Nobody ever asks this and I'm curious?
Do they make good girlfriends/wives? Are they slutty and degenerate like white women? Are they prudish and uptight like Muslim women? Something in between maybe?
Nobody ever asks this and I'm curious?
Do they make good girlfriends/wives? Are they slutty and degenerate like white women? Are they prudish and uptight like Muslim women? Something in between maybe?
They're a nice cross between slutty western women and prudish in-group mating korean girls.
They are also faithful and have cute mannerisms.
Only downside is stinky pussies and hairy upper lips.
I have a dream of marrying a cute indian girl from a small village who's name is Preeti so I can make jokes about how it sounds like Pretty.
Indian women from India are generally prudish and uptight. They all secretly crave white cock, but they end up getting arranged marriages to Pajeet.
Indian American women (i.e. 2nd generation immigrants) are cock gobbling whores. Basically just white women with dark skin and worse BO.
Almost all of them have some form of borderline personality disorder. They will never let you pursue your own interests since anytime spent alone means you are intentionally ignoring them.
That's... pretty much it. Worth noting that eating a bitch out is tabu. Good if you aren't into that but go for a tantric Shakta if you are. If you have never fucked in a crematory ground on top of the corpse of a prince for purely spiritual reasons, you haven't fucked.
physically, they're a mix between arabs and abos.
not even joking.
mentally speaking it really depends on which cast you're aiming at.
lower cars have a nigger mentality.
higher cast think they're god gift to the world, completely oblivious to the fact that they're butt ugly and smelly.
Indians are by far the worst women i'v ever. interacted with.
they take the worse of both worlds.
more entitled and bitchy than western sluts while being uglier than the average sheboon
would beat up with a shovel/10
Alot of princesses from the first/second generation immigrants, but that can either be prissy or really fun
Dated one for a while, she was fucking smoking hot and funny/witty while still being kinda prissy. Didn't work out regrettably but she was great.
They can be great but the age horribly. Probably my #1 issue with them. I mean I had fun with one in University and she was great but in the back of your mind you just know they all become disgusting pigwomen after 30
>those eyebrows
You have to stick to the north where all the true Aryans are.
>inb4 not hot
Prison ages you horribly.
they hide poo in their vagina.
I hooked up with an Indian girl once. she was hot but wouldn't do anything exciting in bed. Just missionary. also, her house had a bunch of pagan idols on this special altar.
the light skinned poo in the loos are amazing curries everyone should dip their naan bread in
>all these neckbeard faggots itt
I dont really like indian women even though im surrounded by them, but i can trll you what upper middle class educated ones (kind i hang around) are like.
Nobody these days is super religious or anything, and casual sex, drinking, smoking, clubbing all that western degeneracy is considered normal. They often try to emulate american women and usually dress like them, and become vapid instagram/jewbook/snapchat ultra-normie whores who love pop music, Jb, one direction, twilight, all that cancerous shit. They can speak english fluently and dont usually have a strong accent (even if they do they would be embarassed about it).
On the plus side, they dont really stink or have that moustache thingy (or at least i havent met any like that in my 18 years of life in this shithole), they're mostly virgins well into their 20s, they're loyal and will never cuck you, and they're not really as entitled or feminist minded as american women (not yet at least).
They would date you happily even a 7-8/10 even if you're a gross neckbeard or a nigger (just dont be fat).
>pic related is my 18 yo schoolmate i creep on on normibook with her milf mom. Shes a solid 5-6/10 and pretty average here in del
is there any place worth visiting in india where a foreigner wont get stabbed to death or get food poisoning?
you didn't attach a pic
Forgot pic
The South.
>get stabbed to death
That's not really a concern.
Gang rape, on the other hand...
you should bang her.
