Jew in Sweden here, ask my anything
50% ashkenazi, 50% sephradi
Jew in Sweden here, ask my anything
50% ashkenazi, 50% sephradi
How's your media job going?
Already resented because of your leading role?
Very well, the goyim are falling for our tricks.
Nah actually only job I have is part time at McDonalds while I'm studying.
I'm resented by muslim immigrants. Only people who resent me for my so called leading role is /pol.
What you think about Zionism?
Do you like in a community?
Goyim slavery when?
Have you met an anti-white jew?
like = live*
Zionism is Jewish nationalism, and I support nationalism. How Israel solves their conflict with the Palestinians...I don't know, that's up to them to fix.
Live in a community? I live in a nice neighborhood outside of town, don't think there are any other Jews here. Town has been overrun by migrants lately so I'm glad I'm out here at least.
Goyim slavery isn't one of my priorities.
Every Jew I know admires whites, because they see them as civilized compared to Africa and the middle east. I've heard of these so called anti-white Jews but I'm not sure where they're located. I can imagine they stick to themselves in small groups.
Not bad, I mark you as almost a good Jew.
>I support nationalism
Hitler must be proud :)
Bernie Sanders claims that "white people don't know what its like to be poor or live in the ghettos", does that make him a holocaust denier?
Nationalism stretches way beyond Hitler. Country and tradition are very important things.
Quite a stretch. I'd say that just makes him an idiot, although you don't need this statement to know that already.
If I convert to Judaism, do I get to meet the reptilians?
you BECOME the reptilians.
Are the mudslims giving you trouble?
Yeah you're invited to our monthly meetings on Wall street, where we discuss where we are sending the migrants this time.
Is Muslim immigration into Europe a conspiracy to drive Jews to Israel?
Or genocide Whites? Or both?
what do you think about importing jew hating muslims into sweden.
Will my cock become bigger through the evolution?
Do I get to vote?
I want us to send them to the Malvinas, and after it is filled with kebabs, to return the island to Argentina.
There are around 1 million jews in europe, it would make a lot more sense to do this in NA (6-7 million, richer and more educated)
>Nationalism stretches way beyond Hitler. Country and tradition are very important things.
It caused nothing but harm. You can have traditions without being nationalist.
Actually the lack of tradition or a public enemy is what push leaders to push for nationalism to unify the people over an idea.
But again they are the ones who push the people away from their traditions.
I keep my identity a secret. I've heard Muslims who've lived here for a while talk shit about Jews, so I can only imagine what the newest arrivals are saying. I'm just happy I live outside of town away from all that shit, but I suspect it's coming here soon. Also luckily for me, many of them are too dumb to recognize my obviously Jewish surname. My mother works as a doctor and she once got a Palestinian patient who started talking shit when she heard her surname and knew she was Jewish.
I can imagine that Israel are probably happy that Jews are moving there in faster numbers, they have a demographic problem with the Palestinians. But as for a conspiracy...I think it's a leftist conspiracy for an eventually border free world.
Leftists destroying Europe...first they're coming for us but eventually they'll go for Christians too. By then it will sadly be too late.
Yeah we have a voting system for the next target, but in the end it's pretty much ignored in favor of what the chief rabbi thinks.
Is it true that, by stealing the chief rabbi hat, I gain all his magical powers and other jews have to do what I say?
>it would make a lot more sense to do this in NA (6-7 million, richer and more educated)
Huehuehue no it wouldn't and you know it. Two Nations.
You need two nations.
be in libertarian society
>leaving neighborhood
>get stopped at toll booth
>roll down window to hand road subscription card 2 teller
>"Sorry sir this is expired"
>ask "can i renew it now?"
>"nope must be renewed at the office"
>only way to access Roads Inc. is by using their roads
>"can you just let me go this time? I'll renew it right away before I go to work"
>teller "sorry my contract says i cant allow anyone on without a subscription"
>me "i signed a contract to be at work by 8am everyday"
>teller "cant do anything for you my contract has me working 4am-4pm sir
>go home
2 hours later
>hears knock on door
>door gets broken down
>"what the fuck thats breaking and entering my home"
>sees security officers from companies private police force
>Officer says "In your contract that you signed we are allowed to enter your home if you dont show up to work"
>"i have the right to defend myself"
>go for my gun
>"He's violating clause 456E Section 27 Article 18 Revision 7! He signed the contract 5 days ago!"
>get shot
at least I was free from government right?
