>this is the average Bernie voter.
This is the average Bernie voter
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These people always fascinate me.
Please post more of them.
I'm so hyped for the next Common Filth vine compilation.
>people think Goth still exists
I get the feeling that you faggots gonna have a lot of lefty domestic terror groups pop up over the next few years
never underestimate the craziness of leftist scum
they are the true white menace that knows no self control and they will commit the most brutal of crimes for their ideology
Are goths still a thing?
Bill o'Rly actually had a really good discussion with Marilyn Manson, it wasn't super rude. Normally he interrupts people 100 times an interview, not this time. Both were calm, collected, and respectful.
yes but this will further bolster sympathy for conservatives and reduce sympathy for leftists
Anglo genes. Disgusting.
That bitch there with the British teeth is a juggalette
> goth
> supporting a political candidate
> wearing a shirt that labels self as goth
> SJW tier makeup
Fuck everything
The most destructive of the left winged people are not left winged at all, they are fucking anarchists.
Vandals could care less about political ideologies, they just want to have some fun destroying stuff.
In other words, its like having Sup Forums making a protest.
>this is the average Trump voter.
People are so much more buttmad over cuck than niggers these days holy fuck.
>icp tattoo
do you guys ever look at other people and think god my parents are great?
would go gay for
How do magnets work?
No it isn't, goths are very uncommon, Sanders supporters are ideologically stunted, but most aren't goth
Shirt should say "Mall Goths for Bernie Sanders"
>being goth
Top lel.
>wearing Nazi clothing style
>voting for a Communist
It's like he put no thought into this at all...