Any of you lads experienced this? Since I cut my hair off uppity non-whites will go out of their way to avoid me and apologise if they're in my way.
Is skinhead culture in need of revival?
Any of you lads experienced this? Since I cut my hair off uppity non-whites will go out of their way to avoid me and apologise if they're in my way.
Is skinhead culture in need of revival?
Lol just got one and work with immigrants.
Now to wear my MAGA hat while teaching.
Did it change their attitude towards you at all?
I'm guessing it as different associations in different countries.
He looks like me
Shaved heads do look badass.
You're a handsome guy
Im shaving my head for the first time this summer.
I look ugly as sin with a shaved head ;_;
What's the most Fashy haircut?
1. undercut
2. buzzcut
That's all I can think of.
Thanks. Yeah I noticed too what you said. I never let hair longer than an inch or so. And rarely groom a beard; i go shaven on the mug
People think I look like a psycho when I shave my head. That's just how I like it.
>tfw balding fast at 20
I don't do it, but I know my dad does simply to force a habit, due to his long career in security
I shave my head every summer. It's comfy as fuck; feels absolutely amazing in the hot summer wind too. If it scares some NAMS, good.
buzzcut/no beard reminds people of soldiers who are in the modern world inclined to right politics and nationalism where as hair and beard are now associated with nu-male leftist cucks
right now no beard/buzzcut is the choice of manly men
makes you look like an ex-con so to minorities, you're part of the family now.
Undercut has been appropriated by the cucks these days though.
A strong buzzcut hasn't yet, especially if you look like a blue collar cunt.
Ya, before being Red Pilled I was more hipster and they disrespected me.
Now its sit down and shut up and no talking back.
The only group that doesnt change is poor white folks and Natives. Scummy regardless.
Tfw im a huge leftist
What if you get a Hitler Youth haircut?
Get the Jason Statham look m8
yeah well if you look like op everyone will assume right
welcome to the club
Randy's tattoo maybe? But for me balding is better than going gray
Shave it and grow a beard m8. Looks stronk and manly.
I've been thinking of going for a buzzcut. Had long hair for a while, cut it shorter and currently have a fashy undercut. But my hair is blond so a buzzcut could look odd.
I just did and I've experienced the same. I was on the train and some niggers were monkeying around being loud when they saw me sitting there they all stfu and went to the other car
>allowing hipsters to dictate your haircut
What a fucking beta male.
Lol as always. I get away with a lot or stuff doing these ways. It's why I like you altrighties (but not who you support) but because you're not fucking Boomers
This is the look to go for.
I shave my head every month or so, and I'm a little sad that it's a very unflattering style for me.
My hair is over a 14" long now. Should I buzz it all off and get a job?
I love having a buzzcut. Looks shit-hot, low maintenance, intimidating
>tfw balding glacially at 26
I don't know what's under it and it scares me. Still completely prepared to do a Foucault when it gets really bad.
What length do you guys go? I usually do a 2 all around.
It helps to be buff and have crazy eyes
Buzz-cuts are for people that live in concentration camps.
Check em
Look at all those neo-nazis
Yep. I just do them as you can give yourself one, but the first time I got a buzzcut, the Mexican illegals at work definitely looked at me funny. Get used to it, as it'll happen often.
Shorn locks are the mark of the slave.
For you
What is your ancestry?
I've always wanted this style but my hair is too shit and thick
Post the overman's haircut
Well we are slaves to jews
so it makes sense
Typical Sup Forums user
Hahahahahahahaha you look like the head of a penis you fat fuck.
no haircut will ever look good when you are fat, Shekelstein
white pride world wide
Im a 6' 1" 210lbs Boer with a #3 buzzcut and i went on a date with a coptic girl just yesterday feelsgoodman
2 on top, 0.5 on the back and sides.
There's nothing but
I look bad when I do this but overall a meh
My other style
This board is filled with some of the sadder people on Sup Forums.
Every time I buzz my head down with no guard or a 1-guard I get compliments from white girls and people definitely look at me differently.
I don't know if it's skinhead culture that has permeated into people's minds subliminally, but you're going to get treated with a lot more respect with a shaved head than if you look like pic.
>2 all around
good choice burger. that's the best way to do it.
I'm not allowing anyone to dictate anything, it's just that I have observed a healthy fear when going clean shaven with a tight buzz.
Only from non-white immigrants though. Polish bros just see it as kinship.
Lol look how Fat
pic is you
What's a good hair style for when you start to JUST out? Buzzed off?
But that pic is also a good cut. Not many hair types can do it
Get typhus. Shave head.
Oh fuck off, bernout
If you have long hair you just look like a pussy
Unless you have a jewfro your hair will naturally look like that if you grow it out.
only a strong jaw can rock a buzzcut
If you browse Sup Forums you probably look like a betafag
>pic related is me
Never gotten a conclusive answer. Family is English and German all the way back to the 1700s best I've gathered but I know I have at least one legit Cherokee great great grandmother and probably another on the other side. My parents are vaguely olive skinned.
What's interesting to me is that people who aren't ghosts lump me with whatever they are. Greek, Persian, Indian, Latino, Pacific islander, nipnong etc. The ghosts just think I'm the devil, which says a lot about them.
>I'm projecting my love of immigrants onto other people
I don't use a guard on my clippers to cut my hair. and I have a gotee. no one fucks with me anymore because I truly am the angry white man.
>tried out the undercut for the first time and it fit me well
>had minor surgery on my scalp and my hairline started receding
why does this shit always happen
That doesn't look like beta at all m8
I'm glad ive fine hair then i guess. I used to think it sucked
How do you know how much he weighs? And yes 210 is fat
> looking like a cancer patient
No thx
Gotta love the guy in the back getting grossed out
Oh sorry thought you were replying to my other post leafbro :3
About to shave, you homos want a before and after?
No worries
i do a no guard cut once a week. been doing that since i was 20. that was 20 years ago. easy peasy. dindus avoid you. lots of women love it.
1 all around.
Depends on height and muscle desu.
Usian Bolt is 200+lbs, would you call him fat?
why not
Cucks will never take the buzzcut becuase it isn't unique, and to many it projects thoughts of the military service or nazism.
just buzz it man, will probably look a lot better
can't really tell if you're a mean looking cunt though in this pic
Pop kek. Mfw lady hairdressers used to ask me 98 times if i really wanted one. When i was like 12
>would you call him fat?
I'd call him a nigger
When I shaved my head I noticed a lot of differences, it was fucking weird. I was under 21 but as long as I was scowling I could get into bars , not carded
why would you wear a trump hat as a canacuck, what an autistic faggot