History, culture and identity are tied to ones country. Also a core tenant of nationalism is the fact that priority should always lie in what is best for your country, not for others. Surely that should be the norm everywhere. Yet today we have many countries who don't give a damn about their own people.
If you manage to do it...yes you have absolute power. But good luck, he sits on the highest floor in Goldman Sachs.
When you see Swedish women dating Black/Arab men and Swedish men dating other Swedish men do you rub your hands together and smile?
Certainly not.
Isn't jewish flight a thing in sweden? Are you moving to israel soon?
uhm.. are there any of you left?
How many were you say 2k?
How many are you now?
Why did you destroy Sweden?
On a scale from "oy vey" to "ids anudda shoah", how fucked are you guys over there?
Also, how does it feel to know that those who would lick your asshole, because of what happened over 70 years ago, are now inviting over the very people who would like to shove various sharp thing into said orifice?
I know a couple of people considering it. Jews in Malmö started packing ages ago. As for me, I'm staying for the forseeable future.
Leftists are destroying this country, why would us Jews want people here who hate us?
Feelsstrangeman. Very strange. Not too long ago we were the lefts precious toy, but now Israel is too "oppressive!!!111!!" for them so now they're importing people who hate us. I'm never going to reveal my Jewish identity around here, that'd be suicide. But my future here is definitely uncertain, that's for sure.
what the fuck are you doing in fucking sweden?
why aren't you in fucking israel?
where is your homeland?
are you some kind of virus-gypsy?
hitler was right, you should be ovenized and gassed afterwards, just to be sure.
No one cares about you peasant jew, you're as much of a goyim as us for our real Jewish overlord.
Because my family has been in Europe longer than I can trace it back smartass. Ashkenazi Jews are from eastern Europe and Sephardi from Spain/northern Africa.
If you want to kick me out because Jews originally were expelled from Israel who knows when, be my guest.
hablas español/sefardita?
Unfortunately not, I had it in school for a while but I was terrible at it. My mothers side is from jaen.
i feel sorry for you jews, you had a safe place in qom before the revolution and now youre being targeted again in middle east, my and your enemy are invading eu right know and we will all soon die. its been a fun time living on this planet but i wont give up without a fight. i rather die than surrender to the satanic horde invading europe
First they'll go for Jews in Europe...that's already been seen. Won't be long before Christians and everyone else is targeted too. Its the main reason why I don't want to leave for Israel, I love this country and I love Europe and I'd feel terrible for abandoning where my ancestors have been for countless generations.
How do you feel about internationalist kikes who've brought the wrath of the muzzies down on your people? You know, guys like Sheldon Adelson who fuck with our politics and advocate bombing muzzieland at every opportunity? Do you resent them for making people hate you, or are you on board with their agenda and consider it a matter of loyalty to the tribe to support them?
Do you consider yourself a Swede or a Jew first and foremost, and if you had to choose, which side would you choose?
Parasites only camouflage in their host nation, no Jew ever identifies as a local. They are called the eternal international merchant for a reason.
Jews as a community have probably one of the greatest wealth disparities on the planet, yet they also probably have more pro-Jewish charities than any other ethnic group has charities. What's going on there? Where's the money going? It doesn't appear to be going to needy Jews, is it all just getting funneled to settlements in the West Bank somehow?
those satanists executed my entire family for being mithraists, i cant wait to arm myself and butcher those rats when eu plumbs into war, i can already hear those beautiful bullets being fired..i hope it will come really soon, i want to be a part of the cleaning job before i die
Shitty AMA. kys OP. You're just like those "moderate Muslims" who say that they don't support the spread of Islam through conquests and terrorist attacks but they still support the message and the ideology. If Europe were to turn in to a Caliphate with shariah law overnight then they wouldn't complain.
You are exactly the same as them, op. You're a collaborator and you don't deserve to live until you renounce Judaism
Well I'm of the belief that the west isn't the reason Muslims are going apeshit. I don't know much about this guy but I don't agree with him if he's the type who bombs and invades nonstop for no reason. The real internationalist Jews I dislike are the ones who push for this huge wave of migrants. They really are rich fucks who live safely and import people who hate what they are too, yet they support it anyway.
Tough question. I mean to the average outsider maybe I'd just say Swedish because I follow Swedish culture and traditions way more than Jewish ones. But I can't dump my Jewish part either.
I have no idea, I've never donated to any of these myself.
Clarify please. They want to change Europe and bring about sharia. What does my Jewish identity say about what I want?