Getting stabbed (excluding by a phallus) is not really much of a concern in most major metropolitans. I would recommend you Delhi, though as it is pretty multiculti and most people are very welcoming of foreigners. But whatever you do, DO NOT GO TO THE SOUTH. You can easily identify southies with their dark skin, and negroid facial features (theyre basically abos),. Avoid them like you would avoid a nigger. They're usually the ones who are obnoxious, self entitled, boastful and claim theyre the best when in fact theyre the ones who go abroad and fuck shit up.
She's dating a raghead. Im just a socially awkward, autistic agoraphobe. Fml.
I banged an upper middle class punjabi girl who had immigrated to the US in her teens. She was a legit model and guys all turned their heads at her. She was well groomed and her pussy smelled mildly like a buttery cupcake. She wasnt the absolute best at fucking, but she was horny all the time and LOVED sucking on my white cock as she groped by muscles. She used to suck me off in the car in the parking lot on dates she loved it so much.
She wasnt exactly traditional but she also wasnt a feminist. A little too normy for my liking tho. In retrospect it was a good thing her mom ended up intervening. Her & i wouldnt have worked out in the long run. But damn was she fun & none of the memes applied.
This is Sup Forums not your retarded fantasy tumblr.
WTF? I'm a #Cruzmissile now!1
Balbir dont get buttblasted just because a sohni purja slobbed on my BWC
Wow good for you. Most indian girls thse days are exactly like that tho (you just gotta find the right group not the slum dwelling street shitters)
Devi is a retard
Sorry. I'm white.
I'm not necessarily team #BroTier, but truthfully the memes on pol amount to mere banter. Theyre largely not representative of poos, er I mean desis in the US.
i'm dying here.
is this legit ?
punjabis have a lot of aryan ancestry. can't really compare them to the typical pooindaloo dark skinned Indian.
She had very caucasian looking facial features but darker than any european. Like a non worn out Mia Khalifa.
Would've thought they have more of Persian ancestry than Arabic..
Ok then leaf. Stew in your virgin neet incredulity. Idc.
PS: weed dude.
>Go to Delhi.
AHAHAAHA. Do you want the poor bugger to get raped and murdered?
Abey chodu, we both know north is a festering shithole. Southies maybe dark but the northies are the niggers. Didn't some tourists get beaten up recently in Delhi? What about the the Congolese who were killed by you Delhitards? Fucking violent shithole. I'm glad I got out of that shithole when I was young.
just talking look wise.
i don't really know about their genetic make up.
Also Greek. Doesn't change the fact that I'd plow it. Crazy bitch sex is best sex. It's one of the few things the French got right besides mistresses, art, food, Rabelais, and hating the English.
>t. Southie abo bastard
My school had a couple. Typical dr for a dad came to America to get paid. Kids were like any wealthy entitled kid. They were all muh culture once or twice a year but for the most part normal millennial kids. The girls would come with those fancy skittles looking dresses with those spider web drawings on their hands once a year for something special.
Had one guy who drove a hummer who hated his Indian culture and always got mcdonalds on the way home because he didn't like his moms food. Last I saw him he was in cowboy boots and cowboy hat drinking beer like a fish. He was a rich cunt sometimes. Hed flaunt his dad's dr money time to time. One time he wanted a gaming laptop so he purposely ran over his MacBook so his da would buy a new one.
Depends on which region they are from.
Northies are usually fairer compared to southies. The guys in eastern corner are of chink mixture. The extreme north and west have different looking people compared to central.
Dated one, ask me anything.
I was born in Delhi. I grew up in Mumbai. Only thing southie about me is that I work in hyderabad but I'd gladly nuke the north if I had to.
Don't you have a dead baby to worship, nigger?
GF is Indian, feel bad about betraying my race, but fuck it English women are massive whores. At least I can roleplay my colonial fantasies.
Seems accurate. I dated an Indian doctor in my 20s (I'm white). Nice girl, but kinda weird about relationships & wanted to get engaged almost immediately. Fuuuck that. Maybe a cultural thing, who knows. Also hairy as all hell, like arms & everything.
Pic related. Sorry its blurry (all I could find), its her clinic profile pic.
