How many of you ACTUALLY voted for Trump?

How many of you ACTUALLY voted for Trump?

Not me, I'm a Hillary man.

I voted for Bernie. Whaddya gunna do about it faget?

A fellow #Clintoris ?!
Welcome :)

>a Hillary "man"

Shills detected

>implying anyone on this board is old enough

I voted for Jeb Bush, the only man who could have saved us.

Not me I'm a #Cruzmissle


ackbar pls

> Whaddya gunna do about it

pity you

Dear Sup Forums,

We need to have a serious talk. The joke that is Donald J. Trump is no longer funny. In the recent months we have seen the unprecedented rise of one of the most controversial presidential candidates in American history. At first it all seemed like a fun joke that would eventually fizzle out, regrettably, it has become abundantly clear that Trump is here to stay. America is on the precipice of electing one of the most dangerous political figures in the country’s history.

Why is Donald J. Trump so dangerous? Apart from his snazzy one-liners insulting veterans and women alike, he is trying to declare war on the American way of life. If Trump gets his way he will ban an entire religion from entering the United States and deport more than 11 million undocumented workers, some of which have families here. This goes against everything America stands for. This country was founded on the principles of freedom of religion, equal opportunity for all, and freedom of speech, all of which would vanish before our eyes under a Trump presidency.

Why is Donald J. Trump so popular? Trump panders to the lowest common denominator. He is a fear monger who promotes xenophobia, racism, and sexism. While he is not the first political candidate to prey of the fears of potential voters, he is assuredly the most successful. It is understandable that people would want to rally behind someone who claims he will protect them, but Trump’s strength is nothing but a façade. This man has spent his entire career preying on the poor and fighting against the “little guy” with frivolous lawsuits and mob style intimidation. Make no mistake about it, Trump is not the champion of the common folk, he is their worst enemy.

There has never been a more eminent threat to the American way of life than Donald J. Trump. Only you, the people, can stop him.

Concerned American Citizen

I only ironically support Trump for memes and cause it makes others butthurt. I don't actually support him or think he is any good though. Let alone worth voting for.

I voted for trump to counteract your vote for hernie. Thats 2-1 faggot.


Have my CA ballot that I need to fill out

America could have voted for Jeb!. America could have chosen to live.

copypasta bullshit

I will June 7


I voted for comrad sanders because I'm a Democrat, but I'm voting Trump over Clinton in Nov. I don't even like Sanders, I actually dislike him more than I dislike Clinton.

so who did you vote for?

vote for ron unz for senator too

fite me irl trump master race

I'm registered demoshit so I voted for Bernie

Enough apparently
You got the syphilis boy?

>tfw every single county of my state went Trump

literally running unopposed

voted in march

pic relate

I did, and I will again. Feels good man.

>based old guy was there telling people he knew trump personally

>some other dude accidentally registered democrat and ended up not voting at all.

Voted for Bernie all the way, but I'm really dreading having to vote for Clinton.

I love how the Donald is pushing back against the PC liberal safe space insanity but I really think he could drive us off the rails. This and the Supreme Court is more important than this personality contest and will have an effect far past a mere 4 or 8 years.

I helped save Missouri

I did, can't wait to do it again.

this is everyone on Sup Forums who didn't show up in the last 12 months

i cant vote but in my work place all the american expats i know votes for hillary.

whatchu gonna do about it bitch nigger?


>tfw all our politicians are absolute cucks and idiots
wish we had someone as based as Trump

I did

By the time I got on board with this election the NY deadline had passed so I couldn't vote in the primary. I will be voting in the general though.

Voted Bernie. I love Trump memes though.

i stand with rand

This tbqh

Based Čača

Nah it's ok, no more welfare for dumb lazy fucks - all business ethics from now on - either work and survive or fuck off.

Wow, 4 flags!? I am impressed

No one on this board is voting Clinton. Anyone who says otherwise is just trying to piss off Trump supporters.

I haven't voted yet, and still not decided. I'll figure it out in November, but it's unlikely I'll vote for democrat or republican. Might just stay home and fap.

Voting is for suckers. No election has ever been decided by one vote.

Hillary will stick gun grabbing fuckheads who are even more statist than trumps picks on scotus, I don't see how anyone thinks Hillary is a lesser evil. She's literally EVIL.

I only voted Bernie because I'm registered demoshit so I can actually vote in the local elections.

California hasn't voted yet.

Why do you hate America

I voted for Cruz.

And I will abstain in the general.

Unless Trump swings right.

We true conservatives refuse to vote for Trump as it stands now.

It's decided my millions of votes. Change is decided by the people.

Just voted for Trump via absentee ballot in CA.

>Unless Trump swings right.

Illinoisfag who voted Trump, reporting in.

