Woman hate thread
gonna dump til limit senpai
roosh pls go
lurkers at least bump cmon
fuck off whiteknight redditor
I bitched about this crazy woman last week in the woman thread heres the update
>the girl who told me she loved me
>says shes my BFF
>took me to church
>bought me a bible
>freaked out crying saying "God said no we shouldnt date"
>what the fuck am i getting into
>try to be her friend for a week
>it didnt work out well and i told her
>she blocks my number
>i tried contacting her but she ignored
>threatens daddy on me if I didnt stop
>i stopped
>a few days later
>she starts texting me bullshit
>says she wants me in her life
>but she needs 2 months for space and to heal from me
>what is going on anymore
>says "I love you talk to you soon"
>just sitting here thinking what in the fuck is going on
>its like playing a game now
>just playing the game with her
>dont know what she wants anymore
>everyone I talk to says cut her out of my life
Dudes I'm MGTOW
Sure she's fat but she's definitely doable sober. What a shame.
I slept with my ex last month, i broke up with her a long time ago because when we had issues in our relationship she had unprotected sex with guys from craigslist.
After sleeping with her she told me she was having issues with her current boyfriend, and she had unprotected sex with some random guy days before she was with me.
Im glad i used condoms but sill have to get tested. I just want to kill myself for being so fucking stupid.
thanks hans
all this trumpposting really made it hard to start up regular woman hate/fat shame/nigger hate threads
thanks frog
Lmao, you are cuck
I hope he got sued desu.
Looks could be better, but seems like a decent valued girl
do you have the one reddit(or tumblr idk) post where a woman is upset because her longtime boyfriend broke up with her after she suggested doing an open relationship and she just couldnt understand that all of their mutual friends started hating her.
well at least if healthism is real then they get to die from bad health
Men have always been the primary victims of rape.
Their wives, their daughters and their mothers get raped... in combat
t. Shilldawg
Well i got cucked by her years ago, then she cucked her current bf with me, but she was cucking him already with another guy.
This is fucked up
This is from the last time I tried online dating.
I had this happen once with a married woman.
jesus why
>wanting to date a unstable crazy bitch
Nice standards
if you get cucked but you in turn cuck someone within the same year then it cancels out altogether.
the girl you fugged and the guy you cucked HAS to be of equal value or higher than the girl who cucked you though.
This is the kind of justice I love.
the cool part is that, long after the youtube started circling in /fit/ fat hate threads, Julius actually found out about it and went on /fit/ for a short while. he's a total bro
its kinda sad that I remember her story getting popular on facebook and they were still together etc. So seeing she left him for chad kinda hurts, this could of happened to anybody.
I have 0 respect for cutters
> she gets in shape and takes meticulous care of her appearance
> he stays a scruffy dyel nerd
serves him right lazy fuck lift some weights
And yet men are always portrayed as the ones sending abuse to women online. Funny.
I'm pretty sure that woman is from a show where she intentionally says bullshit like that. I never found it particularly funny, but it's leagues above most female comedians.
Wow, this is my ex from years ago. AMA.
You'll do what you want to do in the end. But, read what you just wrote out here. Try taking yourself out of the situation and read it. What advice would you give to someone posting that. Those people saying get out more than likely care deeply about you. Unless you're into inflicting pain on yourself I'd say listen and heed your own warnings you wrote out man.
What's really sad is that if she put half the effort into exercise as she did in cutting herself she could be an 8/10.
Why do people cut themselfes? Is this some kind of fetish? I never understood it.
The idea is that he loved her, and she used him.
Then again i know how bad beta fags are, but then again i know how bad women are as well
White knight detected.
Thats hot
That's Philomena Cunk. Satire.
>waaaa why are women acting like women!!!
she upped her market value bro, it had to happen. even in the olden years centuries ago the hot ones always fucked the hot ones. if you dont believe in this, get in shape like she did.
I remember you. I'm the guy who told you to castrate yourself. Get over the crazy broad and stop posting that.
I have no problems with rich old CEOs they give me thing I can buy but this type of shit makes me really angry. They contribute nothing. God I fucking hate betas/women.
You can tell who's done anal.
it will happen to everyone if she thinks she can do better. no exceptions
fuck off reddit
w-what's wrong with being an IT guy ;.;
attention. It's literally it. They pretend they hide their scars and then show them off with their close friends as some sort of depression wound. I know this from the emo chicks I used to date in high school who would burn their wrists and and cut their bony thighs.
They were never once diagnosed with depression, meanwhile the only two people I know who were diagnosed hung themselves and never ever found out they were diagnosed with it until after their deaths.
Cutters are absolute scum and want nothing more than attention. If you're going to be depressed, at least talk to a doctor about instead of memeing about your scars with your friends
>the moment you realize when women don't view love like you do
I know a girl that did this. She was very, very fat. Like obese totally. Somehow she lost it all and is now actually pretty skinny but still nice tits.
The guy that stayed with her the whole time she was fat she dumped almost immediately.
If everybody thought like that, your mom could have upped her market value by aborting your sorry ass and going for Chad
But she didn't for some reason.
Did you divorce her?
i want to know what happened next
How exactly is he any better than her? Fucking her friend behind her back was understandable but still morally wrong. The rest he has no excuse for. Only deluded MRA's could think this was justice.
Trump will cure you
lmao @ all the betas with fat gfs trying to justify their gf's weight
You can't deny that healthism isn't real, It's fucking crazy how many people are consuming large of coconut oil 'n other fad shit.
Best advice so far.
Blocking her now lmao
Next time you want to eat some tacos, these are the people who make them
Gotta agree with the Kiwi
That dude went out with her because she was the best he could get.
>fad diet
They get what they deserve.
them tabs tho
Women are CUNTS
literally nothing wrong with those tabs aside from Sup Forums.
The joke is the part below it.
Based Jared
Drunk is not consent, teach women not to rape.
I have been cucked twice, once by a mormon girl and once by a Puerto Rican slut ex-playboy model.
Ask me anything?
lol, i love that that picture has been around for years. I'm the one that asked her what her routine is.
Hi, I'm Chris.
Then dump some NEW content. Seriously, every time this thread pops up, its the same hundred pictures. There HAS to be new shit out there you guys can post...
It's been like that since the 70s. My mom's friends used to eat blended grass clippings for lunch since they were trying to become a model
>Writes a dindu nuffin type of comment