just because you think differently does not mean Adam would HAVE LEFT. You're basically discrediting yourself by implying that Adam made the wrong choice.

If Adam made a choice to stay or leave, it would have been his choice and his alone. Nothing God or Satan could have done about it. This is what you are arguing against, that man has NO CHOICE in anything he does because if he was to make a choice against what you believe, he would be wrong.

You see this everywhere you go
>I read something and I don't believe it
YOU ARE AN IDIOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wow Great argument.

Neither do either of you. Satans rebellion is well documented in the ot. Its all horseshit, but get it right at least...

Then you aren't a man.

Man would never reach his true hieght in the garden.

Men thrive in a world that is bittersweet

You would have fucked it up. Man is a fallen creature

Why did God let them rebel?

Of those, Job is the only one that I am familiar with the most. From my readings, it seems like God gambles Job needlessly. Job eventually curses God for taking it all away, does he not? So Job proved Satan right (humans only worship God when they receive blessings). However, I read Job in school so I doubt my original thoughts on it are untainted.

I will look into Isaiah and Ezekiel.

Well if that's true about Adam (and I believe you)

Then Adam is a shell of a man and a worthless human being

So again, you claim that if anyone would to make a choice different than your own, they are not a true man?

Seems very naive to argue using this.

Lol you fat ameritards clearly don't know what you are talking about

i never understood 1 thing

if satan was supposed to be evil, why would he punish evildoers

Man's true height was in the garden my friend.

That is what those who receive the grace of God will have given back to them.

Why does God let us rebel everyday? He gave us free will. It's a promise. God does not make slaves.

No, of course not everyone.

But yes, definitely Adam

You are entitled to your thoughts but to imply everyone has to think this way is very foolish and only discredits your argument.

>insults people
>doesnt add to the discussion or attempt to produce some clarity
>not Australia

You are in your way to being an honorary shit poster.

Cringey thread OP. Satan is a symbolic representation of the planet Saturn.

So Adam is a fool for doing what he wishes, freely with choice, but other men who make choices based on their own reasoning are not fools?

Double standards much?

Where did you get that from? God punishes all. He even punished Satan. Satan doesn't rule over hell, he is imprisoned in it. And he will ultimately be destroyed by God.

>Man's true height was in the garden

That's probably the most disgusting thing I've ever heard.

If that is in fact how you feel. I, if I had the power would hunt down and wipe these genes clean from the earth. You are sub human.

He's saying that it's the difference between choosing a life of rewarding hardship over monotonous pleasure. He is making the argument that it is pain, suffering, and perseverance that shapes mankind into a great species. Witless servitude and eternal bliss can only create a race of weaklings who whine the minute something goes wrong.

Gnosticism presents a distinction between the highest, unknowable God and the demiurgic “creator” of the material. Several systems of Gnostic thought present the Demiurge as antagonistic to the will of the Supreme Being: his act of creation occurs in unconscious semblance of the divine model, and thus is fundamentally flawed, or else is formed with the malevolent intention of entrapping aspects of the divine in materiality. Thus, in such systems, the Demiurge acts as a solution to (or, at least possibly, the problem or cause that gives rise to the problem of evil.

Satanism I think is a form of honest Judaism

He is Demiurge and maker of man, but as a ray of light from above enters the body of man and gives him a soul, Yaldabaoth is filled with envy; he tries to limit man's knowledge by forbidding him the fruit of knowledge in paradise. At the consummation of all things all light will return to the Pleroma. But Yaldabaoth, the Demiurge, with the material world, will be cast into the lower depths.

Double standards are a fact of life. They are everywhere.

So yes it is my opinion that Adam was a disgrace.

My argument has no credit in this instance. It's just my opinion that Adam it a waste.

I deem his choice pathetic

That makes sense to me. Are there any specific passages related to the creation of angels?

Good point but none the less, its still a choice that God gave Adam, freely. If a man chooses to live out his life in seclusion of others, that is his choice and who am I to deny him that right?

To argue against free will is to imply that all men should be controlled and enslaved.

If that is the case, I feel bad for you. And I will pray for you.