>Jim Gilmore is on the CA ballot

I lost

His social policies are leftist.

Sorry, dipshit... but he does not deserve my vote.


oh you mean republicans

Ok. Enjoy president Clinton then. Border wide open. Your gun rights being taken away, more sjw nonsense. I don't understand why Clinton,Rubio,Bush supporters would rather have Clinton win. Clinton will be sure millions of illegals flood in, and completely destroy the Republican party.

I forgot to vote for him in the primaries, but I'm not gonna disappoint him in November
t. Resident of Ratoland

>first-time anal
I don't think it's any more true for that vid than it is for normal porn.

>he's a social "conservative"

Hey there grandpa

I got my picture in the news wearing my MAGA hat at the Nevada caucus

Same here


Move to Venezuela, commie sodomites.

Donald loses to Hillary in most reliable polls.

He stands no chance regardless of my vote.


Oh, you mean the party of CONSERVATIVES...

Donald is simply too far left for acceptance.

Califag here, didn't really get a chance to.

Whatever. Hopefully you come to your senses after the running mates are announced, and the first debates start.

>the government should legislate my Christfag morality
>statist cunts calling others commies

Top kek.

Trump is just a flip flopping Hillary plant.
I will now #shillmore4gilmore

>be Coloradoan
>try to vote for Trump

Guess it's time to wait four years.

literally 3 different people

i did my best in Idaho, but there were too many cruzmissles

Who's Jim Gilmore?

This nation was built on Christian fundamentals.

Don't like it?


this is our country.

>this nation was built on muh Christianity

This isn't a theocracy you fag. Nice meme boomer cunt.

>taking pictures of your ballot for internet points
Fuck off back to reggit


Not me, and I won't vote for him in the general election either. Suck it Trumpfags.

Oh shit Sup Forums! We all gotta go back!

"One nation under GOD..."

Ring any bells, kiddo?

He doesn't think his Trump vote matters. It actually does. Especially if he lives in a purple state. Even is he lives in PA,Wisconsin,Michigan. Trumps going to flip states. He needs every vote.


I did. Couldn't take a picture of it, though.

I voted for Bernie because I'm a registered Democrat, but come the general no matter what, I'm voting Trump.

>in both english and spanish

>God means my specific sandnigger God
>lets ignore deism

Pic related it's you people

I did
>lose my ID week before voting
>all I have is old drivers permit with "void" stamped on it
>from milwaukee, wi
>live in black neighborhood on northside
>all old black women working at local elementary school
>recent voter ID laws passed by Scott Walker
>show her my ID, she sees it's void
>winks at me, and let's me vote anyway because she "knows I'm voting for the right candidate" (i.e. Hillary)
>go in and vote for Trump
>next day she sees me walking into gas station with white/blue maga hat the next day and does a double-take
funniest shit ever

"Under God" was added during the cold war lmao

please be trolling

Voted for Trump in Tennessee and went to his rally in Millington (near Memphis).

America was founded on three documents: The Declaration of Independence; The Paris Peace Treaty of 1783, and the Constitution. These documents give conclusive proof that America is a Christian nation. One does not need a law degree or a degree in history to grasp this truth. It is obvious to anyone who does not have an agenda.

The Declaration has many references to God throughout the document. The most famous one is that men are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights.

“We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness”
Here are more references to God found in the document:
Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God”
Appealing to the Supreme Judge of the World”
With a firm Reliance on the Protection of Divine Providence”

>thinking trump or his running mate will be able to compete with the dems on the debate stage

Hey bro, is Provo ghetto? I see a lot of tech jobs there and some areas look like those shitty ghetto gentrifying hipster/nigger areas on Google Street View

hard to tell though

>it means Christianity because I say so
>I don't need proof it's obvious

i can't vote for trump

I voted for him in the NY primary.

i will on the 7th i just need to give in the form

When the United States became a nation, it was done in the “name of the most holy and undivided Trinity.” The preamble to this Treat states it is based upon the “Holy and undivided Trinity.” The concept of the holy Trinity is unique to Christianity. This statement means the United States was founded on the Christian faith. The complete Preamble follows:

“In the name of the most holy and undivided Trinity”

The Treaty then ends just like the Constitution with a statement it is being signed in the “Year of our Lord.” The witnesses representing the United States were John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, John Jay and D. Hartley. The section in part follows:
“In witness whereof we the undersigned, their ministers plenipotentiary, have in their name and in virtue of our full powers, signed with our hands the present definitive treaty and caused the seals of our arms to be affixed thereto.Done at Paris, this third day of September in the year of our Lord, one thousand seven hundred and eighty-three”

Define Holy Trinity...

Go on you atheist demon....


Well mostly no.

Like 85% no.

Maybe two streets are iffy though...