I don't believe anything youve said since your people have a doctrine of deception but can you post your nose just for lulz
So we accept you personally are against mass muslim immigration, welcome to Sup Forums and rational thinking
Do jews in general - and specifically those with real political power such as the Rothschilds or any top jewish politician in say UK or France feel the same?
I and most on here have seen zero evidence that jews in powers give a flying fuck how many muslim scum end up in Europe. Quite the reverse, they seem to be more than happy with it.
If you know different please cite some sources.
If you even slightly imply that Jews are not inherently evil then you're a collaborated to the Jew World Order and if you're a collaborator to the Jew World Order then you support every single bad thing that has happened in the world for the last 100 years and you also support the Islamization of Europe. Renounce your religion, faggot. Judaism has been subverted so much that it's literally satanism now. It's time to jump ships.
When Anders Behring Brevik went on his shooting spree Jews in Israel (at least from the comments on articles about it in Israeli media) considered him a hero and praised him for it. What's your opinion on Anders and what do other Jews in Sweden think about him? Jewish politicians and influencal people, let's see. Well I know here in Sweden we have a high ranking SD politician who is Jewish. Kent Ekeroth.
I don't really know many influencal Jews. I know in the UK you had pro Ed Miliband, not sure what he does nowadays but he was left wing anyway. I think the majority of right wing Jews live in Israel, not too many in Europe.
Why they'd preach against their own safety and interests is anyone's guess. Many of them probably still equate right wing with Hitler in their minds.
This is another thing. How is it that despite being a minority with barely any presence in some countries, Jews end up in government everywhere? Do you concede at least that there is a Jewish conspiracy to dominate the world and undermine the interests of every other people in favor of your own? If so, how can you not concede the point that Jews deserve to be hated and resented by all people everywhere because of their actions?
Do you look nordic? Blue hair, blue eyes?
>Leftists destroying Europe...first they're coming for us but eventually they'll go for Christians too. By then it will sadly be too late.
you are one of the good ones :)
are you part of hte jewish conspiracy?
if so, wtf are you guys thinking? How is flooding all the European countries with Muslims that hate you guys going to help you out?
>How is it that despite being a minority with barely any presence in some countries, Jews end up in government everywhere?
What is nepotism?
OP is part of the tribe. He's incapable of renouncing evil if it means renouncing a fellow tribesman.
I support every bad thing that has happened in the last 100 years because I'm Jewish? The islamization of Europe is plummeting my safety and everyone's safety by quite a lot, why would I support that.
They did? Huh, that's interesting. I've never met a single person in real life, Jew or non Jew, who supports him. Supporting a guy like that is obviously very taboo so I've only seen it on the internet. I personally think he went too far in killing those kids, many of them were too young to even understand politics. They probably saw the summer camp as more of a social thing.
Jews usually end up in high positions making a lot of money because there is a huge culture of education in Judaism. But a conspiracy? No I don't believe that, there are all kinds of high ranking political Jews. For example, super left wing Jews and hardcore Israel supporters don't match.
Also, do you consider yourself white??
Hazelnut colour hair, brown eyes. I don't look that Nordic but at the same time not Jewish either. Amazingly my nose turned out average sized and I don't have curly hair.
If by the Jewish conspiracy you mean left wingers that are Jews like Soros, then no I don't support that. Don't know how they can support mass migration of people who hate them into Europe either.
Yeah, purely colour wise then obviously me and everyone in my family is white. We follow European traditions and have been in Europe for centuries, so yeah I always check white on forms to fill in.
>I personally think he went too far in killing those kids, many of them were too young to even understand politics. They probably saw the summer camp as more of a social thing.
From my understanding most of them were pro-Palestinian activists, young SJWs who denounced Israel. Israelis hate anyone like that and want them to die.
>Jews usually end up in high positions making a lot of money because there is a huge culture of education in Judaism. But a conspiracy? No I don't believe that, there are all kinds of high ranking political Jews. For example, super left wing Jews and hardcore Israel supporters don't match.
Okay, now you're bullshitting. Most Jews in this world are dirt-poor. Like I said in a previous post, the wealth disparity among Jews is one of the worst on the planet. If there's such a huge culture of education among Jews, why are so many of them on welfare and dependent on handouts, why all the charities, why is the wealth gap in Israel so massive? The "we geniuses" cliche doesn't pan out.
>I support every bad thing that has happened in the last 100 years because I'm Jewish? The islamization of Europe is plummeting my safety and everyone's safety by quite a lot, why would I support that.