She didn't stink lol
As India 2.0 let me tell you about """British""" Indians.
99% stick with their own.
That secular 1% love BBC.
I've never seen a White Man - Indian Woman relationship in my entire life.
Knew a girl that was half white and half pakistani through her Dad though.
She was extremely pretty.
How offensive was her body odor, on a scale of one to ten?
>noone ever asks this
most people arent stupid enough to think everyone of the same race is going to be the same
But there are also large numbers of educated, wuite welathy indians who practice semi-arranged marriage or who are expected by their parents to only have one boyfriend from their same tribe that they date until they marry, or who lose their virginity at 19-21.
Sharpe's Fortress. Bibis for all loyal redcoats.
>hairy upper lips
indian women would be way better looking if 90% didn't have these
desu the only indian i interacted with in real life were in Canada, most of them were punjab i guess.
the guys were ok, just like Asians, you don't notice them.
but holly shit, the bitches are literal cancer
>gladly nuke the north if i had to
Typical fucking self deprecating abo with identity issues. North indians contribute most to the national gdp, produce most professionals in STEM and medicinal fields and have a better entertainment industry (it is still shit, but compared to tollywood its shit rolled in glitter).
They're basically the only thing upholding this absolute garbage of a nation. Southie swine on the other hand are the actual smelly, 5'5, pot bellied, pedo stached, baboon lipped fucks that outsource american call centre jobs and some that do migrate to abroad end up sweeping floors, driving taxis or running corner shops.
>worshipping dead babies
Thats a brand new meme you just pulled out of your ass. Where do you even find shit like that? Top kek
>pic related: your most cherished film star that you niggers built literal temples for
> trends can't exist because exceptions exist
And I thought American education was bad.
Then stop migrating to Gujarat you stupid Dravidians.
From my experience, some of them can be cute in the states at least. Though it's pretty rare.
I know a few that look good. They're from north India. I think it was Punjab, I'm not really sure. They look more south american than Indian. However aside from one of them, all their personalities are fucking horrible. The one that doesn't have a horrible personality is wife material though.
If they live in western countries there is a high chance they are degenerate
Is for
Literally what nignog?
>pic related your brethren making offerings of milk to your favourite actor's effigee
let's be real, both parts suck shit.
One sucks it less, but yeah i agree
Trends must exist between arbitrarily similar characteristics such as color of skin
>It is pretty bad
indian woman white man relationships are the most common interracial relationship here after east asian woman white man.
black men and indian women? hahaha that's much more unusual.
Is this the Indian banter thread?
Who said anything about skin color? Do you also think Muslim is a race?
They have better taste in white men than white women. So +1 from me.
I grew up in inner London and whenever I saw an Indian girl with a bf it was always a black.
Surprised she didn't get disowned by her family. Indian families in the states absolutely hate blacks. If their son or daughter are hanging around them they lose their shit. If their kids start actually dating them, they pretty much disown them.
so a normal woman?
give me number u basterd bitch
Arabs & Indians and all other immigrants in the UK are total shit tier. It's the exact opposite of the US where those groups end up outearning whites. In the UK Indians and other brownies are like dindus & trailer trash here.
It's actually pretty polarising.
Pakis are either doctors or unemployed and nothing inbetween.
Girls from Gujarat are be really open minded. Also they're more educated than girls from some other states.
I grew up in west london and have done an undergrad and masters degree at two universities with significant indian populations.
it sounds like you lived in an area with a lot of blacks. In frech cities, often the ghetto areas are inhabitated mainly by blacks and north africans, so simply due ot proximity you get a fair bit of interracial pairings. Maybe something similar is going on in the particular part of london where you live, although indians in london have usually lived here long enough that they aren't poor anymore so don't live in black areas like tower hamlets very much but slightly further out and different parts of london.
I've done an undergrad and masters degree at two differnet universities an lived in london and honestly cant think of seeing any indian girl black guy couples.