If this stupid comment doesn't prove the point I've been trying to make about OP being Jewish tribalist then nothing will. You say that you don't support the Jew World Order but then you go and play with some foreskins with your tongue like it's gum
Are you a religious Jew?
How do I get a Jewish boyfriend??
Glue a shekel to your benis.
I needed that laugh, thanks friend
Jews are dirt poor? Alright I don't know what it's like for Jews in the US but every Jew I know here is either average or well off. In Israel I can guess that it's more evenely spread out like you mention though.
There definitely is a culture of education within judaism, doesn't mean we are all smart as hell though. Simply means that a typical Jewish family places a lot of focus on education and learning. My parents were like that too when I was growing up.
Nah I'm not religious.
Not sure where to start with I'll take the "not denouncing evil when it's from a tribal member". I hate the open border Jews who spread the idea of a border free world as much as I hate anyone who spreads that idea. Also the Jew who wanted to genocide krauts after ww2, hate him too.
How would you feel after getting cucked by your Jewish qt with a nigger and it was(at least partially) due to race-mixing propaganda set up by the Jew media?
I wouldn't blame the media or Jews for it, I'd blame her. Media has always been used to promote all kinds of shit, I don't see what goes through there as unanimous opinion in all media. Media is just an outlet that people use to their advantage.
Tens of millions died so you could get that patch of land. Fuck off to it.
If a majority of all Jews are doing things that are leading towards the establishment of the Jew World Order, whether they're doing it on purpose or not doesn't really matter in the end. Don't you agree?
I agree, but wouldn't you have feel any sort of animosity towards them, knowing that they did everything they could so degeneracy like that would happen even to people like you?
Also, women are whores nowadays and you simply cannot take them seriously anyway
What do you think about what the Jews of East Ramapo NY did to the gentiles? Those kikes went so far as to steal public assets and even prevented gentile kids from graduating high school, and even now they're still stealing as link about Jewish thievery related shows. How can you not call this a Jewish conspiracy?
Shit, I see now that you pretend like you don't even know what the Jewish end goal is. There's no point in having a discussion with someone like you
>The Islamization is the biggest threat to Yurop
fucking kek
how do you feel about non-ethnically Jewish people who convert to Judaism? can they become legitimately part of the tribe or will they always be viewed as outsiders?
Is it true that behind every Jew there is a Swede(*)? Do you have a crafty Swede behind you?
(*) quote from the opening of Radio Free Skyrim -
You referring to world war 2? If you think WW2 was for Israel then I'm inclined to disagree. Zionism started in the late 1800s.
Meh, in that case I'd be pissed at the people using the media to promote those things.
Sure, this is a Jewish conspiracy, in New York. Of course Jews can conspire with each other, a Jewish mafia has existed in New York for a long time now just like an Italian mafia exists. It's just not the same as a global conspiracy though.
Huh, the Jewish end goal...nope doesn't ring any bells.
They're welcome as far as I'm concerned, but Judaism isn't a convert friendly religion like Christianity. Many Jews, especially orthodox ones, will say you have to have a Jewish mother to be a Jew.
>Sure, this is a Jewish conspiracy, in New York. Of course Jews can conspire with each other, a Jewish mafia has existed in New York for a long time now just like an Italian mafia exists. It's just not the same as a global conspiracy though.
Then why does the International Council of Jewish Parliamentarians exist?
Face it, Jews network their conspiracies internationally. They're actively undermining the majority in every society in which they live, and they demand a disproportionate say in government in every society. Why are you pretending otherwise?
You should denounce the religion of Judaism, keep your Jewish heritage though and be a role model for young Jews everywhere. Be a Jew European white nationalist, be the icebreaker
So this is some parliament which discusses topics interesting for Jews, and they keep in touch with the knesset. Nothing more than a political tool then. A worldwide Jewish conspiracy would mean they'd have to agree on a few things, but the crazily pro Israel ones will never agree with the left wing open borders types.
Alright its almost 3am here and I have to get up early. Goodnight goys, let this thread die in peace.
Jesus christ you really don't know shit about anything. please gtfo of my board. we shouldn't have to explain basic Jewry to you. Go away go away REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
And the Council of President of Major American Jewish Organizations is just an innocent social club. Sure, kike.
Why do Jews need their own institute for national security affairs? Why doesn't every ethnicity get one of these? Why do they get to sponsor familiarity trips to Israel when for every other country that's illegal?
Your lies are getting pretty threadbare, kike. The Jewish conspiracy is real, it's international and it's undermined our military, our police, our media, our entire society. Face it, you really deserve another Shoah. Admit it.